Friday, 29 September 2017

School Holidays

First week of school holidays usually means more grandma duties and Elva was no exception,  so Judy was on news duty and Iris on blog. 

Just a couple of 'event' reminders:
  • Show Committee meeting next Thursday at 9.30 am.   The agenda has already been sent out by Kerrie
  • The Barn Quilters are having their quilt show on the weekend of 14th and 15th October at the Mosman Art Gallery, 1 Art Gallery Way, Mosman.
And some 'event' news from Quilts NSW:
  • Grace is the featured quilter at their next Friday Show case on October 6th.  To see Grace's quilting journey, go along to the Quilts NSW office at Level 5, 276 Pitt St, 9.30 for 10am. 
  • As part of Open Sydney,  the guild office will be open on Wednesday 11th October, 5 - 8pm
  • November Show case on 3rd, will feature a Members Show and Tell.
Show and Tell:  Finished tops from Lin and Gil

Lin used the fractured nine-patch for this top:

A collaborative work from Elva, Heather and Gil:   
Elva provided the jelly roll, Heather made the blocks and Gil put it all together

Enjoy the long weekend and take time for some stitching  ...    Iris

Tuesday, 26 September 2017


Sorry there are no pictures with this blog, but since the ipad upgrade this blog program crashes when I post pictures! Suffice to say we had a lovley celebration, and thanks Kerry for changing to mini-cup cakes instead of a large cake needing knives, plates, cutting and serving etc etc. Much easier!
See you all next week with a new blog program I hope!
Cheers, Elva

Sunday, 17 September 2017

2017 RETREAT 15th-17th September

A wonderful time was had by all! Robyn S was stuck in Lord Howe by bad weather, and Gil had dramas at home, but she still managed to make it to the mountains. Well done Gil! We were all delighted to see you after all that. Robyn is now home safe and sound, but sadly missed the retreat.
Many thanks to Judy G who stood in as coodinator late in the day, yet still managed to put on a fabulous weekend for us all. Much appreciated Judy!
Much quilting, laughing, fun and games added to plenty of eating, drinking with just a small session of exercise tucked in there as well. Thank you to all the participants for making it a great experience once again. Below are a few shots taken during the three days of work going on around the room. Enjoy.....


Quite a few girls missing today because they had already travelled up to Blackheath for our weekend retreat. The rest of us who are going on Friday are getting excited and prepared.

Next Thursday will be our birthday party day, so come prepared with your glass to toast the event.
It will also be an informal swap day for anyone who wishes to participate,

Thank you to Grace for making a new cover for our new drafting table, and a new cover for our ironing board. We feel renewed!


Just a few items were shown today. First is charming large quilt which Alison said she made in an effort to use up scraps. It has worked out very nicely, even though it did include a little bit of new fabric (as these ventures always do). Alison declares however that her stash doesn't seem to have diminished after all that. I seem to have heard that before as well! Anyway Alison, its a lovely result. Well done.

Next was a cute baby quilt from Sandra to add to our collection for the Grace Centre. Thank you so much Sandra. Its lovely!

And last came a delightful cot quilt by Susan H made for the first grandchild of a friend. It's very sweet Susan, and what a lucky friend. So many of us make quilts for extended family and friends, and it's one of the great joys of the craft I think. So much nicer than giving mass-produced products as gifts. Nothing like the hand-made touch is there?

So, we're off to the mountains for three days of uninterrupted quilting joy!
Have great weekend everyone!
Cheers, Elva

Sunday, 10 September 2017


What a full day of activity at Fairland Hall!
Everyone was fully engaged with work on various community projects.
We also erected our new drafting table which has been kindly donated by a local admirer of our group.
It wasn't long before we could see how useful this new addition will become, and it got it's first taste of business as ladies employed it for cutting, drafting and sorting. Many thanks to our donor friend.

Our 2018 Show Convenor Meg will be holding the first planning meeting on October 8th with the committee. Here we go again! What an exciting time to come. We all know what a huge amount of work goes into putting on these shows, but we wouldnt have it any other way! Members have already been working away on projects which will be displayed and/or sold at the show, so much work has been done already.

The hilight of the day was a visit from two representatives of the charity, Days For Girls. Fay and Michelle told us all about the organisation, which began in USA in 2007, and has now reached over 650,000 women and girls in more than 100 nations on 6 continents. So moving was their talk about the need for basic sustanable personal hygiene for women and girls, that before long we were scurrying to the cupboards to fill bags with fabric to donate. In addition, we have booked a workshop with this non-profit organisation to help produce the feminine hygiene products they manufacture. It was a revelation to us all just what an essential and outstanding job these people are doing! Thank you Fay and Michelle. You can count on our support individually and as a group.


Below is a shot of our finished Comtemporary Raffle Quilt. We showed the Traditional one last blog, and here is the other! Together they will help raise much needed funds for our 2018 Charities.
Spectacular! Well done everyone!

Next in the Show and Tell were three baby quilts for the Grace Centre done by Carolyn D. Thank you Carolyn for all the work you do and your on-going dedication to the group! These are gorgeous!

Maree K showed a very colourful and delightful quilt top which will become another community one for donation to one of our many recipients. There's a close-up of the centre piece which is a stand-out!
Thanks Maree for all that you contribute.

What a day! Those of us who are heading to the mountains next Friday for our retreat, cant wait! Hoping for good weather and a nice quiet few days of quilting, chatting, oh yes - and eating and a little drinking!

Enjoy this balmy weather everyone, but bring out the rain sticks - we need some deperately!
Cheers, Elva

Sunday, 3 September 2017


Yes, we started getting ourselves ready for the new month tomorrow with delightful warm weather, and plenty of lovely new quilts being produced.
Next week we will have our September Community Day, and a visitor to chat about a possible new community project to become involved in.

Also next week Judy G will give us some information about the retreat weekend, starting on September 15th. There will be 20 participants which is a perfect number. We can't wait!

Don't forget our Birthday Party will be on September 21st, so bring along a glass for a champagne celebration!

You may remember the lovely quilt that Maree G showed last week. You can see it in the last blog. She has donated it to the Hunters Hill Ladies Probus group who are using it for a raffle to raise funds. Congratulations Maree! I know a few women from that group who are determined to buy plenty of tickets because they WANT THAT QUILT!


The first quilt is a very striking baby one for the Grace Centre done by Beryl B. Lovely choice of fabrics and clever design. Thanks Beryl!

Next is a community quilt from the Orange Group, using fabric donated by Meg. Apparently too much was ordered when the curtains were being made, and this much was left over. Just as well really, because it makes a stunning quilt! Well done Orange Group!

Next up comes the final finished quilted Traditional Raffle Quilt for next year's show. It looks absolutely stunning! Well done to Robyn J and her team for all the effort that went into it! I predict a very successful raffle for this one!

And finally a few secret glimpses of a rather spectacular quilt being put together for a special occasion later this year. I think its going to blow everyone away! Stay tuned!

Looking forward to seeing a good turn up for community day next week.
See you all then.
Cheers, Elva