Monday 5 December 2022

A Busy Community Day

 Hi Everyone,

A little late with the blog. We are renovating and my house is a nightmare. 

Dates to remember:

* Christmas lunch on December 8. Come around 11 am. Bring a plate of food to share, a glass, and a plate for yourself.

There will be three lucky door prizes. Susie M. is devising a special game for us all. Grace is bringing flowers for the tables. 

* We return to quilting on January 19, 2023.

* AGM to be held on 23 February, 2023.

Emergency Contact List:

This is hanging in the end cupboard for everyone to refer to. If your details change please let Kerry know so she can update it.

Grace has kits ready for Waggas. A good holiday project.

The orange group were busy starting another community quilt this week. Meg's group worked on their quilt as did Alison's group. 

Show and Tell:

Carolyn's ten baby quilts.

Cot quilt from Jane

Iris made this one from scraps and hand quilted it.

Baby quilt from Beryl B. all hand stitched.

The orange groups' finished community quilt.

Wishing you a very happy Christmas and holiday celebrations.