Saturday, 31 August 2013

News from Thursday 29/8/2013

Our regular correspondent has gone travelling so this is a combined effort. 
At today’s meeting, there was much workmanship to admire. 
Betty has finished her handpieced double wedding band quilt, 
Moina has finished her doggy cot quilt for the new family member 
and Sheila impressed us all with her bright and complex piece featuring `spots’.   

Don’t forget we need the stars returned by next week’s meeting.
Cheers to all,
Ailsa and Alison

Thursday, 22 August 2013

News from Thursday 22/8/2013

Our visitor today was Rhonda T,  who came to collect 12 quilts that we made for the young people in a school in Nepal.   Rhonda told us about the work that is being achieved there by a small group of Australians who care, especially her friend Nola who works tirelessly for the children and the school.   Rhonda was delighted with our quilts and it felt good to make our contribution.

This is  Kathy D's artistic display of the 12 quilts:

and this is my rather boring display !

We've been 'published' again !    Blue on Blue'  our 2012 Raffle Quilt has a fabulous 'double page' spread in the 2014 Quilter's diary.  Get one at Material Obsession.

Coming Events:  a reminder about the Northbridge Quilt Show this weekend and the Epping Quilt Show over the Weekend of 6 and 7 September.   The location details etc. are in last week's blog.

The birthday celebrations for the last two weeks in August belong to Betty and Ellen.  Betty is obviously enjoying her birthday during her holiday and Ellen will be celebrating next week.

Show and Tell:    Judy and Kathy D had great quilts for us to admire. 

Judy's 'squares'

And Kathy's two latest creations:  octagons and a new template for wedding rings,  which Kathy tells us is s simple and easy to use.
Floating octagons

Wedding Ring in subtle grey shades

And look at the finished 2014 Contemporary Raffle Quilt ....  Grace and Jessica - well done !   It is fabulous !      

And last but not least,  this is the perfect camellia that was on our morning tea table  ......

I will be away for the next 3 weeks,  but Judy and the committee will take care of thing on Thursdays and Ailsa and Alison will be looking after the blog.

Have a great three weeks and enjoy,     Cheers Iris    

Saturday, 17 August 2013

News from Thursday 15/8/2013

Too many sad things made up the news for Thursday:  our dear quilting friend Adrienne has added breast cancer to her 'see-saw of wellness' - they were Adrienne's words. Our thoughts are with Adrienne.

Robyn Jo's mum quietly passed away last Friday and one of our newer members, Marie B, passed away very suddenly on Tuesday.

2014 Quilt Show:  Jenny gave us an update on the plans.  Professor Mary O'Kane, NSW Chief Scientist and Engineer has agreed to be our Quilt Judge.   Mary's engineering  background and her interest in embroidery will make for an interesting choice of winning quilts.  

Jenny also made a point of making telling us, that everyone is expected to exhibit a quilt at the show - her comments were - no exceptions and no excuses.   And she will be checking !

Events coming up:
  • Northbridge Quilters Quilt Exhibition, Thursday - Sunday 22 - 25 August, 10am to 4pm, Gallery 307, 307 Sailor's Bay Road, Northbridge.
  • Epping Quilters 2013 Show,  Friday 6/9/2013 11am to 7pm and Friday 7/9/2013 9am to 5pm, Don Moore Community Centre, North Rocks Road, Carlingford.
Quilts for Nepal:  two more finished quilts.   Rhonda is picking them up next week.

 'Football Mates'  (because of the print in the centre fabric). 
Pieced and quilted by  Lindy from the 'cupboard stash' :  bits and pieces from the 'yellow' box.

Ocean Blue:  simple and effective with great quilting, by Gil and Doreen.

And Show and Tell from Jenny ...  another super idea for using those 2 inch squares - good for 'hiding'  the 'not so good' or 'old lady' fabric scraps.

Enjoy your week and I hope it is a good one  ...   Cheers Iris

Friday, 9 August 2013

Friday 9/8/2013

Welcome to my first 'new technology' post:  so fingers crossed that all goes well.

Thursday's travel stories came from Betty, who emailed to tell us about the fun time she is having in Alaska and we wished Robyn and Graham a safe and exciting 3 month trip by caravan to Geraldton.

A reminder from Grace about the Round Robin Challenge. Finished quilts will go on display at our Christmas lunch on Thursday 12/12/2013. And don't forget to keep your diary up to date as it is very likely that Alison will make a 'Challenge' book, incorporating both the pictures and the stories.

Four new quilts were added to our stash for the kids in Nepal.   Rhonda will be picking them up on Thursday 22/8/2013 and she will tell us all about the project.

 ' Triangles' from Laurel, quilted by Grace

'Yellow Stars' by Suzie and Audrey

'Amish Copy'  by Iris using 'Blocks from the Cupboard' 

Red and Black and White by Iris and Robyn S, again using 'Blocks from the Cupboard'

Show and Tell came from Robin Jo,  and she left many of us speechless with her tiny machine pieced hexagons - look at the whole picture and then the detail !    

It may now be a few hours since I started this,  but I am a much more 'technically enhanced'  person - and I did it without having to call on Alison !    And the bonus is - this new 'blog' has spell-check !

Enjoy your week  ...   Cheers Iris

Sunday, 4 August 2013

Saturday, 3/8/2013

Celebrations:  on Thursday we celebrated Audrey and June's birthday: so happy birthday this weekend  to you both! We also congratulated ourselves on the North Sydney Community Awards:  our brag wall is looking good and full (even if it is a bit crooked)!
Library:  for those of us who are not able to attend the V&A Exhibition at Brisbane Art Gallery, we now have the book in the libruary with story and pictures of all the quilts on display.  Thank you,  Jenny.   Highly recommended, and I know as I have my own copy which I'm thoroughly enjoying.
Mail: we have had a thank you card from the Hunters Hill Ryde Community Services for our quilt donations and an invite to their Volunteers Celebration 2013 afternoon tea on Wednesday 21/8/2013.  Let me know if you would like to attend.
USA Quilting Update:  It was good to have Kathy D back with us and to hear all (or at least some) of her USA teaching and travelling stories.   You can read all about the fun she had on the MO blog   
Show and Tell:   After last weeks bonanza of quilts for show and tell,  we just had 1 this week - another donation from Pam R,  and as always, beautiful fabrics, perfectly stitched.  I've added a close up picture, so you can see the detail.