Saturday, 25 June 2016


What a great day! It turned out to be an extremely pleasurable experience, with lots of interested visitors, questions and compliments on our work.
Many thanks to all the volunteers who helped prepare and man the stall throughout the day. You all did a fantastic job.

Here are a few shots of setting up and getting started. Enjoy.......



And finally ready for business.....



And a few shots of quilts in the exhibition by our members. Congratulations to prize winners, and apologies if I missed any quilts!







Jess again.......


Grace again.......


And for those of our members who can't get to the Guild Show, here are a few shots of this year's Best In Show. A spectacular work called "Wizz Bang!" by Rachaeldaisy. A very different look to the winners of the past few years, and clearly a popular choice judging by the many comments we heard. 




Hope as many of you as possible get a chance to see the exhibition over the weekend. Keep warm!
Cheers all.


It's time to come in from the shivering cold and QUILT! This is the time of year our hobby comes into its own. A small group snuggled in our cosy hall, while clearly many others headed for White Bay to enjoy the pleasures of the Guild Show.

As promised, Narelle brought in the rosters for our own show in August, (only six weeks away) and volunteers are already signing up for all the tasks ahead. Lindy and Grace put their heads together to fine-tune the layout for the quilts in the Town Hall. Congratulations to Lindy for taking on such a major role in the show preparation, and many thanks to Grace for passing on her invaluable experience. This is how our group works best!

The next show meeting will be Thursday, 7th July at 9.30am in the usual place. Every meeting is vital from now on as we get down to specifics and chase up final details. I hope everyone can make it. Let Meg know if not so she can talk to you separately about your responsibility area.

Fill those rosters and distribute those gorgeous flyers as far as you can! We're up and running!


Maree K showed us a quilt she has made for a friend. Lucky friend, and beautifully quilted as well!


Iris showed her finally finished Ballet quilt which emerged at the retreat. Again, very nicely quilted!


The next one shown was contributed to by many members - mainly put together by Gil, with Iris doing the border. Looking fabulous, and now in search of a volunteer to quilt it! Any takers?


Iris's last offering was one put together entirely from scraps in the cupboard. You are amazing Iris! Well done.


Finally, Hayley showed her retreat quilt finished and awaiting an owner. It really is a delightful design Hayley, and anyone would be lucky to have it on their bed. Gorgeous! All the best for the next few weeks Hayley. We look forward to seeing you back soon.


For those of you going to the Guild Show tomorrow, we look forward to catching up at our very own HHQ display stall. Very excited. Thanks to Iris for all the planning and preparation. Blog of that event to follow!
Cheers all.

Sunday, 19 June 2016


Next Friday we set up our display space at the Guild Show. We plan to promote our group and our own August show. Many thanks to Iris who has run with this project ever since we drew attention to it from the Template magazine, and thanks to all the girls who have assisted and volunteered their time to  the project as well. Let's hope it's a success for both us and the Guild. I'm sure they'll do it again next year if it goes well.

We welcomed Grace back from her wonderful holiday, and our thanks go to Akiko for holding the fort with the treasuer's job. Well done Akiko!

Don't forget to keep selling show raffle quilt tickets, and to distribute our beautiful flyers. Only six weeks away for our show!

When Narelle returns (we wish you a quick recovery Narelle) she will be handing out rosters for the show. Start thinking which jobs you wish to sign up for. We will need the rosters filled in order to enjoy another successful show. 


Lindy made another baby quilt for the Grace Centre, but unfortunately I missed my chance to get a shot of it. Sorry Lindy, but thanks once again. You have contributed so many to the cause!

Jenny showed us two quilts. The first was a tumbler design, cut with an Accuquilt go cutter (just like ours!). Very nicely done Jenny.


The second one was a ufo which June had nagged Jenny to get finished. Just as well, because it's well worth the effort! It's for an elderly aunt of Jenny's.


A few 'round the room' shots:

Helena hand-quilting her show quilt. Looking amazing!


Joy pinning a quilt for one of her grandkids I believe, ably assisted by Hayley. The last time we saw this quilt was on a wall at the retreat. Progress, progress! It looks very sweet. Perfect for some lucky little girl!



And finally, Val putting the finishing touches to another gorgeous Wagga. So many people I tell about our upcoming show say they can't wait to see all the beautiful waggas again. They're really a big draw-card! Thanks Val.


See you next Thursday, and possibly at the Guild Show on Friday.

Sunday, 12 June 2016


Well, only a couple of weeks till the Guild Show where our raffle quilts will be on display, and our display space will be in operation (Friday, 24th June). Thanks to all those who have volunteered their time to man the stall and help promote our group and our own show in August.

Rosters for our August Show will be out soon, and it's hoped they will fill up and cover all jobs. 

Promotional bookmark-sized colourful cards for our show are now available for distribution to various shops and businesses. Sheets are circulating at Thursday groups to sign up for those busineses close to you. Please help out with our publicity in this way if you can. 

Jenny announced the purchase of a new book for our library. It is the much sought after "Quilting with Japanese Fabrics" by Kitty Pippin. A fabulous book, and a wonderful addition to our collection. Thanks Jenny.


Beryl showed us two quilts today. The first was one she and her daughter worked on together. It will go to her daughter's partner. He's apparently nuts about bikes, so there's plenty of them!


And if there weren't enough bikes on the front, there's still more on the back!


The second quilt was a bit of a rescue job. Beryl's daughter started it, but was eventually defeated by the log cabin design accuracy. Beryl to the rescue! It certainly was worth it!


And the back's not too shabby either!


Yet another stack of gorgeous baby quilts for the Grace Centre were presented. These are by Sue D, June and Lindy. Delightful fabrics, beautiful work and very much appreciated! Thanks girls.


Maree G showed us a gorgeous quilt. She described it by saying " this is what happens when your son gives you a pack of fabric for Mother's Day!" Well, you certainly made the most of that gift Maree. Well done!

And so ended another fabulous Thursday.
See you all next week when we'll do it all again!

Monday, 6 June 2016


The hall had members aplenty again compared to last week. I think we've all acclimatised to the cold, wet weather at last.
Retreat girls had plenty of feedback from our fabulous retreat at Blackheath last weekend, and lots of projects being finished.

Thank you to Audrey for the wonderful gift of a pile of fabric. This has filled our community quilts boxes, and even left some over for general use. It will all be turned into magnificent treasures!

Iris is collecting names for a mini roster to man our display space 'stall' at the Guild Show on Friday 24th June. We have it for the whole day, so more help is needed to make sure there's always someone there to chat to visitors, answer questions and help promote our group and more importantly our show! Please let us know if you can give up an hour or two. Cheers.


Lindy showed three new baby quilts she has made for the Grace Centre. All much admired by the group. Thanks Lindy.


Iris showed the little ballerina quilt she was working on at the retreat. This will be a community one, and definitely for some lucky little girl!


Laurel showed the community quilt she designed at the retreat from a  Kathy D fabric range. It turned our very nicely indeed Laurel!


Maree K similarly had one from the retreat to show. Possibly another Wagga for Gil and Doreen?
Very nice indeed. Love the binding. Just lifts it nicely.


Gil showed another version of her foxes, which has turned out beautifully! It's such a delightful design!
Well done Gil.


Iris showed a UFO which she has finally finished, and very nicely too......


Also another which she was working on at the retreat - looking very good!


Norma was working at the weekend on a nice binding for this cosy red blanket. It is destined for use by Sudanese refugees. Thanks so much Norma. Keeping your hand in!

And so a chilly but productive day came to an end. 
See you all this Thursday for more stitching, fun and companionship!
Cheers all.