Sunday, 29 May 2022

May 26, 2022

 Hi Everyone,

Lovely to see the sun after all the rain. Enjoy it while it lasts!

Grace demonstrated how to sew on a binding and matching facing on the back of a quilt. If you can't decide what binding to use on a quilt, this is a great way to solve the dilemma. Thank you Grace.

Iris handed out instructions and a triangle template for the new bunting we are making for our show. Remember to grab one from Iris if you did not get one this week. We need everyone to make at last two. Use bright fabrics and any pattern, applique etc that your imagination can inspire.

Helena called in to see us after her surgery. It was great to see her almost fully recovered. We won't be seeing her for many months as she is travelling to see family and friends. Like many others it is her first opportunity to travel overseas after our lockdowns. We wish her a very happy trip and look forward to her return.

Ellen heard on the radio recently that a group in Scone in the Hunter Valley is making a giant sunflower quilt to be sent to the Ukraine to cover some of the bombed out structures. Based on the artist Christo who wrapped some of the world's iconic landmarks in silk, an Australian artist wants to wrap the bombed buildings and muddy graveyards of Ukraine in fabric. Its like a giant hug to Ukraine.The Ukraine's national flower is the the sun flower. 

The artist has received hundreds of squares from all corners of the world. She envisages that the quilt will be a huge 100m by 100m at least in bright yellows and blues.

If you want to take part send your 30cm by 30cm patches to:

Janno McLaughlin
PO Box 746
Scone NSW 2337.

Show an Tell:

Two Drunkards Path quilts from Pamela and quilted by Grace.

A patchwork quilt from Pamela and another Drunkards Path design quilted by Grace.

Baby quilt from Sheila.

Baby quilt from Sue D.

Until next week ....

Sunday, 22 May 2022

May 19, 2022

 Hi Everyone,

Another enjoyable meeting this week even though the weather had turned quite cold. Summer has gone missing this year. 

Kerry has emailed an updated member list to everyone. A few home numbers have been included even though they are now obsolete. Please let Kerry know of any changes to your phone numbers, address or email address.

The show committee had another look at the Town Hall in preparation for our show. There are a number of changes which need to be resolved but we are working on them.

Unfortunately three pins were found on the floor this week. I cannot emphasize enough to please check before you leave for any pins or needles. We do vacuum the floor but I am disappointed that we are not diligent enough. Please check.

Show and Tell:

A pretty blue and white quilt from Sue St. 

Baby quilt from Sheila

Marie K with another  lovely quilt top using lots of scraps.

Until next week ....

Saturday, 14 May 2022

May 12, 2022

 Hi Everyone,

An enjoyable meeting again this week. Seeing friends, catching up with news, discussing what's on at the movies etc. Good for the soul and cheers us all from the doom and gloom of the news world.

Our Show:

Suzie has asked for small plain brown paper carry bags for the stage sales. She has plenty of large ones but needs smaller and middle size ones. 

Suzie also would like details of any quilts you would like to sell at the show. Remember they must be members' quilts and we take 15% of the sale price for the group.

Last day for show entries was 12th. The pace is picking up now ready for our show in August.


Grace was busy this week sorting through fabrics for Wagga kits to sell at the show. I am sure she would like a hand putting them together. 

Ruby Quilt:

Please take a turn hand quilting the Ruby quilt. Iris has taken it this week and Robyn Jms will take it next week.

Baby quilts:

Sandy has put together 40 baby quilts for pick up to Prince Alfred Hospital.  We also have a number of Aboriginal design quilts ready for DragonFly.

Updated Members List:

Kerry has emailed an updated members list to everyone. See Kerry if you have not received it.

Show and Tell:

A couple of the 10 baby quilts from Carolyn:

Baby quilt from Sheila.

Baby quilt from Jenny.

Wagga kits ready for sale at show.

One of 6 baby quilts from Sue D.

Baby quilt from Marie K.

The cutest cot quilt from Marie K.

Until next week ....

Saturday, 7 May 2022

A Quiet Meeting

 Hi Everyone,

Our meeting was quieter than usual this week. I wasn't as busy as I usually am. I actually managed to do some sewing for the first time in weeks.

Iris has had the flyers printed for our show. They look great. We are steadily working towards our show which is very exciting.

Reminder: Your quilt show entries are due next Thursday. 

Retreat: Narelle has locked in a date for our retreat this year. It will be at Kurri Kurri on 14, 15, 16 October. Details etc to be announced closer to the date.

Ruby Anniversary Quilt: We pinned the quilt together this week. It looks fabulous. We are hand stitching it and a number of us have started already.Make sure you join in to help.

Show and Tell:

Grace put this quilt together and it looks lovely. 

A baby quilt from me. 

A baby quilt from Sheila.

Alison and Deb started this quilt a while ago. It is now finished and will be sold at our show in August.

Until next week ....

Sunday, 1 May 2022

A Visitor this week

 Hi Everyone,

Thank you Iris for filling in for me last week. 

Grace has sent a number of wall hangings, quilts and fidget mats to St George Aged Care. She received a very nice thank you note from them.. As a token of appreciation a $250 donation was enclosed. The quilts and other items will be put to great use in their memory support dementia unit and brighten up the lives of many for years to come.

Kathy organised a visit for us from Jessica Rudolf. When Jessica's children were little she was knitting a blanket when she suddenly thought to ask her friends to knit or sew blankets for the many children in foster care.

Her story is a wonderful example of  'from little things, big things grow'.  'My Very Own Blanket' group was formed. It is now all over the United States. Jessica is in Australia to spread her idea to us. In NSW there are 16,000 children in foster care. Many have nothing. To receive a blanket that they can keep for themselves is a wonderful comfort and help. Jessica's charity is non profit and dedicated to providing handmade blankets to children in foster care.

Sandy delivered our donation for the flood victims to True Blue Stitches in North Richmond.  The owner, Robyn,  is ' Healing the Hawkesbury  - one quilt at a time'. All donations go to Hawkesbury residents who were so badly affected during the floods. So many lost everything.

Show and Tell:

When Sandy, Carolyn and I cleaned out the end cupboard a couple of weeks ago we found numerous unfinished projects. The quilt below was folded up and a small amount of quilting had been started. I machine quilted the rest. I enjoyed finishing it.

Baby quilt from Sheila. Sheila used an orphan block in the centre from a class she had attended with Wendy Williams.

Baby quilt from Bev.

Wall hanging from Robyn Jnst.

Ten baby quilts from Caroyln which brings her count to well over 500.

Until next week ....