Friday, 27 June 2014

Thursday 27th June - New Hall Door Day!

Well yes, we did get a new door on the hall, but as they said at the council "There may be a few teething problems". Ahem! Firstly, you can't enter one second before 10am (so much for the 15 minute leeway). Secondly, once it allows you to enter, if you let it close again the next person can't get in without using a card again! Brilliant! A call to council and eventually a visit from the handyman, and we have been promised that this 'glitch' will be sorted by next week. Anyone care to bet on that? We may need to use the chair or a brick again to chock it open for the day. Let's see what happens.

On other matters, Iris brought in plenty of Show leaflets for members to take for distribution. Please help yourself and pass them around far and wide. Tickets for opening night were on sale, and will be next week and beyond. Show committee members, remember the early meeting next week. Narelle displayed her show rosters again, as did Robin H for the kitchen duties. Please feel free to fill them up! Bring along any quilts you wish to sell from now on so Alison can photograph them for promotion ahead of the show.
By the way, if anyone has "Collaborative Quilting" out from the library, could you let Janet know and/or bring it back to the hall when you can. Many thanks.

And finally to Show & Tell!
Not as many as usual this week, so I've included a few shots of an impromptu short workshop held by Susan H on how to make the gorgeous bags so much admired by members. Thanks Susan for sharing your skills.

Helen K's beautiful Bedford Mystery Quilt

Another gorgeous baby quilt, this one by Jenny S

Lindy M's quilt for possible selling at the show

And finally the happy quilters at work yesterday! Have a lovely weekend everyone. Mind the chair/brick as you enter the hall next week! Ho hum........

Saturday, 21 June 2014

Thursday 19th June

Hi again everyone.
Another quilting day with smallish turn up. Still a few travellers and people recovering. We welcomed Iris back, and had a message of greeting from grace who is 'still on to road'. Great to see Cheryl back on deck as well. 

A very successful show meeting before getting down to quilting work. Everything is coming together nicely, thanks to the massive efforts of Jenny and all her enthusiastic committee. Only two cards still outstanding, so a full pack will be the end result! Don't forget to bring along any plain bags (without logos or anything else printed on them) for use with stage sales. Also bring in anything you're planning to sell so Alison can photograph it, that includes waggas. Stage sale sheets will be ready soon for you to fill out if needed. Duty rosters are already out and being filled in enthusiastically by all yesterday! Thanks for that. Many hands etc etc.....

Late message yesterday afternoon from HH council. I can pick up our swipe cards on Monday. So those on kitchen duty next week, I would still bring along your keys just in case! However. I will pop in to check if the system is in place before Thursday, and if it is, I'll meet you at the hall at 9.45am with the swipe cards. 

Now for the 'Show and Tell'

An enormous beauty from Jenny S, a mystery quilt project I believe. Then a smaller one from the left overs!

A lovely quilt by Penny

This cute baby quilt was made by June P and quilted by Helen K

A 'foreign order' project for Elva's grandchild- an Elsa dress for a Frozen Party!! Many more sparkles still to be stitched!

Cheers, and see you next Thursday. Beautiful sunny weekend coming up. Enjoy yourselves!

We are now on Pinterest

We now have a Pinterest site
This is a social networking site where we can share our photos.
 Visit Hunters's profile on Pinterest.

Thursday, 12 June 2014

Thursday 12th June

Hi all. Elva here.
We had quite a small group today. Many travellers off in the wilds, leaving us to do all the work! We were a hardy group however, and the show & tell will prove that. We welcomed Suzie back looking well again. I spoke about the adventures with HH Council and the new swipe card entry to the hall. Supposed to be in place by tomorrow, but no action so far. Many a slip I suspect! Stay tuned for progress, if you can call this progress!
We are all still trying to figure out the logistics of getting to the Guild Show at Glebe Island this year. This will be a new adventure for all, but I'm sure the show will make it all worthwhile.
Jenny reports that all arrangements for our own show in early August are humming along nicely.  A reminder that there's a meeting of the show committee next Thursday, same time, same place.

Now for some show and tell:

Above also a couple of nice bags by Susan H, and a nice blue number by Jenny S.

Above is a Liberty print jelly roll by Lindy - very much admired, and may well be copied!
Below is a detail from Audrey's whole fabric quilt which she was doing at the retreat. Coming along nicely. 

Last but not least a very cute baby quilt by Robyn S for the usual charity.
Cheers all. See you next week. Enjoy the weekend and RUG UP! Winter's finally here!

Friday, 6 June 2014

Queen's Birthday Weekend

Community Day.

A lot of work has been done.
I saw a lot of handquilting done!
As well as work on a mystery quilt.

"How to make an Australian Quilt?" That's what we talked about!

Elva had a play with some donated blocks.
Looks great.

Show and Tell.
Henny made this incredible quilt for her 14y old grandson, who is mad about

And the back

Happy stitching,