Hi Everyone,
Today at quilting Grace sewed all the squares together to complete the top of our latest Wagga. It looks amazing and will be a popular item at our show.
Happy birthday to our members who celebrate their special day in November 🎂 have a wonderful day.
Tomorrow 18 members are heading north to our retreat at St Joseph’s in Kincumber. Some of us are meeting for lunch while others have plans to visit Achieve, watch out central coast here we come. I will report back next week on what we got up to on the weekend.
Annual General Meeting will be held on Saturday 18th November at Club Burwood RSL, 96 Shaftesbury Road Burwood. Time 10am doors open at 9:45am. Non members are welcome to attend but cannot vote.
Show News
Alison reported today on last week’s Show Committee meeting. We have discussed about using our Community Days next year to do workshops and making items for Stage sales at our show, so stay tuned for more exciting ideas. Our next meeting will be held on 23rd November.
Don’t forget to volunteer and fill a vital role in our show’s organisation team. We need everyone to help out over the weekend of the show but we need some members to take up roles of responsibility. If you are unsure and would like more information about the vacant positions please see Sandy or Alison.
Christmas Party
We will be holding our Christmas Party on Thursday 7th December starting at 11am. Bring a plate of food to share, a glass, and a plate for yourself.
Show & Tell
Iris showed her completed quilt that she started in 2013 she called it her orphan block quilt.
Jane complete a baby quilt to be sent to Little Wonder RPA
November23rd November Show Committee Meeting at 1pm
30th November Show & Tell with Christie - more details to come
December 7th December Christmas Party 11am start - last day for 2023
January 202418th January First day back at quilting
Until next week.
Happy quilting, Sandy