Well, a morning phone call from HHCouncil informed us that our beloved hall had been "broken into"!
We had to relocate to the HH Town Hall, and many thanks to the council for accommodating us so comfortably there.
Fortunately none of our belongings were disturbed in any way, and in fact we were allowed to return to our hall by lunchtime.
Before we did though, we presented our dear Val with a huge birthday cake to celebrate her 90th! We couldn't let that pass without recognition. Congratulations and happy days Val.
As soon as the cake was shared and devoured, we gathered up our stitching and set off to our usual little den. All was in order by then and a quick organisation of tables for those who made it had the girls working away - business as usual! Thank you to everyone for your patience and assistance.
There were two more baby quilts from Lindy, who never seems to run out of fabric for them.
Definitely a bird theme happening in the last few Lindy. Where do you get such sweet fabric?!
Next came 50 baby quilts stacked in piles of 10, which Iris and Robyn will be delivering to The Grace Centre on Monday, together with Adrienne's quilt for their raffle. I'm sure they will be over the moon at these gifts!
Well, let's hope for a calmer and more normal Thursday coming!
We've had plenty of drama this month thank you!
Stay well all.
See you soon again.