Hi Everyone,
Today was Community Day and our group was busy either on sewing machines, pinning quilts or hand quilting. Grace had her Wagga Wizards (Jenny & Kerry) sorting material and making up kit packs.
Happy birthday to our members who celebrate their birthday in October. Wishing you many happy returns for your special day. 🎂
The Red group finished a Community quilt and it is now ready to find a forever home.
Single bed quilt completed by the Red group
Hunters Hill Quilt Show 2024
2nd - 4th August
@ Hunters Hill Town Hall - 22 Alexandra Street Hunters Hill
300 days until our show!
Alison announced today that we have a judge for our show. We are thrilled to announce Brenda Colahan has accepted our invitation to be our show judge. Brenda is the owner of Brenda Colahan Fine Art Gallery in Putney. The gallery specialises in Australian modern, contemporary and indigenous artists, with an emphasis on Australian female artists. BCFA is located at 78B Charles Street Putney.
Community News
Jane passed on a photo from RizeUp showing the completed bedroom for a new client. The orange knitted teddy bear can be seen on the bed. See last weeks blog for details.
We will be holding a workshop on 19th October. Grace will be teaching us a technique of sewing a new design to make the stunning quilt photographed below. The fabric will be provided and the purpose is to sew the squares together to make a Wagga to be sold at our Show. Please bring your sewing machine if you are interested in participating.
3 - 5th November at St Joseph’s Kincumber.
Payment must be made no later than 20th October
Show & Tell
Sheila made a cot quilt for Community
19th October Workshop with Grace - bring your sewing machine
20th October last day to make payment for the Retreat
26th October Show Committee Meeting at 1pm
3 - 5th November Retreat at St Joseph’s Kincumber
24th November Show & Tell with Christie - more details to come
24th November Show Committee Meeting at 1pm
December 7th December Christmas Party 11am start - last day for 2023
January 2024
18th January First day back at quilting
Until next week,