Friday, 28 January 2022

Second Week Back

 Hi Everyone,

We had a small group at quilting again this week. Now that school holidays are over we may see more members next time.

We all enjoy catching up with each others' news so the noise level doesn't diminish.

QuiltNSW News:

Quilt NSW has split from their association with Expertise Events. They are working towards having their own separate show and are looking for a suitable venue.This year is their 40th anniversary. Their intention is to revitalise the show. 

Their show has never been about making money. Like all quilt shows the aim is to showcase members' creative talents. 

We look forward to their decision.

Show and Tell:

Carolyn didn't bring her standard 10 quilts this week and no one had anything ready to show.

However Suzie saved the day. She has put together all our windmill blocks from the lockdown and made this beautiful quilt below. It will be for sale at our show in August.

Most of you will have already seen it on our WhatsApp.

Until next week ......

Saturday, 22 January 2022

Welcome to 2022

 Hi Everyone,

A new year and a busy one ahead for us as we prepare for our show in August.

15 quilters came on Thursday. Not a lot of sewing was done but we all had plenty of news to catch up on.

It was an enjoyable meeting. We had an email from Sue D who is currently in London with her family. It was good to hear from her. She missed her sewing so much she has bought a machine to use while she is away.

We also welcomed a new member - Jane - who is looking forward to making quilts for charity.

AGM reminder: Our AGM will be held on 17 February at 12 noon.

Show and Tell:

Marie G. made these two lovely quilts for the Womens' Refuge:

Pamela was very busy during lockdown. The six quilts below are from her. Grace did the quilting on some Pamela hand quilted as well.

17 baby quilts. 2 from Beryl R, 5 from Alison, 10 from Carolyn

Until next week ....