Monday, 25 June 2018

Our 'booth' at the Sydney Craft Show

Hullo Everyone,

It was a quieter day at HHQ this week as a number of members took the opportunity to visit the Sydney Craft and Quilt Show at Darling Harbour.

Robyn J. brought in some lemons from her garden for us all to share. Susan H. organised morning tea for us by herself and did a wonderful job. Her sandwiches especially are always so delicious!
Thank you Susan.

I have started to distribute the Raffle Tickets for our members to sell. I also have Opening Night tickets for sale.

"Booth Space" at the Show:

On Friday we were fortunate to be awarded a space at the QuiltNSW and Craft show. This enables us to display some of our quilts and chat to people about our group. Thank you to all those who came to help. We were able to speak to many people as they walked past us browsing the 400 quilts on display.

It was gratifying to hear many ladies say how much they enjoyed our show and were looking forward to it this year.

We sold $207 worth of Raffle Tickets too!

There was a lot of interest in our display of  'Fiddle or Sensory mats'. A number of women stopped to chat about them and to read the information that Iris had attached to them.

Grace also made sure we did not waste time while we were there! She had us all making little birds for another Wagga. It was such fun. We also took turns to look at the quilts and visit the stores. Of course we all bought something.

Helena F. won third place for her beautiful Hand Appliqued quilt. Congratulations Helena.

Show and Tell:

Sandra made this Baby Quilt for Westmead. Such cute owls.

The top two Baby quilts above are from Helen K. Helen used some of the Orphan Blocks from our retreat as well some fabric that was donated to us.

The next two photos show the back and front of a Baby quilt from Beryl R. In fact Beryl sewed the final stitch while I was talking. Hot off the Press!

Here is a photo of the quilt that Grace entered into the QuiltNSW Show.  Lovely colours and lots of quilting detail.

The three photos above are of our 'booth' at the show. It was eye catching and attracted a lot of attention.

Another Wagga ready for sale at our show.

Until next time .....

Friday, 15 June 2018

NSW Guild Show starts June 20

Hi Everyone,

A couple of us are going to help at the judging for the NSW Guild Show this weekend. The organisation for the judging of over 400 quilts must be amazing. I am excited to see it in action. I will be in the kitchen to provide the judges with tea and coffee and then lunch.

Meg spoke to us about the opening night for our show. Everyone is encouraged to bring along a friend or two or three to help us celebrate our special gala evening. Suzie and her group will be on the stage selling all the wonderful goodies many of the girls have been making. I will be swooping in to buy some that I have seen in progress. They are all fantastic and would make lovely gifts if you don't end up keeping them all for yourself.

Iris told us that she had received a letter from the Grace Centre at the Westmead Children's Hospital. It was so nice to hear how much our baby quilts that we make for them are enjoyed and appreciated. Last Mothers Day, every mother received one of the quilts for their little one, to take home.
We all enjoy making them. Westmead has suggested a special project for us to do after our Show. It should be fun and we are looking forward to it.

Now for Show and Tell:

Pamela R. works with the most beautiful materials. Pam then often uses the leftovers to make quilts for our Community. This one above is particularly lush.

Ellen's friend of a friend donated this patchwork quilt for our Community stash.  Many thanks.

Above, a silky quilt from, Pamela R. Lovely golden colours. I think we are going to call it "Sunshine".

Hayley had pieced the semi circles and then couldn't decide how to go further. She gave the pieces to our industrious Blue Group who turned it into this stunning quilt.

 Now for three baby quilts from Carolyn - one above and two below. Carolyn says she still has not made a dent in her stash.
We are very happy to receive them for Westmead.

Below, my husband has very cheekily replaced one of the dogs with a photo of our new puppy - top row, third from left! He is very cute and growing fast.

Lindy also had a couple of baby quilts for us. I have shown the fronts and backs below. Both are very pretty.

And another one from Carolyn below.

Until next week ....

Sunday, 10 June 2018

Glimpse of Waggas for sale at Show

Hello Everyone,

Here is this week's update from our meeting on Thursday.

As you know, the first Thursday of each month is Community Day. Our hall was very busy with girls making quilt tops for the various charities we support. Gil and Grace were working on Waggas that will be sold at our Show in August. There are some photos below to tempt you.

Moina had been cleaning out her cupboards and brought in a bagful of braids, embroideries, laces, threaded beads and beautiful pieces of velvet and felt, the quality of which we do not find nowadays unfortunately. Many of these 'goodies' were snapped up for various projects. It was a wonderful assortment.

Robyn J. had made extra green tablecloths that we use for our show and other functions. Narelle was particularly delighted as we now have a full supply. A big thank you to Robyn.

QuiltNSW Show:

The QuiltNSW Show will be on at Darling Harbour from 20-24 June. Hunters Hill quilters will have a stand at the show on Friday 22 June. If you are at the show on the Friday, please pop around to our Display Space to have a chat. We would love to see you.

Show and Tell:

Gil has made this Wagga from beautiful, quality fabric pieces. It has been hand tied which results in a very soft Wagga.

A couple of baby quilts from Narelle, using some scraps from Carolyn's stash.

A Wagga that was quilted by Helena and the centres made by Joy.

 Quilting details of other Waggas that will be for sale above and below.

Two more baby quilts from Narelle.

Sunday, 3 June 2018

Show Meeting and Raffle Tickets

Hi Everyone,


Highlights from our retreat weekend at Kurri Kurri were given. I had an email from Desley Gossip who is in charge at the TAFE. She said a number of her staff had remarked 'how lovely our ladies were' which was very nice to hear.
I do encourage any members who have not been to a retreat to give it some thought for next year. It is a great way of getting to know each other in a relaxed setting and you get LOTS of sewing done!

Show Meeting:

The plans for our Show in August are well in hand. All members are expected to come to the Opening Night. It is a very happy evening. We dress up and enjoy showing family members our talents and skills.
Everyone brings a plate of snack food to share. Visitors are often hungry as they sometimes come straight from work and skip dinner.
Narelle is planning the rosters for us all to contribute and these will be put out soon.

Fliers for our show are in the cupboard if you are  able to distribute some among your friends.

Space at Quilt NSW Guild Show:

We have been lucky enough to be allotted a space at the Guild/Craft Show on Friday 22 June. This helps publicise our group and our show. Last time many visitors stopped by to chat and look at the quilts we had on display. If any of you can spare a couple of hours to help it would be appreciated. You can also then wander around the show itself. I am sure you will find lots to buy.


A friend of Val's has generously donated 4 completed quilts and 9 tops to be finished. Thank you Verity.

Show and Tell:

Above and below,  Robyn has made three baby quilts for Westmead.

June was unable to come to our retreat this year so she had her very own retreat at home. Her wonderful husband looked after her with food treats and special dinners so June could spend all her time sewing. The results are fantastic! June's 4 baby quilts are below.

At our retreat, Helena machine quilted the Wagga above to be sold at our show. It took quite a bit of time but an excellent result. It is difficult to show all the detail in the photo but if you look closely you can see some of it.

This lovely blue quilt was finished by June at her 'special home' retreat. June donated it to our Community quilts. Iris will find a worthy home for it.

Iris asked us to bring along any 'orphan' blocks that we had made and never used to the retreat. Lots of blocks arrived!
I don't know how Iris did it but she worked on it and gradually put the differing blocks together to make this terrific quilt.
What a talent!

Until next week....