A great turn out of quilters today, and just as well because we had a visitor coming to pick up some quilts from our community collection. Everyone in the group participates either individually or more often in a group to produce beautiful bed quilts to be stored until recipients are found. Next week will be the first Thursday of the month, and those days are devoted to making community quilts.
Below is a shot taken by our visitor showing most of the members who were there. They are holding and showing quilts, some of which were given to our guest for use with her clients. It's very satisfying work, amd the organisations which receive them are eternally grateful.

For our community day next week Helena has offered to present a workshop devoted to applique techniques. It is only one of Helena's amazing set of skills, and we are all excited to become students for the day and learn something new. Many thanks Helena!
The quilt below was done by the Orange group for the community program. Mainly driven by Narelle and Ros, we all worked away at making the whirly gigs. Thanks to Helena for doing the quilting.
It turned out very well indeed!

And here's a peek of an exciting community project, just geting started. Most of the membership will participate in this rather special one. Thankyou Grace for getting us all started. Looks very exciting!

And that's all for this week folks!
Look forward to seeing you all at the applique workshop next Thursday!
cheers, Elva