Sunday 25 November 2018

Important Dates and Visitors

Hi Everyone,

Some dates for end of this year and our start in 2019.

Christmas Party and last meeting for 2018:

We will have our Christmas party on December 13. Start arriving from 11 a.m. and we pop the champagne at 12 noon! Bring a plate of food to share and a glass for your champagne.
We will have games and lucky door prizes. It is always a lot of fun.

Start in January:

We will break from December 13 and resume meetings on January 17.


Our AGM will be on February 14.


* We had a lovely visit from Branko from the Ryde-Lane Cove Community Services. We donated two quilts to them  - see photo below. The very pretty traditional quilt will be given to one of their very deserving volunteers.
The Christmas quilt will be raffled at their end of year party.

Branko spent a lot of time looking at our members at work and admiring what they were doing.
It was a very pleasant visit.

* At 1pm three ladies from the City of Sydney Community Services came to collect the beautiful quilt we had made for the Lord Mayor's Picnic to be held in the Botanic Gardens for the 9pm fireworks on New Years Eve. They were delighted with the quilt. It is truly one of our best.
They too, stayed for quite a time.

We always enjoy these visits and the feedback we receive.

Other matters:

Helen had asked us to make some sensory mats for the Springwood Special school. She was overwhelmed by the response. Helen was to deliver them this Sunday. Robyn Jnst. even included three knitted teddy bears in their own special bag. Photos are below.
So thank you everyone.

Show and Tell:

Above are the two quilts for the Ryde-Lane Cove Community Services.

 Above are Robyn's little teddies in their special bags.

The two photos above are some of the sensory mats.

Until next time ....

Sunday 18 November 2018

A Lively Meeting

Hi Everyone,

We had a large group this week at our meeting. It was good to see some who haven't been for a while.

General News:

* We had a visit from two of the ladies from the Westmead Childrens Hospital this week. Caroline provided a substantial morning tea for us and Nadine spoke about the baby quilts we donate to them. She and Caroline explained what they want us to make for their Kangaroo-a-thon to be held for two weeks from 15 May 2019.
These are special quilts that the mothers will use for their newborns to keep them both warm during their skin-to-skin contact time. This close contact between mother and baby has many benefits for the growth of the baby, especially those who are premature.

These special quilts are to be 28" square. Robyn S. will have some of the wadding available for us next week.
The colour preference is teal but other colours are welcome. The teal colour is associated with the Development Unit of which Nadine is in charge.

The colour purple is associated with World Immaturity Day. Some purple can be used in the 'Kangaroo Quilts'.

35 of these quilts are required.

Nadine told us that the hospital is linked to a Special Care Nursery is Alice springs. She asked if we would mind if they give some of the 26" quilts to this unit.
We can use indigenous fabrics for these quilts.

She also said that they had only 20 of our baby quilts in their cupboard. We gave them another 45 on Thursday. This will carry them over the Christmas period.

So keep up your good work with the baby quilts as they are obviously required and used.

* Iris received an email from Katie re the Lord Mayor's Picnic quilt. Katie said the quilt is spectacular and gorgeous. She and the Event Manager, Allison, will come to our meeting next week to thank us.

* Inala has chosen to present us with an award in recognition and acknowledgement for our contributions to them for many years.

Show and Tell:

Lots of photos this week.

First we have a baby quilt from Marie K.

This one below is from Grace.

Above Robyn H. has finished her Quaker Sampler which is stunning. Such beautiful handwork.

 Lindy has made the pretty quilt above for Community. The 'half star' block received many positive comments.

 Above is an Alphabet quilt Suzie L. made for her grandson. Everyone wanted to know what the different fabrics were that she used for each letter. A very lucky little boy to receive such a gift.

 Above we have a quilt from Sheila. Sheila had a stash of Japanese fabrics and put them together in a pattern that Carolyn had designed. Every block has been handstitched in the Shasiko style.
Another amazing quilt.

The two baby quilts below are from Lindy.

The back of Sheila's Japanese quilt below. Just as good as the front.

Another close up of Robyn's Quaker Sampler below.

 The three baby quilts below are from Susan H. Susan had attended a class using curved piecing. You will agree that she has used her new found knowledge well in the middle quilt.

 Below is a baby quilt from Marie K.

That's all for this week. Until next time .....

Sunday 11 November 2018

Smaller group this week

Hi Everyone,

Some members were away this week but there was plenty going on nonetheless.

It was wonderful that Robyn Jms could join us. Robyn has been very ill. We were able to finally give her the Cup she had won for first place at our show in August.

We also heard that one of the quilts we had donated to Inala has raised just over $700 for them which is very pleasing.

Elva told us that she will bring Norma to our Christmas Party in December. I am sure she will be the centre of attention and will enjoy catching up with everybody.

Visit next week:

Two ladies from Westmead will be visiting us next week. They are going to speak to us about the quilts they want us to make for their special "Kangarooathon" in May next year.

 "Kangaroo Care" is where  a new mother is encouraged to hold her baby close, skin to skin, for warmth and contact. The quilts will be placed over them both during this time.

A kangaroo logo is to be included in the quilt and a particular colour to be used. I will have more details after the visit next week.
They will also kindly be bringing morning tea.

Show and Tell:

Above is a photo of the quilt we donated to Sydney Community Services, hanging at the Gladesville Shopping Centre.

Above is a work in progress. The Churn Dash blocks are for a Community quilt. 
The top left two blocks are an improv version of the traditional Amish pattern "Indiana Puzzle". This was shown in a class at Material Obsession with Megan Manwaring.
Below these is an "Attic Windows" block that I am playing with. I like the 3D effect.
Below that a star block to be used somewhere!

Above is Elva's beautiful quilt almost finished. Elva has added a kennel for her dog and will add the dog next to it.
So many of our members can turn their hand to any craft. Many crochet, sew, knit, embroider, even paint. Such a talented group.
This pattern is based on a Wendy Williams design.
As you can see, Elva has added her own special touch.

Until next week ....

Sunday 4 November 2018

Another Busy Day

Hi Everyone,

As it was our first meeting of the month, many members were busy with their community projects. Iris and Jenny spent a lot of time sorting through the fabric in our cupboards. Some was given away, some folded and kept and some was discarded.

There was lot of laughter and chatter in the room. I look forward to my Thursdays as we always have fun, learn something, and share our experiences with others. I feel very lucky to be part of such a group.

We received two very nice thank you notes this week.

Grace received a lovely note from St Josephs Nursing Home for the sensory mats we donated to them.

Lucy from Inala also emailed a thank you for the sensory mats we gave to her organisation. Lucy included photos of two of their residents using the mats. See these photos below.

Helen K. passed on a request to make some sensory mats for special children from 7 to 13 years of age. These will be used in the Blue Mountains area. 35 mats have been requested. I am not sure that we can supply quite that many. If you have some spare time and imagination, perhaps you can come up with something.


Remember to sort through your fabrics at home for colourful material for Days for Girls. Perhaps you can do this over the Christmas break. Remember that the minimum amount is 12" by 30". This is the amount required to make a bag. Of course more material is also gratefully accepted.

Note for your Diary - Westmead Visit:

On Thursday November 15, we will be having a visit from Carolyn and Grace from Westmead Childrens Hospital. Carolyn has generously offered to bring morning tea. Grace will talk to us about the Baby Quilts she would like us to make. They will be slightly bigger than the ones we currently make for them. They also must include a kangaroo square that Grace will explain.

Recipe Book:

I have now received two recipes for our recipe book. Please try to think of something special that you make and would like to share with us all. At the moment it is going to be a very small recipe book with only two recipes!

Show and Tell:

 Above and below are sampler quilts that Susan D (above) and I (below) have made in a class at Material Obsession with Megan Manwaring. They are in the improv or wonky style. The blocks are quite varied. Some blocks were challenging but overall they look pretty good.

Below is the finished star quilt we have made for a special raffle. So bright and colourful and Grace quilted it to perfection on her regular home sewing machine.

Below is a quilt from Marie K. The quilt has been called "Roll the Dice" because of the backing fabric which has red and black dice all over it. This is a quilt for Community.

 Now for some Baby Quilts: Below are four from Carolyn grouped together.

 Below we have one from June.

 Below we have one from Jenny with some hand quilting and geometric shapes.

 Below is one from Beryl R. made with leftovers from the larger quilt that she is now hand quilting. This baby quilt has been hand quilted by Beryl as well.

Below are three of the baby quilts from Carolyn to show a little more detail.

 Below are the photos from Inala showing two of our sensory mats being used. It is heartwarming to know that our work is used and enjoyed and gives some comfort or benefit to those with needs.

Until next time .....