Saturday, 29 April 2017


Yes, the year keeps speeding past with never enough time to relax and quilt! At least on a Thursday we can drop all other matters for a while and stitch away with friends.

There was a good turn up with school term started again. All the grannies were back!

Thank you to Akiko who will fill in as treasurer while Grace takes a holiday break. See her if you have any HHQ financial matters to take care of. Safe travels Grace.

Thank you also to Kathy D for the donation of a large roll of fusable wadding to the group. It will come in very handy for our community program, and possibly other activities as well.


Lindy has become known as the Baby Quilt Queen. She is so prolific in her work on this project.
Today she showed us her latest batch of 6 little quilts! See them below......

So many and so delightful as well! Thanks Lindy.

Iris showed three quilts, the first of which was one done by Grace for the community collection.
Lovely contrast of colours!

Second was one done by Iris herself and quilted by Grace. A very stylish looking quilt, and again very nice colour choices.

Last of the three was the completed quilt done by many members of the group in the stitching lounge at our last show. Iris put it all together, and again it was quilted by Grace. It looks stunning.

The final quilt displayed today was by one of our relatively new members, Sandra. It is destined for her daughter- in-law (lucky girl) and is called 'Purple Panic'! It is a huge 3 metres by 3 metres! A tremendous effort Sandra, and beautifully done to boot!

And with that outstanding effort, we say farewelll to April and head on into winter. Excellent weather for.........ah yes, QUILTING, what else?
Cheers everyone!

Sunday, 23 April 2017


There was an excellent turn up at Quilters today, with several guests as well.
In fact there were 4 generations from Helen K's family represented. This shot shows Susie's daughter and Helen's grand daughter Lily, looking like an expert stitching hexagons together! Also in the shot is Lily's grand mother! How's that!

Not a lot of new news today, so we moved straight on to SHOW AND TELL!

Carolyn D showed us three baby quilts destined for the Grace Centre. She always has such delightful fabrics in her quilts. Thanks Carolyn!

Helena showed us her latest effort in knitting, with these rather fetching fingerless gloves. Getting ready for winter hey Helena?!

And finally Susie showed us a cot quilt she's been working on. An interesting design and soothing fabric choices for a little one. Very cute.

So that was it this week. A very enjoyable session with lots of quilts on the go. Should be more S & T next week i imagine. Enjoy this spectacular weather while it lasts everyone!
Cheers, Elva

Sunday, 16 April 2017


Yes, there was quite a good turn up considering it was nearly Easter and School Holidays are on.
Heather told us about her prize at the Easter Show. She got a 2nd prize for her "New York Beauty" quilt which was in our 2016 show. Well done Heather.

We sang Happy Birthday to Moina who turned 90 recently. Because she has a missed a few weeks with us, we didnt have time to organise her a cake. Congratulations Moina and all the best from HHQ!


Beryl R returned from having her new hip installed, and she has been keeping herself busy making baby quilts for the Grace Centre for newborns. Here are two she has completed, all the same design, but a lovely range of fabrics.

Jenny S made this gorgeous quilt for the community collection.

And Iris made this one headed for the same place....

Finally, Maree K has worked on this UFO started 3years ago, and finished it at last! It will possibly go to a grand daughter.

So that's it for for this week. Have a wonderful Easter break everyone, and see you all next Thursday.
cheers, Elva

Friday, 7 April 2017

April Community Day

Iris on blog this week, as Elva and Alison sort out Elva's technical problems.

Elva paid a very heartfelt tribute to our fun friend, Cheryl.   Cheryl was a HHQ life member  having joined in 1991.  A lovely lady who will be missed.

Grace discussed the quilting of the traditional raffle quilt:  she has a list for quilting volunteers,  so chat to her about which week is a good week for you to work on it.

Robyn and I talked about our visit to the Grace Center last month:  as usual we were given a very warm welcome as we delivered 50 cot quilts and Adrienne's completed quilt which will be raffled at their June Fund Raising Gala Event.    The parents of every baby in their care over Easter will be given an Easter package which will include one of our quilts.


Community activity

As this was community day, many different community activities were in progress.  Here's just a couple .....

Work started on a new community hand project from a selection of donated fabrics  ...  

The Orange Team under Narelle's supervision were working with these blocks  ...  experiments with sashing happened after I took the picture.

Show and Tell 

June's baby cot quilt for Grace Center.

Laurel's 'No name yet' quilt,  which she would like to go to the Women's Refuge that we support.  The fabric is Kathy D's design, donated by Audrey and worked on by Laurel ...

Grace showed us a quilt top that she made with a new 'super easy' block - mixing turquoise and orange  - my picture did not do it justice,  so we need to wait until the quilting is finished before we see it on here.     The quilt will also be for a community donation.

This fun 'bobble' quilt was made by Sue for a new baby 'tummy time' ...   Sue is happy to share the pattern.

Enjoy your week and happy stitching ...   Iris

Thursday, 6 April 2017

Blogging problems

Hello Everyone,
Google has removed its Blogger app which has made it difficult for us the update our blog so it's Alison here trying a new app.
I took these photos last week during Show and Tell:
Karen's new amazing maze quilt:

Grace has started quilting the modern quilt for the 2018 show: