Sunday, 12 December 2021

End of Year

 Hi Everyone,

After another disruptive year it is time to farewell 2021 and look ahead to 2022.

The quilts for Charity have been delivered. Bear Cottage were particularly pleased with the 8 Teenage Boys' quilts. They are usually receive pink quilts and the boys miss out. 

If you are looking for a project over the break perhaps think about making a teenage boy's quilt.

Size is slightly larger than single bed - approx. 60" x 78".

Christmas Party starting at 11 a.m.

Next week will be our final meeting for the year and our Christmas Party.

What to bring:

A plate for yourself.

A glass for drink.

A plate of food to share with everyone.

A Christmas hat - the most outrageous, beautiful or crazy as you like. The best will win a prize.

We will resume meetings on 20 January 2022.

I wish you all a very happy Christmas and look forward to a busy year in 2022.

Show and Tell:

5 Baby quilts from Carolyn

Two quilts from Carolyn , both quilted by Jenny

A baby quilt from Sheila

Until 2022 .....

Monday, 6 December 2021


 Hi Everyone,

Another enjoyable meeting this week. Discussion about Christmas lunch, vacuuming the floor after each meeting and of course lots of chatter.

Sandy has been busy sorting the many quilts ready for donation.

Jenny had an idea for our Christmas challenge which she is going to detail on our WhatsApp group.


* Iris is taking 6 quilts to the Hornsby Womens' Refuge.

* Sandy is taking 8 quilts to Bear Cottage.

* Susan H is delivering 8 quilts to a Womens' refuge in a local Parish area.

Show and Tell:

Three from Iris.

Quilt using scraps from the cupboard by the Orange Group.

Pretty Flowers from Robyn S.

A Bonny Hunter design from Jenny.

Two below from Susan D.

Until next week ....