Sunday, 26 March 2017



Well, a morning phone call from HHCouncil informed us that our beloved hall had been "broken into"!
We had to relocate to the HH Town Hall, and many thanks to the council for accommodating us so comfortably there.
Fortunately none of our belongings were disturbed in any way, and in fact we were allowed to return to our hall by lunchtime.
Before we did though, we presented our dear Val with a huge birthday cake to celebrate her 90th! We couldn't let that pass without recognition. Congratulations and happy days Val. 



As soon as the cake was shared and devoured, we gathered up our stitching and set off to our usual little den. All was in order by then and a quick organisation of tables for those who made it had the girls working away - business as usual! Thank you to everyone for your patience and assistance.


There were two more baby quilts from Lindy, who never seems to run out of fabric for them.
Definitely a bird theme happening in the last few Lindy. Where do you get such sweet fabric?!


Next came 50 baby quilts stacked in piles of 10, which Iris and Robyn will be delivering to The Grace Centre on Monday, together with Adrienne's quilt for their raffle. I'm sure they will be over the moon at these gifts!

Well, let's hope for a calmer and more normal Thursday coming!
We've had plenty of drama this month thank you!
Stay well all.
See you soon again.

Saturday, 18 March 2017


We were a busy and happy group yet again this week. A few people travelling, but plenty of friends to enjoy the day.


Plent of lovely work to show on Thursday. This baby quilt was done by none other than Lindy! She really has become the Baby Quilt Queen! She says it's helping to use up lots of her fabric, and is a perfect project for taking to the farm. Whatever the reason, she can certainly keep them coming and they always demonstrate her fabulous use of colour! Below you see the front and back of today's project.
Well done Lindy!

Helena showed us a sample from a Rachael Daisy course she is doing at MO. Many girls were fascinated in the technique and asked if we could do an in-house workshop on it. 
A show of hands revealed that there would be enough interested parties to make it worthwhile asking Rachael if she herself would do it. Helena will follow up on this.
Isn't it gorgeous?!

Ros showed us yet another stunning star design, this time for her sister-in-law. We all well remember the gorgeous one Ros was doing at the last retreat! Outstanding work!

Iris showed us three quilts which have been completed for the community collection. This one below was done by Laurel and is called "Orange Blossom" . Beautiful fabric choices Laurel, making it a gorgeous quilt.

Next was one done by Jenny entitled "No Sydney" because the blocks used on the back include many cities around the world except our own!

Last from the community group is another Jenny one called "Sue's Braid". Some lovely appliqué and very nicely quilted.

And finally Robyn S showed us a quilt she has made for her third great grandson! It is a delightful collection of fabrics including plenty of animals prints to fascinate a little one. Gorgeous Robyn.

So another productive week and plenty of fun and laughs as well.
See you in a week's time.
Cheers, Elva

Sunday, 12 March 2017


Thanks everyone for the warm welcome back. It was great to see you all and enjoy HHQ once again.

Thanks to Judy and Iris for keeping the formal part of our gatherings going while I was absent. Everything was obviously in good hands.
Iris has also updated the HHQ history folder, which is a job she does amazingly well. Please help yourself to a browse through it some time, whether you're a new member or an old-timer! It's a fabulous source of information. Thanks Iris.

We seem to have completely exhausted the cupboards' store of quilting pins, so from now on people will need to organise to bring their own. Groups can liaise with each other when they're planning to pin a quilt at the hall. If anyone realises that they have a bunch of pins at home which probably should be in the cupboard, feel free to bring them in and add them to the other stores! Cheers.

If any folk are on the current executive or were previously on it, some of you must have one of the 'key' cards that open the front doors. If you have no need to keep it, it might be as well to give it back to me so that I can make sure everyone on the kitchen roster has one for their duty day.
Also, if anyone has a set of kitchen and cupboard keys, could you please hand them in as we seem to be down on those as well. Cheers.

Robyn J is now asking for volunteers for the quilting of the Traditional Raffle Quilt. Please give her your name and she will add it to the list. She tells us it's very 'doable' quilting and she will start it off as a guide.


Plenty to share this week!
Maree G started us off with this colourful quilt, which she said has a furry backing, and therefore didn't need any batting. 


The next is an unfinished work by our new member Christie. It is a Wendy Williams design, and Christie's very fine stitching skills are stunning indeed! You really need to see it close up!
Can't wait to see the finished quilt!


Iris showed a quilt she has put together for the community collection. Very nicely done Iris!


She even used some exsisting blocks for the back!


Iris then showed a scrappy quilt she has finally finished after beginning it in around 2007!
She declared she didn't like it very much, but I must say the rest of us did! She likes the back better because of the satisfying look of the quilting. Yes, it comes out very well indeed.



Grace showed the Contemporary Raffle Quilt so far. There are a few more rows to be added, but it's coming along nicely. No more blocks required, but perhaps Grace will put out a call for a few small circles to use over it here and there. Great work everyone!


And finally Sheila showed us this star quilt which has come up very well. Nice variety of fabrics!


So there you have it. March marches on!
See you next Thursday.
Cheers, Elva

Saturday, 4 March 2017

March Community Day

A community day with so much happening.    First,  news from Judy:

We received a thank you card from the Susanne the President of the Phillip Group of the CWA for the donation of Jessica's wagga.   It was raffled to raise funds for disadvantaged children in the bush.

Membership - due now:  don't forget, if using direct deposit to the bank add your name to the transaction to allow Grace to reconcile the receipt.

Jenny added four new books to the library:  I did try to take a photo, but before I could they were distributed throughout the hall!
  • Creative Stash and Scrap Quilts ( a donation from Val)
  • Dear Jane
  • Millefiore Quilts
  • Take an Element by Margaret Sampson

We received the latest issue of the Template:  there was a mention for our work on Fidgety Quilts.

The hall was buzzing with activity.

Robyn J and Alison were preparing the backing for the 2018 Traditional Raffle Quilt.  The blocks are all together, hand pieced by Robyn, and quilting will start soon.

Narelle and her 'Orange' Group were working on this cute block for a community quilt:

Marie G, was the machinist as the 'Blue'  Group put  these blocks into a quilt top:

Show and Tell was all for Community .... thank you!

Grace made this quilt from Kathy D's fabric range:   Kathy's Birds

Last week Jenny showed us this quilt top:   ...  this week it is a quilt !   Finished off with some good free motion quilting - Vi's Blues

The 'Red' Group,  Judy G, Susan D, Sheila and Beryl B,  finished their community quilt -
 Block Buster

Robyn Jo. showed us the quilt top that she has just made for community - featuring some of Robyn's perfect red work.  We need a name, please ??

Cot Quilts for Grace Centre  ...   a total of nine were received  this week.

'Cats' from Susie and two pastel 'animals' from Marie G.

Three from Susan D, with a focus on elephants

Three from Carolyn - bright cheerful cows and a few rabbits

And finally, it is not all about quilting.   A supply of teddies for 'Em's Friends' -  Em distributes the teddies to police personnel so that they can be given to children in trauma situations.

Nine teddies from Robyn Jo. all super cute

A family of four, knitted by Norma and finished off by Robyn Jo.

That is all.  Enjoy a stitching week.   Elva will be back next Thursday.   Cheers,     Iris