Thursday, 7 December 2023

7th December Christmas Party Day

Hi Everyone,

Wishing you and your family all the best for the Festive Season

Thank you to everyone who attended our Christmas Party today especially those who travelled down from the Central Coast and up from the Southern Highlands. It was wonderful to catch up with you all and enjoy our special lunch together. To have our completed Raffle and Judges gift quilts hanging up in the hall was an amazing achievement by our members.

The Party Girls

Christmas Challenge
Please look at your email for the Christmas Challenge as Ros will be sending you the instructions.

18th January First day back at quilting
25th January Show Committee Meeting at 1 pm
1st February Community Day - Table Runner Workshop
15th February AGM
7th March Community Day - Bag Making Workshop
7th March Christmas Challenge due back
4th April Community Day - Daycare Hat Making Workshop

Until next year,
Happy quilting, Sandy

Thursday, 30 November 2023

30th November

Hi Everyone,

Today was our second last meeting of the year, where has the time gone?

Jane has been busy sorting the quilts to be delivered to Bear Cottage at Manly and the Women’s Refuge in Taree which will be delivered next week. We have a challenge to provide 40 baby quilts for Little Wonder RPA for Valentine’s Day ❤ next year so feel free to create something for this special occasion over the Christmas break.

Christmas Party 🎄🎅
We will be holding our Christmas Party on Thursday 7th December starting at 11am. Bring a plate of food to share, a glass, and a plate for yourself.  The Christmas Challenge will be handed out at our party - stay tuned for more information.

Show News
Don’t forget to volunteer and fill a vital role in our show’s organisation team. 

Show & Tell
Carolyn completed 10 baby quilts
Sue D completed to 2 quilts from the Orphan blocks

7th December Christmas Party 11am start - last day for 2023

18th January First day back at quilting
25th January Show Committee Meeting at 1 pm
1st February Community Day - Table Runner Workshop
15th February AGM
7th March Community Day - Bag Making Workshop
7th March Christmas Challenge due back
4th April Community Day - Daycare Hat Making Workshop

Until next week,
Happy quilting, Sandy

Thursday, 23 November 2023

23rd November

Hi Everyone,

Thanks to everyone who came to quilting today it was another fabulous day. World Prematurity Day was held last week and we received a message from Olivia thanking us for the baby quilts and said they were lovingly received. Jane bagged 40 baby quilts ready to be delivered to Little Wonder at RPA for Christmas.

Next week Christie will be showing us her ceramics she has made and they are also for sale. If you are looking for gift ideas for Christmas this is your opportunity.

Christmas Party
We will be holding our Christmas Party on Thursday 7th December starting at 11am. Bring a plate of food to share, a glass, and a plate for yourself.  The Christmas Challenge will be handed out at our party - stay tuned for more information.

Show News
Don’t forget to volunteer and fill a vital role in our show’s organisation team. We are organising for our Community Days in February, March and April to focus on making stock for our stage sales at the Show.
At our next show meeting we will be looking at our Quilt Show Entry Form and the conditions of entering a quilt in the show. 
The gift for our Show Judge will be on display at our Christmas Party along with the two Raffle Quilts.

Show & Tell
Sheila completed this bag that she started on the Retreat
Ann made 3 Baby quilts from the Orphan Blocks box

30th November Show & Tell with Christie - more details to come
7th December Christmas Party 11am start - last day for 2023

18th January First day back at quilting
25th January Show Committee Meeting at 1 pm
1st February Community Day - Table Runner Workshop
7th March Community Day - Bag Making Workshop
7th March Christmas Challenge due back
4th April Community Day - Daycare Hat Making Workshop

Until next week,
Happy quilting, Sandy

Thursday, 16 November 2023

16th November

Hi Everyone,

We are so lucky to have such talented members at Hunters Hill Quilters. Where quilting is our main objective our members are continually creating and perfecting other skills, so it shouldn’t surprise us when Hayley was able to visit us today and show us her latest project. Hayley went to Java to learn batik material printing and we were thrilled that she brought in some of her material she printed and coloured at the workshop she attended. The process is long and physical taking days to achieve the printing and colouring of the material. Hayley added she will never complain about the cost of batik fabric when purchasing it, after experiencing the hard days of work needed to finish each piece of fabric. She enjoyed the experience so much that she is eager to go back and learn more techniques.

Some example of Hayley’s batik printing

Annual General Meeting will be held on Saturday 18th November at Club Burwood RSL, 96 Shaftesbury Road Burwood. Time 10am doors open at 9:45am. Non members are welcome to attend but cannot vote.

Christmas Party
We will be holding our Christmas Party on Thursday 7th December starting at 11am. Bring a plate of food to share, a glass, and a plate for yourself.

Show News
Thank you everyone for the fantastic effort in completing our 2 Raffle quilts. We will display them at our Christmas Party before we send them off to be photographed. See our Instagram account for a sneak peek.
Don’t forget to volunteer and fill a vital role in our show’s organisation team. We need everyone to help out over the weekend of the show but we need some members to take up roles of responsibility. If you are unsure and would like more information about the vacant positions please see Sandy or Alison.

Show & Tell
Sue S made a quilt for her motorbike loving Grandson 
Judy completed a baby quilt
Iris & Sue D created a cot quilt for Community from orphan blocks at our Retreat

23rd November Show Committee Meeting at 1pm
30th November Show & Tell with Christie - more details to come
7th December Christmas Party 11am start - last day for 2023
January 2024
18th January First day back at quilting

Until next week,
Happy quilting, Sandy

Thursday, 9 November 2023

9th November

Hi Everyone,

Another busy day at quilting with discussions regarding our 2024 date for our retreat and whether is should be before or after the Quilt Show. 

Speaking of our Retreat we had a wonderful time away at St Joseph’s in Kincumber. We were able to dedicate our weekend to sewing and working through the UFO box as we didn’t have to think about cooking meals with all our food prepared for us. Thank you Narelle for organising the weekend.

The trifle was amazing.

Annual General Meeting will be held on Saturday 18th November at Club Burwood RSL, 96 Shaftesbury Road Burwood. Time 10am doors open at 9:45am. Non members are welcome to attend but cannot vote.

Christmas Party
We will be holding our Christmas Party on Thursday 7th December starting at 11am. Bring a plate of food to share, a glass, and a plate for yourself.

Show News
Don’t forget to volunteer and fill a vital role in our show’s organisation team. We need everyone to help out over the weekend of the show but we need some members to take up roles of responsibility. If you are unsure and would like more information about the vacant positions please see Sandy or Alison.

Show & Tell
Carolyn made 10 Baby quilts

23rd November Show Committee Meeting at 1pm
30th November Show & Tell with Christie - more details to come
7th December Christmas Party 11am start - last day for 2023
January 2024
18th January First day back at quilting

Until next week,
Happy quilting, Sandy

Thursday, 2 November 2023

Community Day 2nd November

 Hi Everyone,

Today at quilting Grace sewed all the squares together to complete the top of our latest Wagga. It looks amazing and will be a popular item at our show. 

Happy birthday to our members who celebrate their special day in November 🎂 have a wonderful day.

Tomorrow 18 members are heading north to our retreat at St Joseph’s in Kincumber. Some of us are meeting for lunch while others have plans to visit Achieve, watch out central coast here we come. I will report back next week on what we got up to on the weekend.

Annual General Meeting will be held on Saturday 18th November at Club Burwood RSL, 96 Shaftesbury Road Burwood. Time 10am doors open at 9:45am. Non members are welcome to attend but cannot vote.

Show News
Alison reported today on last week’s Show Committee meeting. We have discussed about using our Community Days next year to do workshops and making items for Stage sales at our show, so stay tuned for more exciting ideas. Our next meeting will be held on 23rd November.
Don’t forget to volunteer and fill a vital role in our show’s organisation team. We need everyone to help out over the weekend of the show but we need some members to take up roles of responsibility. If you are unsure and would like more information about the vacant positions please see Sandy or Alison.

Christmas Party
We will be holding our Christmas Party on Thursday 7th December starting at 11am. Bring a plate of food to share, a glass, and a plate for yourself.

Show & Tell
Iris showed her completed quilt that she started in 2013 she called it her orphan block quilt.

Jane complete a baby quilt to be sent to Little Wonder RPA

23rd November Show Committee Meeting at 1pm
30th November Show & Tell with Christie - more details to come
7th December Christmas Party 11am start - last day for 2023
January 2024
18th January First day back at quilting

Until next week.
Happy quilting, Sandy

Thursday, 26 October 2023

26th October

Hi Everyone,

Today we continued with the making of our Wagga and all the squares will be completed by next week. It has been a great effort by those who have been involved in this project. 

Our first raffle quilt has been completed and it gave me great pleasure in showing our members the quilt today. Over the next couple of weeks the quilt will be photographed for us so we can start moving forward on publicity for our Quilt Show.

Would you like to receive the QuiltNSW newsletter? Please complete the form on the front table at quilting so we can organise for it to be forwarded to you.
All hard copies of the Template can be found in our Library for you to read.

One more week to go before we head off to St Joseph’s Spirituality and Education Centre, 8 Humphreys Road, Kincumber South for our Retreat.
Narelle will be sending out an email in the next couple of days with all the information you will need for our weekend away. The Fat Quarter game is back by popular demand plus other fun activities have been planned. There is also a suggestion to meet up for lunch before our designated time of arrival at St Joseph’s and those details will be in the email. 

Show Committee Meeting
Our next meeting will be held on Thursday 23rd November at 1pm.

Show News
Volunteers are still needed to fill vital jobs for our show, so please consider offering your support and willingness to take on a role. The job description should read - No previous experience required, on job training, you will be working alongside a friendly and flexible team who enjoy a good laugh and have a wicked sense of humour. 

Show & Tell
Margaret D found this quilt in Vinnies which needed to be completed. Quilted by Grace.

Baby quilt made by Alison’s friend

You may be interested in attending?
Things I Fancy by Robyn Ross - View paintings inspired by my travels and things I fancy. Opening night 31st October then 1st - 5th November 307 Darling Street, Balmain.

Bungendore Quilters Annual Quilt Exhibition 25th November 9am - 6pm, 26th November 9am - 4pm
Bungendore Memorial Hall, Molonglo Street, Bungendore. Entry $2.50

3 - 5th November Retreat at St Joseph’s Kincumber 
23rd November Show Committee Meeting at 1pm
30th November Show & Tell with Christie - more details to come
7th December Christmas Party 11am start - last day for 2023
January 2024
18th January First day back at quilting

Until next week.
Happy quilting, Sandy

Thursday, 19 October 2023

19th October

Hi Everyone,

Firstly I would like to thank Grace who ran our workshop today. It was fabulous to see that we were able to complete 16 squares, so we are just over the half way mark. The day was so successful we are running the same workshop next week and then we will have another Wagga for our show. See our latest posts on Instagram @huntershillquiltersnsw and Facebook - Hunters Hill Quilters to see the results of our workshop.

Hunters Hill Quilt Show 2024
2nd - 4th August
@ Hunters Hill Town Hall - 22 Alexandra Street, Hunters Hill

Show Committee Meeting
26th October at 1pm

3 - 5th November at St Joseph’s Kincumber.
Payment must be made no later than Friday 20th October 

Show & Tell
Beryl R completed a Baby quilt

20th October last day to make payment for the Retreat 
26th October Show Committee Meeting at 1pm
3 - 5th November Retreat at St Joseph’s Kincumber 
23rd November Show & Tell with Christie - more details to come
23rd November Show Committee Meeting at 1pm
7th December Christmas Party 11am start - last day for 2023
January 2024
18th January First day back at quilting

Until next week,
Happy quilting, Sandy

Thursday, 12 October 2023

12th October

Hi Everyone,

There was plenty of activity at quilting today although we were smaller in numbers. A couple of shows are on this weekend that you may be interested in attending.

Sydney Craft Week - Concord Community Quilting Expo
13-14 October, 10am - 3pm
Concord Library, 60 Flavelle Street, Concord     CANADABAY.NSW.GOV.AU/WHATS-ON

Bulli Corner Quilters - Annual Quilt & Flower Show
13-14 October, 9am - 4pm
Northern Illawarra Uniting Church, Cnr Princes Highway & Point St, Bulli    Entry $5

Hunters Hill Quilt Show 2024
2nd - 4th August
@ Hunters Hill Town Hall - 22 Alexandra Street, Hunters Hill

** Next Show Committee Meeting 24th November, 1pm

We are holding a workshop next week (19th October) at quilting and Grace will be guiding us through the techniques required. Please bring your sewing machine, small iron, rotary cutter and cutting mat.

3 - 5th November at St Joseph’s Kincumber.
Payment must be made no later than 20th October 

Show & Tell 
Carolyn made 10 Baby quilts

Robyn Ja completed a Kaffe Fassett shawl

Suzie made a new quilt for her 2 year old granddaughter who is moving into a big bed

19th October Workshop with Grace - bring your sewing machine
20th October last day to make payment for the Retreat 
26th October Show Committee Meeting at 1pm
3 - 5th November Retreat at St Joseph’s Kincumber 
24th November Show & Tell with Christie - more details to come
24th November Show Committee Meeting at 1pm
7th December Christmas Party 11am start - last day for 2023
January 2024
18th January First day back at quilting

Until next week,
Happy quilting, Sandy

Thursday, 5 October 2023

Community Day - October 5

Hi Everyone,

Today was Community Day and our group was busy either on sewing machines, pinning quilts or hand quilting. Grace had her Wagga Wizards (Jenny & Kerry) sorting material and making up kit packs. 
Happy birthday to our members who celebrate their birthday in October. Wishing you many happy returns for your special day. 🎂
The Red group finished a Community quilt and it is now ready to find a forever home.

Single bed quilt completed by the Red group 

Hunters Hill Quilt Show 2024
2nd  - 4th August
@ Hunters Hill Town Hall - 22 Alexandra Street Hunters Hill

300 days until our show!

Alison announced today that we have a judge for our show. We are thrilled to announce Brenda Colahan has accepted our invitation to be our show judge. Brenda is the owner of Brenda Colahan Fine Art Gallery in Putney. The gallery specialises in Australian modern, contemporary and indigenous artists, with an emphasis on Australian female artists. BCFA is located at 78B Charles Street Putney.

Community News
Jane passed on a photo from RizeUp showing the completed bedroom for a new client. The orange knitted teddy bear can be seen on the bed. See last weeks blog for details.

We will be holding a workshop on 19th October. Grace will be teaching us a technique of sewing a new design to make the stunning quilt photographed below. The fabric will be provided and the purpose is to sew the squares together to make a Wagga to be sold at our Show. Please bring your sewing machine if you are interested in participating.

3 - 5th November at St Joseph’s Kincumber.
Payment must be made no later than 20th October 

Show & Tell
Sheila made a cot quilt for Community

19th October Workshop with Grace - bring your sewing machine
20th October last day to make payment for the Retreat 
26th October Show Committee Meeting at 1pm
3 - 5th November Retreat at St Joseph’s Kincumber 
24th November Show & Tell with Christie - more details to come
24th November Show Committee Meeting at 1pm
7th December Christmas Party 11am start - last day for 2023
January 2024
18th January First day back at quilting

Until next week,
Happy quilting, Sandy

Thursday, 28 September 2023

28th September

Hi Everyone,

Our group today was smaller in number owing to school holidays and the up coming long weekend. Although we had fewer attending there was still plenty to do and to show. The hand quilting on our Traditional raffle quilt has been completed and Grace has kindly taken the quilt to choose a binding fabric.

Elva showed us a completed knitted outfit consisting of a beanie hat and jumper for the Fish & Chip babies. The outfits are sent to any crisis area in the world. New born babies are being called “Fish & Chip” babies because they are sent home from hospital wrapped in newspaper for warmth.

The other week when I was at the QuiltNSW Exhibition there was a small quilt that caught my eye and sense of humour. The title of the quilt was “What’s for dinner Mum?” It made my day. If only the family would be satisfied with a fabric meal on those days when you are on a roll with your stitching!

3rd - 5th November at St Joseph’s Kincumber. Payment for the Retreat must be made no later than 20th October.

Community News
Jane met with our contact at RizeUp this week to hand over some Teddy Bears which were knitted by Ros and Robyn Jo hand sewed their faces. RizeUp was thrilled to receive them and one will be placed in a new home tomorrow. 
40 Baby quilts were selected and will be delivered to Olivia for Little Wonders RPA for World Prematurity Day in November.

Show & Tell
Carolyn made 10 Baby quilts

Hunters Hill Quilt Show 2024      
2nd - 4th August 
@ Hunters Hill Town Hall - 22 Alexandra Street, Hunters Hill

Don’t forget to volunteer to be on a sub committee we need your assistance to make our show a success.

5th October Community Day
20th October last day to make payment for the Retreat
26th October Show Committee Meeting at 1pm
3-5th November Retreat at St Joseph’s Kincumber 

Until next week.
Happy quilting, Sandy

Thursday, 21 September 2023

21st September

Hi Everyone,

Today at quilting we celebrated our 41st Birthday and thanks to all our members who made it a memorable day. Thank you Kerry for organising the cupcakes and the flowers they made a colourful display on the table for our celebration.

Happy Birthday
Hunters Hill Quilters

3rd - 5th November at St Joseph’s Kincumber.
Narelle emailed the details to those members who are attending on Monday. Please check that you received the email. Payment for the Retreat must be made no later than 20th October.

My Sewing Supplies has taken on the Bernina dealership that was in Chatswood. The Lindfield premises are now open for business.

Show & Tell
Baby Quilt made by Grace
Sheila made a Baby Quilt

5th October Community Day
20th October last day to make payment for the Retreat
26th October Show Commitment Meeting at 1pm
3 - 5th November Retreat at St Joseph’s Kincumber 

Until next week.
Happy quilting, Sandy