I hope plenty of members were able to get to the Modern Quilt Show at Glebe Town Hall over the past two days. Congratulations to Grace and Jess for their wins.
Two visitors this week to collect the quilt completed by our group for the Lord Mayors Picnic event. Linnea and Allison were thrilled at the finished product, and will give us feedback about the recipient when the time comes. Congratulations to everyone who contributed to the quilt, and especially to Iris and Jenny who 'drove' the project forward. It was a stunner!
We had some lovely feedback from the Sydney Breast Cancer Foundation about the huge amount raised at their Ladies Lunch event. Our donated quilt contributed to these much needed funds, so a wonderful result yet again.
This coming Thursday Colleen will be running her little Christmas Jewelry Shop at the group, so come prepared for that. Also, Grace will run a small workshop for those interested in trying out the techniques required for blocks of the Comtemporary Quilt project. It looks very different and exciting. Grace will email what you need to bring if you wish to participate.
Here's a glimpse of what the blocks will look like......
The latest Template magazine has arrived from the Guild. There is a copy in the library, and another circulating around the tables.
Don't forget that our Christmas Party will be on December 8th starting at 11am (for set up) and start of partying at 12pm. Bring a plate of party food and a champagne glass!
Below are six community quilts which will be donated to a women's refuge in Ryde. These comforting and much needed gifts will make a huge difference to women and children going through extreme trauma.
This first one is from Pam Reeves and is called Turkish Delight
And the back.......
This next one, also from Pam is called Blue Tango
This one is called Desert Circles, and was done at Material Obsession.
Spots and Stripes by Maree K.......
and the back.......
Crazy Hearts was a group project.....
This is Dancing With The Fairies done by Iris, begun at the last retreat if I recall......
Merlyn showed us this stunning quilt which she has made for her grandson. He asked for it, and she took him to choose the fabrics. Very good choices I'd say, and because he is very keen on surfing, the backing has particular significance!
....the back
Lindy showed yet another of her baby quilts for the Grace Centre. Extremely prolific Lindy, and a gorgeous little quilt indeed.
To finish off, here is a group of Traditional blocks which have already been completed! Very nice too. This quilt will certainly be ready for the 2018 show I think. No problem there!
Well done everyone. A big effort to finish off a fantastic year.
See you soon for our second last meeting for the year.
Cheers, Elva