Wednesday, 23 December 2015

A 'Face book' thank you

Just a brief post:   I received an email from Anna at HHRCS to say she had posted the information about the winner of Maria's quilt that we donated on their facebook page.      A lovely gentleman Randell won the quilt and said that his wife is absolutely thrilled.    You can see the post with pictures on  - I have printed a copy for Marie.   Anna wished all the quilters a happy holiday season.   Cheers Iris

Thursday, 17 December 2015

CHRISTMAS PARTY - Thursday 10th December. Final meeting for 2015

It was a great turn out for our 2015 Christmas gathering this year. By the time everyone had arrived, the table was groaning with delicious home-made goodies. The Champagne corks popped, and we were off! Thanks to all those who helped in the preparation, planning and carrying out of the event. My apologies once again for being out of action when all the work needed to be done. Fancy getting so sick after such a great holiday! So much for plane travel and the bugs that fly with us!

Iris, Grace, Narelle and Ros, June, and all the others I don't know about who assisted with all the little tasks. 

Iris's Christmas Challenge turned out to be a huge hit. It just grew.....

and grew.......

And grew, till it was obviously going to be a big double bed quilt!

And the winner of the draw was a very surprised Narelle! Congratulations. We wait to hear what she plans to do with the squares. Well done everyone who made one or multiple squares to participate in the challenge, and thanks Iris. It was a big success!

June's fun quiz is always popular, with plenty of running about, mild cheating and hysterical laughter. The basket of goodies made great prizes for the winners. Thanks June. You will most probably be called upon again next Christmas!

A couple of shots here of the food spread along the tables, but unfortunately I didn't get a shot of when they were full! If anyone else did, feel free to post it on the blog. It was amazing! The best and most delicious feast we've had in my memory of these events!


So another year came to an end, and we celebrated in style. Thanks everyone for being such a wonderfully supportive group. We have so much fun and learn so much along the way while doing what we love.
Let's do it all again next year, the year for yet another of our fabulous shows. Plenty to do when we get back, so have a great break. I leave you with the shots of our raffle quilts which we hung at the party - all ready to go for the show. At least we have that part taken care of!
Happy Christmas all. Enjoy your holidays with friends and families. Stay safe and well.
See you on January 14th.



Sunday, 6 December 2015

Last sewing day for 2015

Elva is still fighting the flue bug so it is Iris in blog-land again.   Elva,  we all hope you can 'kick' that bug before next week.

Stepping Stone House:    The main focus on Thursday was Christmas present wrapping.   Grace and her team of shoppers, with knowledgeable assistance from Judy's son had a very successful day, matching presents to the briefs received on each of the four young people currently at Stepping Stone House.

The end result  ....

These parcels, together with 7 quilts and a Christmas hamper will be delivered by Grace to Stepping Stone House before Christmas.      We have been supporting Stepping Stone House in this way since 2000.

2016 Show Challenge:   Make sure you have the information on the 2016 Show Challenge:  Soft copies were emailed and hard copies are available from Grace.   These cot quilts need to be finished by 6/5/2016 for an in-house exhibition.

Show and Tell ;   I finally finished the quilt top that I was working on at the retreat - now ready for quilting.

 and the back  ....  

Last piece of news - Doreen is now at home, still weak but making slow progress.

Christmas 'end-of-year' party next week, 12 noon:  don't forget, a plate to share, a glass for bubbly, your 'raffle' blocks and if you wish, a contribution to the Stepping Stone House hamper.   See you then.  Cheers Iris

Saturday, 28 November 2015

Lots of Donations ...

After a fun and relaxing holiday,  Elva then 'caught a bug',  so as it took three of us to 'fill in' for her at news time on Thursday,  we hope Elva gets better soon !  

Helena gave the general weekly news;  a lovely letter from Adrienne, obviously settling very comfortably into her new home,   new Templates now in the library and shopping for Stepping Stone House will be completed by Grace and team on Tuesday.  So Grace will be looking for volunteer 'wrappers' next week,


Anna from Hunters Hill and Ryde Community Services (HHRCS) visited to collect two quilt donations.    We have been supporting this group for a few years now and it was very interesting to hear from Anna, just how many various support groups operate out of the HHRCS.  

One of the quilts will be given to one of the many volunteers who generously give of their time, and the other will be raffled to raise funds for the Brain Injury Support Program.

'All Stars' by Marie G.

'Diamonds are forever' by Pamela R.

We also selected seven quilts to be delivered to Stepping Stone House with their Christmas parcels and hamper.

Impressive 'pile'  -   check out the Community Page to see pictures of all seven quilts.

I can report that our community 'stash' cupboard is almost empty:  only six quilts left.

Christmas Party time:  10th December

12 noon, with plate of finger food, a glass for some bubbles, raffle blocks and if you wish a donation for the Christmas hamper for Stepping Stone House.

Kitchen Duty

Remember, as a condition of membership,  every member has a responsibility to be 'Morning Tea Hostess'  two mornings each year. Helpful instructions on 'what to do' are available - chat with any committee member if you are unsure of what is expected and would like a copy.

Vienna Cottage:

We missed out on a Christmas shopping day with Colleen: an oversight !  However, next weekend Colleen and many others will be at the  Vienna Cottage Christmas Boutique.   

2016 Quilt Show:

An update from the Quilt Show committee meeting confirmed that all is progressing according to schedule.   A suggestion to everyone from Suzie, who is coordinating the 'Stage Quilts for sale', that if you would like to sell a quilt at the show,  the most needed will be larger quilts.

Show and Tell:

Two cute cot quilts for the Grace Centre:   both by Susan D.  

and Val has finished another cot quilt  ...

Robyn S. has been working on six of these beautiful blocks for Adrienne's William Morris quilt:  Only one shown here,  but six were completed.    The finest machine applique - just like Adrienne's.

And, not shown at Show and Tell,  but I spied this quilt, which needed to be shared.   Recently finished by Marie G. - quote, 'Just using up my florals'. 

A long post,  but lots of good things.     Have a good sewing week ..  Cheers Iris

Saturday, 21 November 2015

'Naming Day' Thursday ...

Iris on blog-duty this week as Elva enjoys some holiday time.

An important decision had to be made this week - the 2016 Traditional Raffle quilt was totally finished, on display and ready to be named.  Several names were suggested but the most votes went to  ........

  Circles of the Past.

Sharyn from the Lord Mayor's Picnic organisation came to collect Zoophoria:  it was interesting to hear from Sharyn the incredible amount of effort and coordination that takes places to stage the event on New Year's Eve.  


A memory trip back to 12 months ago when Sharyn came to collect Fantasia  for last years picnic: 

Fantasia:  circa 2014

and how it was displayed behind perspex at the picnic  ....

Carl R. also popped in to visit on Thursday,  bringing with him two shopping bags of quilting books. They are being shared around.  

There is still time to donate to Stepping Stone House:  Grace and her shopping team will not be shopping for another couple of weeks.

Progress is being made on Adrienne's quilts - Robyn Jo brought in the completed corners of the wedding quilt.

Lindy was the only person to produce some Show and Tell on Thursday:  a wagga in progress. Lining up those diamonds in woollen fabric is no mean feat !

Keep stitching  ...  see you next week,  Cheers Iris

Saturday, 14 November 2015

NOVEMBER 12th 2015

A good size group at HHQ today. Perhaps the weather is encouraging. 

We were glad to hear that Doreen is in rehab and progressing well. Visitors are now possible, so contact Natalie to arrange the best time. 

Iris has finished the quilting of the Zoo quilt, and the result is a delight. Well done everyone, and particularly Iris for all your preparation, guidance and hard work pulling it all together. The matching bag is a wonderful final touch!



Hayley has, as promised, donated her 'Dolly and Me' pattern to the group. In addition, she has donated enough fabric for the entire background. After discussion with Jackie and Iris, it was decided that both these items should live with the Community resources rather than the library, and in that way we can keep the fabric with the patterns. Remember also that each panel can be done individually, so the possibilities are endless! Thanks Hayley.

Grace outlined the donations we will prepare for Stepping Stone House this year. The collections for this were begun on Thursday and will continue each week. Thanks to Grace for coordinating this once again.

Suzie has requested large, medium and some small paper bags, free of labels and logos, to be used for the stage sales at the show next August. If we could all have a search and bring any we have over the next months, she would be grateful.


Heather showed us a panel which came from 'Spoonflower' in the USA. These can be ordered on line apparently. Heather plans making these calendars up as gifts for friends. Interesting......



Norma showed us her baby quilt for donation to the Grace Centre collection. Very sweet, thank you Norma.


Maree K showed a gorgeous hexi quilt, which she says is for her! Good one! Lovely fabrics and beautifully quilted by Susan SJ.


So I leave you with these lovely items to enjoy. I'll see you all in two weeks when I return from a short holiday.
Cheers, Elva

Saturday, 7 November 2015

November Community Day

Iris on blog duty as Elva takes a 'not feeling 100%'  health break.   On Thursday,  Grace gave us the news of the day.

News updates:

  • Grace has made contact with Stepping Stone House regarding Christmas plans:  contributions can be made to Grace from next week.
  • I have hard copies of the Christmas Party Raffle instructions if you need them.
  • Grace has an excess of furniture to give away:  Dressing table top,  small table and a blanket box.  Have a chat with her if you are interested.
  • Doreen is still not well,  but making small positive progress.  No visitors yet, because of infections.   Thank you Sally for keeping us informed.

The new cutting machine:  

Our experienced 'strippers',  Jenny and Helen, got many people enthused and there was lots of interest as many strips were cut.  Ros and Narelle have already started working on a quilt using the strips:

Pincushions by the dozens:   

Creative work in progress by Suzie and Susan in preparation for 2016 Quilt Show.

Community work:   Adrienne's quilts

Volunteers were found to start work on completing Adrienne's three beautiful quilts:   a daunting job, Adrienne's exquisite work is a hard act to follow, so thank you.    

Show and Tell;

Jackie was shy to show off her completed Japanese-lantern  style quilt:  the whole quilt and the detail:

Helen showed her completed quilt, celebrating travels in  London and Paris.  

Happy sewing until next week,, when hopefully we will see Elva back to good health.     Iris  ...

Sunday, 1 November 2015

Correction to 31/10/15 post

Sorry girls,
I said the Christmas Party was to be on the 17th, but in fact the date we chose was the 10th December. Sorry about that. Maybe mark it in your diaries now to be sure!
Cheers, Elva

Saturday, 31 October 2015

END OF OCTOBER! 20/10/15

Well, where on earth did October go? I'm sure time didn't go this fast when we were all 5 years old and waiting for our next birthday or Christmas to come! Crazy.....

However, this means next week is Community day for November, and we are putting our new Accuquilt Cutter into action. A few experienced users will be on hand to demonstrate and guide you through using it. Once you've seen how it's done, you won't need much help because it's so easy and self explanatory. Please have a go, even if it's just cutting some strips from our stash, which can then be used for community projects. Or by all means bring your own fabric to try it out. 

Iris and Grace may also bring out one or two of Adrienne's unfinished beauties for a group to get started on. That sounds exciting indeed. There'll be plenty to do!

Another more long-term project could be a group working on the various blocks of Hayley's pattern "Dolly and Me". I believe Hayley is planning to donate the pattern to our library, which is very generous. Have a look below and see if you agree with me that we could make this one up as a raffle quilt, either for the 2018 show or another community raffle before then. I think we would sell plenty of tickets! How did she do the whole thing herself? Amazing Hayley!





Don't forget the Campbelltown Quilters exhibition is coming on 14th & 15th of November. You can google it for all details.

Thanks to Iris for organising Jeanne from Head Space to come and speak to us about their programs. Jeanne really was the most dynamic speaker I've heard in a long time. As Iris pointed out, she hasn't heard the room so silent during a speaker's visit 'ever!' What a pity we don't have such dynamism from the women in our political system! I guess women like Jeanne are better served being out in the community making things happen on the ground. The talk certainly gave a better insight into the organisation and the programs in place to support young people with mental illnesses. We can now see how to target our donations from the next show to best effect.

Thanks to Kerry for representing HHQ at a Hunters Hill Community Groups forum last Wednesday evening. Kerry was impressed with how many community groups there are in Hunters Hill, and how they try and support and liaise with each other. We have been asked to include our 'events' for each year in the community calendar. The idea is that in this way groups will try not arrange their events in conflict with other groups. There were many other initiatives and issues, but Kerry felt this one is most useful for us.
Thanks again Kerry for fitting this into your busy schedule.

We decided that December 17 will be the date for our end of year Christmas Party. The plan is to eat, drink, play a few small games and generally wind down ready for the festive break. 
The challenge which was originally suggested by Narelle I think, has been discussed and worked on by quite a few people by now. The final decision is that everyone who wants to can complete a block, (or more than one if you wish), and receive a raffle ticket for each block. A ticket will be then pulled out at the party, and the winner gets the blocks to make into a quilt (or anything you wish). Depending how many blocks come in, we might get be able to pull out two tickets for two lots of blocks. We'll see what happens. Iris has chosen a (very easy) block (thanks for volunteering Iris) and will distribute it as soon as she has it ready. There will be a set size and colour range so that they will blend together. Sound like fun!

Joy is busy circulating next year's kitchen roster (already!), so choose dates that suit you best now. Well done Joy!


The first quilt is a Wagga done by Doreen and Gil, and quilted by Grace. It's really lovely, and the quilting on the back makes it so beautifully reversible. Lovely job ladies all!




Hayley showed her Dolly and Me quilt - finally finished! (See above). It's an amazing piece of work Hayley. Hours of 'fun', and a wonderful present to a dear friend for her baby. Wow!

And last of all Grace showed a gorgeous memory quilt for a friend's niece, showing memories in fabric of the child's first nine years. You can see bits and pieces of pre-loved clothes etc which Grace has used. A wonderful gift Grace, and beautifully worked. 




There's no end to the creativity in this group. It's such a pleasure being able to work among so many experienced and talented people, while still being able to relax, joke around and have heaps of companionship and fun. Where else would you be on Thursdays?

Cheers, Elva

Sunday, 25 October 2015

October 22nd 2015

We were another small group this week, with many members travelling, on granny watch, not so well etc etc.
Let's hope numbers grow towards Christmas so we have a BIG Christmas party!

Not much news this week, except that next community day, in two weeks time, we will have a few experienced Accuquilt Go Cutter users demonstrating how to do it. Bring along any projects which require strips cut, including bindings for instance. That way it can be a very productive as well as a learning session. Preparation for some new community quilts would be a great start!

So on to Show and Tell!

This is the finished quick 'tube cutting' method quilt I have made for my niece'so 30th birthday. It has now been bound and quilted, and ready to hand over when she visits me at Christmas. All Kaffe fabrics. Phew!


This quilt top was done by Robyn J after a trip to Lighting Ridge. Pieced in her caravan, she has called it "Lightning Strike". Very interesting block design, and gorgeous batik fabrics. 



Below you see the finished Contempoary Raffle Quilt looking stunning! The back looks great also.
Should sell plenty of tickets! Well done ladies all.



Below is an interesting quilt done by Suzie L after a recent trip to New York. I think the fabric was purchased there, and it depicts the skyscrapers beautifully. The yellow inset fabric is of the famous yellow taxis. Very cute idea. Suzie has called it "New York Night and Day".



Below you can see a lovely quilt done by Judy G, as part of a class at Material Obsession with Megan.
There is plenty of 'fussy cutting' for the block designs, and Judy declares herself very proud and pleased with her hand quilting. Well done. I agree - it is very satisfying isn't it? 


And a close-up of the fussy-cutting and the hand-quilting!


I hope I have the next one correct. Apologies if not! From memory it is from the Tokyo Rose pattern by Carolyn D, pieced by Gil and quilted by Grace. Very attractive it is too. Nice fabric choice! Combined effort!


And the back. A stunning piece of Kathy fabric if I'm not mistaken!


The next one is by Gil again, started at the retreat I believe. It certainly has grown! Looking great, and very cute fabric!



And last but not least, our other stunning Raffle Quilt - The Traditional one this time. It has now been completely hand quilted by various members - many thanks to you all! The quilting looks fabulous, and the whole quilt is a triumph! Well done to Robyn Ja for coming up with the design and and driving the whole project. Great to have both raffle quilts completed and ready.
(And hey - anyone who can't see those circles and other patterns coming through now just can't be looking right!)


Well done everyone for yet another collection of great work. How do we do it each week? I guess we're just over-achievers, obsessed, workaholics, pleasure seekers............. You name it!

Cheers, enjoy you're weekend.