Hi Everyone,
Today at quilting it was good to see the return of some of our members who have been unwell or back home from their travels. Lots of chatter and sewing filled the hall.
Jane delivered 40 Baby quilts to Olivia for Little Wonders @ RPA a couple of weeks ago. The Baby quilts will be distributed on Father’s Day this Sunday to families who have a new born at RPA Hospital in the NICU.
We will be celebrating HHQ’s birthday on 12th September. Please bring a glass to share some birthday cheer.
We are on the countdown to our Retreat which will be held at St Joseph’s Spirituality & Educational Centre, 8 Humphrey Road Kincumber South on 6th - 8th September. Please re-read the list of items to pack and note the times for meals and arrival and departure.
Narelle has organised games for us to participate in, so don’t forget a Fat quarter (please wrap) and 10 - 2.5cm x 42cm strips of fabric.
Show & Tell
Exhibition dates Thursday 19th - Sunday 22nd September.
Raffle tickets are available at quilting - $2 each
Christmas Party 🎄
Will be held on 5th December at 11am - this will be our last day we are gathering for 2024.
5th September Community Day
6th - 8th September Retreat Weekend @ St Joseph’s Kincumber
7th - 8th September Caroline Bay Quilters Quilt Show 36 Webb St East Gosford - $5 entry
12th September HHQ Birthday Party & presenting our donation to RizeUp - please bring your own glass for some bubbles
19th - 22nd September Quilt NSW Exhibition 2024 Rosehill Gardens Racecourse
3rd October Community Day
7th November Community Day
9th - 10th November Campbelltown Quilt Show - Campbelltown Civic Centre 10am - 4pm
5th December Christmas Party - please bring your own plate for food and a glass for some bubbles
16th January First day back to quilting for the new year
Until next week.
Happy quilting, Sandy