Saturday, 28 April 2018

Our Wagga Makers ....

Iris checking in   ....

Just in case you haven't heard, this is exciting event involving our  'wagga' ladies  ...

Australian Quilt Study Groups

Posted: 23 Apr 2018 09:07 PM PDT
The Quilt Study Group of NSW talk on Waggas will take place on the 12th of May at The Glover Cottages, 124 Kent Street in Millers Point. Grace Widders will talk about the background of that most Australian of bed coverings, the Wagga. Then along with two of her fellow Hunters Hill Quilters, Doreen and Gil, she will talk about the history of the fundraising project the group has run for many years that focuses on selling completed Waggas and kits from the back room at their quilt show.

Grace Widders

The Wagga makers from Hunters Hill

Therewill of course be plenty of their waggas to see and some owners of both new and old Waggas will being theirs along too to show us. If you have made or own any waggas, please bring them along too.

Please encourage everyone you know who is interested in quilting to come along to the Quilt Study Group of NSW talks. The Glover Cottages is a beautiful light-filled venue for the talks and it is an easy walk through The Rocks area from either Wynyard or Circular Quay train stations. Quilt NSW guild members pay $5, non-guild members pay $10. Afternoon tea is provided and the talks start at 2pm. Check the Quilt NSW website or the latest Template Newsletters for more details.

 Keep stitching   ... Cheers Iris

The Grace Centre and other news

Hello Everyone,
Alison on the blog today.
Iris delivered 50 quilts to the Grace Centre for Mother’s Day. As you know, each mum and baby gets a quilt and Iris was told that the quilts are displayed in the office and the nurse who is caring for the baby selects the quilt which is ‘right for the baby’s personality’.
When we have another supply, Caroline and Karen from the Grace Centre will join us again with morning tea. It’s nice to know that they appreciate our efforts.
Our Carolyn has already started on our next supply with 4 more gorgeous quilts:

Jenny has added another string quilt to our community stash

A reminder that our Quilt Show Challenge is due by May 10 - should be lots of fun.
I was sent a link to this tutorial from the Missouri Star Quilt Company on how to bind a quilt which you may find useful if you still haven’t finished your quilt for our next show...

Friday, 20 April 2018

School Holidays and Reminder

It is the first week of the school holidays for NSW.  Our group was a little smaller as a result.

Important Reminder:

The Sensory Mats are due on Thursday May 10.  For those who haven't finished theirs, you will need to get a move on.
Grace will be collecting them on the 10th.

Member News:

Merlyn and Val have been to visit Doreen during the week.

Val had lunch with her and said she is in good spirits.

Merlyn was able to give Doreen some information about her accommodation as her brother also is staying there.

It was wonderful to see Joy back this week. She is not 100% but is much better.


We were sad to hear that Quiltsmith at Annandale is closing the shop. They have an amazing selection of fabrics and many of us bought fabric there.
With increasing rents and expenses, the owner has decided to go online.
They are currently having a sale with 25% off everything.

Show and Tell:

Robyn and Iris packed 50 baby quilts to take to the Grace Centre at Westmead Hospital.
Our cupboard is now bare, awaiting a refill.

Marie K. made this lovely hexagon quilt for our Community stash. Marie is very talented at putting colours and various fabrics together. Her quilts always look stunning.

 This is another quilt for Community. It is a joint effort between Gill, Val and Doreen. Elephants are always a favourite. Lovely work.

Iris asked Marie K. if she would be able to make a matching bag for her hexagon quilt. What a great bag. We all wanted it! Thank you Marie.

I will be away next week. Grace has kindly agreed to step in for me. I hope you enjoy the the rest of the school holidays which includes Anzac Day next Wednesday.

Sunday, 15 April 2018

Visitors and Quilt Donations


* This week Tracey Sherwin from Unisson (formerly known as Sunshine Homes) joined us to tell us about her charity.
They have 30 staff and 800 participants. They help all ages with disabilities and also offer a day service as well as respite care.
The charity is government funded through the NDIS but extra funds are raised from selling arts and crafts, including painting and pottery, made by participants and also by raffling a quilt.

We donated 6 quilts for their use. Tracey said these will be used by their elderly residents to keep them warm during the winter. Residents in wheel chairs use them both as lap quilts and when they lie back in their chairs.

The quilts were particularly colourful and all made by our members.

* Heather brought a friend along to our meeting this week. Her friend Glenda lives near Dallas in Texas. She has an Australian grandson whom she likes to visit when she can.
It was such a pleasure to have her join us. She showed us a quilt and spoke to us about it.
The photograph is below.

Member News:

Norma -  one of our older members can no longer come to meetings as she requires more care. Elva has been to visit her and she is happy and enjoying her "new home". She misses us all though.

Doreen - is also in care at the moment while her daughter is away. She is slowly recovering.

Joy - is always at our meetings so it was noticeable that she was "missing in action". She has had a stay in hospital but is home now and recovering.
We all wish you a speedy recovery Joy and look forward to seeing you back here soon.

Show and Tell:

Heather showed us this very colourful quilt. Heather had quilted it using special Ruler Templates on her home machine.
These come in various shapes - straight lines, circles, etc.
Many of us did not know about these templates. They attach to your machine and make it easier to guide the needle for quilting.

Above and below, we have Glenda's quilt. Glenda said it is from a pattern which she offered to anyone who would like it. A number of her friends made the blocks separately, the only stipulation being that there was to be No Pink!
When all the blocks were returned they made this lovely, fun quilt.
It would be a great pattern for a Christmas quilt in Christmas fabrics.

Below is a close up of Heather's quilt to show the detailed quilting. Unfortunately I didn't get a photo of the back of the quilt which showed the quilting more clearly.

A number of our members visited the Fairholme Quilt show at Thornleigh last weekend. It was a lovely show. 
I particularly liked their challenge. The instruction was for a 12" block in black and white with a splash of colour. 
All the blocks were amazing. It was difficult to choose a favourite. This was one of mine.
The blocks will be made up into quilts for Community.

Sunday, 8 April 2018

Community Day and a Visitor

This week many of our groups were very busy piecing quilts for Community or finishing baby quilts.
We also had a visitor.

One of the charities we are supporting this year from our Show proceeds, is the Hornsby Kuring-gai Women's Shelter.

The President, Sallianne McClelland, came to visit our group and to speak about the shelter. They offer shelter for single women of various ages. During the three years that they have been operating, they have helped 230 women. This sounds very good until Sallianne followed up by saying that they have also turned away 780 women.

There is a a huge demand for shelters such as these. The women usually stay for a period of 3 months during which they receive counselling, advice and help finding work.

Hunters Hill Quilters presented Sallianne with 6 quilts that we had made. When a woman first comes to the shelter she is shown her bed, clean and made up. Then she is taken to choose a quilt from the cupboard. This quilt is something only for her and she takes this with her when she leaves.

These quilts mean so much to the women. They realise that they have been made with love and care and are a great source of comfort.

Show and Tell:

Marie G made this quilt which will go into our Community stash. Very colourful Marie.

Another quilt for Community from Jenny S. Jenny makes many quilts for Community. I always love the bright colours and the designs.

 Moina presented this baby quilt for the Grace Centre. Tiny hexagons and delicate colours.

Another baby quilt from Jenny S.

Carolyn presented 4 baby quilts, all made from her stash. Carolyn always knows which fabrics go well together.

We had a lovely visit from Laurel this week. Laurel has been one of our best sellers of raffle tickets for our show over the years. Laurel has also bought many raffle tickets. She has never won any of the raffles though.
However, Laurel won first prize at the quilt show in Mittagong recently. This is quilt she won.
What a thrill! Laurel said it suits her new house perfectly.

Until next time.

Monday, 2 April 2018

Entry Forms Due for Show Quilts

Our numbers were down a little this week due to the Easter break. There was a lot of activity in the hall nevertheless.

A reminder that the entry forms are due on April 5 for your quilts to be displayed in our show. The forms can be emailed to Iris but a hard copy photo of your quilt is required. If you are entering two quilts, please specify which is Number 1 and which is Number 2.

Grace reminded everyone that Membership fees are now overdue. Unfinancial members are not permitted to enter a quilt in the Show.

Next week we are having a guest from the Hornsby Kuring-Gai Women's Shelter coming to talk to us. This is one of the charities that we are supporting this year.

Also a reminder to bring your half square triangle blocks in for the Community Quilt being organised by Grace. 7" squares in pink colourings are requested. We put some of them up this week and they are looking pretty good. I have a photo below.

Show and Tell:

We have called this quilt "Rioting Colour" and what a feast of colour it is. Pamela R. works as a costume designer. Pamela has fascinating stories to tell. She was fortunate to work on the costumes for the the film "The Great Gatsby".
Pamela made this beautiful quilt which will go to one of our charities.

 Marie K. made this pretty quilt using fabrics designed by Kathy Doughty.

Sheila finished another baby quilt for the Grace Centre at Westmead using soft coloured fabrics. Above is the front and below is the back.

Some girls had returned their half square triangle blocks in pink for Grace. I love the way the diamond patterns emerged. I look forward to the finished result.

This quilt from Pamela R. is also made from leftover fabrics from Pamela's work as a costume designer. Lush velvet fabrics are used giving the quilt a luxurious look and feel.
We have called it "Purple Passion".
This quilt will be donated to one of our charities.