Tuesday, 2 June 2020

A Collection of Houses

Hi Everyone,

I hope you are all well. From reading our WhatsApp we are very busy. We are lucky to have sewing to turn to while staying at home more.

Lots of Show and Tell happening.
This time I have decided to show some of the "House" Blocks that have been made. Such a variety and each one special and individual. When we finally get together again, the blocks will make a very colourful and interesting quilt with lots to look at.

Terrace houses from Deb T. 

Beryl R. went with elephants on the roof and a health worker having a shower perhaps!

 Grace has done a whole street.

Pub and wine bar from Suzie L. Suzie's shout! 

Gill has done Sue Stev. farm house.

Sheila with cats and clouds. Love the trees.

Squirrels in the hood from Deb T.

Two houses from Debbie A. Lots of construction happening.

 Kerry with birds singing in the sky. 

Laurel's house. Owner/Builder now expired! Love the caravan.

As you can see they are all different and lots of fun.

Until next time ........