Thursday, 31 October 2024

31st October

Hi Everyone, 

We were a smaller group today but as usual everyone was busy stitching. If you are looking for a quick project we need 20 more baby quilts for Little Wonder @ RPA. Jane would like to deliver the Baby quilts to Olivia by the end of November.

Pre-Christmas Stall
On 28th November we will be holding a pre-Christmas stall at quilting. All members are welcome to sell items you have made throughout the year. Christie, Akiko and Debbie will be selling craft items, so please see Sandy to reserve a table.

Show & Tell
Helen made this stylish sewing bag and will be making a larger version for her granddaughter 

Jane completed a Baby quilt

Upcoming show in November

Christmas Party πŸŽ„
Will be held on 5th December at 11am - this will be our last day we are gathering for 2024. Games will also be played if you have any suggestions please speak to Sandy.

7th November Community Day
9th - 10th November Campbelltown Quilt Show - Campbelltown Civic Centre 10am - 4pm
28th November - Pre-Christmas stall will be held at Quilting
5th December Christmas Party - please bring your own plate for food and a glass for some bubbles
16th January First day back to quilting for the new year

Until next week.
Happy quilting, Sandy

Thursday, 24 October 2024

24th October

Hi Everyone,

It was great to see those of you who were able to attend quilting today. I read something the other day which nearly had me falling of my seat, 9 weeks till Christmas 😱 there just seems to be so many other things to do before we start the festive season. 
Show & Tell
Jane made a Baby quilt

Sheila made a Baby quilt

Pre-Christmas Stall
On 28th November we will be holding a pre-Christmas stall at quilting. All members are welcome to sell items you have made throughout the year. Christie, Akiko and Debbie will be selling craft items, so please see Sandy to reserve a table.

Upcoming show in November

Christmas Party πŸŽ„
Will be held on 5th December at 11am - this will be our last day we are gathering for 2024. Games will also be played if you have any suggestions please speak to Sandy.

7th November Community Day
9th - 10th November Campbelltown Quilt Show - Campbelltown Civic Centre 10am - 4pm
28th November - Pre-Christmas stall will be held at Quilting
5th December Christmas Party - please bring your own plate for food and a glass for some bubbles
16th January First day back to quilting for the new year

Until next week.
Happy quilting, Sandy

Thursday, 17 October 2024

17th October

Hi Everyone,

It was wonderful seeing so many of you at quilting today. To see those of you who have been away owing to ill health or returning home from your travels.
It is so easy to forget things when writing this blog so I must apologise to the ladies who celebrate their birthday in the month of October. 
Happy Birthday to You πŸŽ‚ we hope you enjoyed your special day.

Today everyone was busy working on various hand sewing projects from appliquΓ© to embroidery.

Today Jane received from Bear Cottage a thank you for the quilts we donated.
Hi Jane
We would like to thank you (Hunters Hill Quilters) for the fabulous quilts you recently donated. The dogs with the floppy ears quilt was certainly a favourite and is currently being used in-house for the children and families to enjoy. We also loved the neutral but bright colours – so they can be used for our older children, both girls and boys.
Your kindness is truly appreciated. We would love to send a little thank you card to the quilting team – do you have an address we could send it to?
Thanks again
With grateful hearts
Show & Tell
Robyn S made a Baby quilt

Jane made a Baby quilt

Pre-Christmas Stall
On 28th November we will be holding a pre-Christmas stall at quilting. All members are welcome to sell items you have made throughout the year. Christie will be selling her Ceramics, so please see Sandy to reserve a table.

Upcoming show in November

Christmas Party πŸŽ„
Will be held on 5th December at 11am - this will be our last day we are gathering for 2024.

7th November Community Day
9th - 10th November Campbelltown Quilt Show - Campbelltown Civic Centre 10am - 4pm
28th November - Christie’s pre-Christmas Ceramic Stall will be held at Quilting
5th December Christmas Party - please bring your own plate for food and a glass for some bubbles
16th January First day back to quilting for the new year

Until next week.
Happy quilting, Sandy

Thursday, 10 October 2024

10th October

Hi Everyone,

Today was another fabulous day with the sun shining and the temperature was perfect which was great for sewing. Spring is definitely all around us and there is just a hint of purple starting to peek through on the Jacaranda trees which are planted throughout Hunters Hill.

Moocooboola Festival will be held on Sunday 13th October from 10am - 4pm at Oval 1 & 2 of Boronia Park Ovals. This is always a fun day for our local Community.

Quilt Show this weekend
Bulli Corner Quilters are holding their Annual Quilt and Flower Show on Friday 11th and Saturday 12th October. It will be held at the Northern Illawarra Uniting Church which can be found at Cnr Princes Highway and Point Street Bulli.

Show & Tell
Ann has competed 3 Baby quilts

Jane completed a Baby quilt

Beryl completed a Baby quilt

Pre-Christmas Stall
On 28th November we will be holding a pre-Christmas stall at quilting. All members are welcome to sell items you have made throughout the year. Christie will be selling her Ceramics, so please see Sandy to reserve a table.

Upcoming show in November

Christmas Party πŸŽ„
Will be held on 5th December at 11am - this will be our last day we are gathering for 2024.

12th October Zonta Group of Nth Sydney Birthing Kit Assembly Day 1 - 4pm Nth Sydney Community Centre 220 Miller Street North Sydney
7th November Community Day
9th - 10th November Campbelltown Quilt Show - Campbelltown Civic Centre 10am - 4pm
28th November - Christie’s pre-Christmas Ceramic Stall will be held at Quilting
5th December Christmas Party - please bring your own plate for food and a glass for some bubbles
16th January First day back to quilting for the new year

Until next week.
Happy quilting, Sandy

Thursday, 3 October 2024

3rd October Community Day

Hi Everyone,

It was great seeing everyone at quilting today after a couple of weeks away. There was so much action happening it was hard to keep up with it all. Grace completed a quilt from our collection of fabric from Deidre and it will be collected from a family member in the next couple of weeks. Robyn Ja completed a quilt to our Community collection.

Grace completed this quilt and it will be given to Deidre’s family

Robyn Ja made this quilt for Community

We will be sending 13 quilts to Bear Cottage at Manly and Jane has the next bundle of 40 baby quilts for Olivia to be delivered to Little Wonder @ RPA. If you feel the need to make a baby quilt we will need some for our next date being the Christmas collection.

Show & Tell
Robyn S completed a Baby quilt

Alison completed a Baby quilt

Upcoming show in November

Christmas Party πŸŽ„
Will be held on 5th December at 11am - this will be our last day we are gathering for 2024.

12th October Zonta Group of Nth Sydney Birthing Kit Assembly Day 1 - 4pm Nth Sydney Community Centre 220 Miller Street North Sydney
7th November Community Day
9th - 10th November Campbelltown Quilt Show - Campbelltown Civic Centre 10am - 4pm
28th November - Christie’s pre-Christmas Ceramic Stall will be held at Quilting
5th December Christmas Party - please bring your own plate for food and a glass for some bubbles
16th January First day back to quilting for the new year

Until next week.
Happy quilting, Sandy