Yes, we have just one more week before the end of August!
September will bring Springtime and our yearly retreat weekend! Thanks to Judy G for organising the event this year. We are all looking foward to getting away for a few days and making some significant progress on unfinished quilting business!
Meanwhile, back at the hall, our happy gang worked away as always on a huge deversity of projects.
The display table was covered with an enticing array of fabrics from Cheryl's collection. She would be so delighted to know that all her vast fabric stash is going to dedicated quilters, with lots ending up in communiy projects. I will be bringing many more boxes as the stash is gradually sorted and organised, so stay tuned!
Happy travelling to Susan St J and Iris!
Jenny S showed a new book for the library donated by Joy. It's called "String Fling", and looks like a beauty. Check it out for some inspiration. Thanks Joy.
Maree G showed us a really gorgeous quilt which she described as having 'very old-fashioned' fabrics. Such delicate colours and a pleasing design. Helena suggested she call it vintage rather than old-fashioned. I agree. That has a much tonier feel to it. The quilt is delightful Maree! Well done!
Not a lot to show this week, so I've included a sneak glimps of what looks like a fascinating project.
We look forward to seeing it in its final form. It appears to have lots to read on it!
So there you have it until next week. Have a lovely weekend in the gorgeous weather.
Cheers all.