It was noted that Fairland Hall seemed to be quieter than normal, not sure why, but I can only assume it was because there was lots of community activity going on. These are some of the pictures that I captured:
Robyn S, June and Jenny working on this 'leafy' design
Hexagons in progress: Meg, Josie and Lin
Kerry, Grace and team working out how many ways to play with half-square triangles
and a snap-shot of some secret community work, by the community team ...
It was a
birthday bonanza with Alison, Janet, Marie G and me all celebrating birthdays this long weekend.
We had an email from Betty to tell us about a '
thank you' parcel that she received from Sunshine homes. They had a very successful raffle of the 'Blue Quilt' made by Marie K. which we donated earlier in the year.
After enjoying the '
good shopping' from Material Obsession during September, we can now benefit from good shopping at Quiltsmith: 25% of fabric from Tuesday 8th October through to the end of October.
Show and Tell: two new quilts have been donated to our community stash ...
Another donation from Pamela R: this one is velvet
And from Ros ... brights !
(sorry - you need to turn on your side to see it !)
but the detail is OK ....
Have a great weekend - enjoy the ships and see you Thursday. Cheers Iris