Saturday, 31 October 2015

END OF OCTOBER! 20/10/15

Well, where on earth did October go? I'm sure time didn't go this fast when we were all 5 years old and waiting for our next birthday or Christmas to come! Crazy.....

However, this means next week is Community day for November, and we are putting our new Accuquilt Cutter into action. A few experienced users will be on hand to demonstrate and guide you through using it. Once you've seen how it's done, you won't need much help because it's so easy and self explanatory. Please have a go, even if it's just cutting some strips from our stash, which can then be used for community projects. Or by all means bring your own fabric to try it out. 

Iris and Grace may also bring out one or two of Adrienne's unfinished beauties for a group to get started on. That sounds exciting indeed. There'll be plenty to do!

Another more long-term project could be a group working on the various blocks of Hayley's pattern "Dolly and Me". I believe Hayley is planning to donate the pattern to our library, which is very generous. Have a look below and see if you agree with me that we could make this one up as a raffle quilt, either for the 2018 show or another community raffle before then. I think we would sell plenty of tickets! How did she do the whole thing herself? Amazing Hayley!





Don't forget the Campbelltown Quilters exhibition is coming on 14th & 15th of November. You can google it for all details.

Thanks to Iris for organising Jeanne from Head Space to come and speak to us about their programs. Jeanne really was the most dynamic speaker I've heard in a long time. As Iris pointed out, she hasn't heard the room so silent during a speaker's visit 'ever!' What a pity we don't have such dynamism from the women in our political system! I guess women like Jeanne are better served being out in the community making things happen on the ground. The talk certainly gave a better insight into the organisation and the programs in place to support young people with mental illnesses. We can now see how to target our donations from the next show to best effect.

Thanks to Kerry for representing HHQ at a Hunters Hill Community Groups forum last Wednesday evening. Kerry was impressed with how many community groups there are in Hunters Hill, and how they try and support and liaise with each other. We have been asked to include our 'events' for each year in the community calendar. The idea is that in this way groups will try not arrange their events in conflict with other groups. There were many other initiatives and issues, but Kerry felt this one is most useful for us.
Thanks again Kerry for fitting this into your busy schedule.

We decided that December 17 will be the date for our end of year Christmas Party. The plan is to eat, drink, play a few small games and generally wind down ready for the festive break. 
The challenge which was originally suggested by Narelle I think, has been discussed and worked on by quite a few people by now. The final decision is that everyone who wants to can complete a block, (or more than one if you wish), and receive a raffle ticket for each block. A ticket will be then pulled out at the party, and the winner gets the blocks to make into a quilt (or anything you wish). Depending how many blocks come in, we might get be able to pull out two tickets for two lots of blocks. We'll see what happens. Iris has chosen a (very easy) block (thanks for volunteering Iris) and will distribute it as soon as she has it ready. There will be a set size and colour range so that they will blend together. Sound like fun!

Joy is busy circulating next year's kitchen roster (already!), so choose dates that suit you best now. Well done Joy!


The first quilt is a Wagga done by Doreen and Gil, and quilted by Grace. It's really lovely, and the quilting on the back makes it so beautifully reversible. Lovely job ladies all!




Hayley showed her Dolly and Me quilt - finally finished! (See above). It's an amazing piece of work Hayley. Hours of 'fun', and a wonderful present to a dear friend for her baby. Wow!

And last of all Grace showed a gorgeous memory quilt for a friend's niece, showing memories in fabric of the child's first nine years. You can see bits and pieces of pre-loved clothes etc which Grace has used. A wonderful gift Grace, and beautifully worked. 




There's no end to the creativity in this group. It's such a pleasure being able to work among so many experienced and talented people, while still being able to relax, joke around and have heaps of companionship and fun. Where else would you be on Thursdays?

Cheers, Elva

Sunday, 25 October 2015

October 22nd 2015

We were another small group this week, with many members travelling, on granny watch, not so well etc etc.
Let's hope numbers grow towards Christmas so we have a BIG Christmas party!

Not much news this week, except that next community day, in two weeks time, we will have a few experienced Accuquilt Go Cutter users demonstrating how to do it. Bring along any projects which require strips cut, including bindings for instance. That way it can be a very productive as well as a learning session. Preparation for some new community quilts would be a great start!

So on to Show and Tell!

This is the finished quick 'tube cutting' method quilt I have made for my niece'so 30th birthday. It has now been bound and quilted, and ready to hand over when she visits me at Christmas. All Kaffe fabrics. Phew!


This quilt top was done by Robyn J after a trip to Lighting Ridge. Pieced in her caravan, she has called it "Lightning Strike". Very interesting block design, and gorgeous batik fabrics. 



Below you see the finished Contempoary Raffle Quilt looking stunning! The back looks great also.
Should sell plenty of tickets! Well done ladies all.



Below is an interesting quilt done by Suzie L after a recent trip to New York. I think the fabric was purchased there, and it depicts the skyscrapers beautifully. The yellow inset fabric is of the famous yellow taxis. Very cute idea. Suzie has called it "New York Night and Day".



Below you can see a lovely quilt done by Judy G, as part of a class at Material Obsession with Megan.
There is plenty of 'fussy cutting' for the block designs, and Judy declares herself very proud and pleased with her hand quilting. Well done. I agree - it is very satisfying isn't it? 


And a close-up of the fussy-cutting and the hand-quilting!


I hope I have the next one correct. Apologies if not! From memory it is from the Tokyo Rose pattern by Carolyn D, pieced by Gil and quilted by Grace. Very attractive it is too. Nice fabric choice! Combined effort!


And the back. A stunning piece of Kathy fabric if I'm not mistaken!


The next one is by Gil again, started at the retreat I believe. It certainly has grown! Looking great, and very cute fabric!



And last but not least, our other stunning Raffle Quilt - The Traditional one this time. It has now been completely hand quilted by various members - many thanks to you all! The quilting looks fabulous, and the whole quilt is a triumph! Well done to Robyn Ja for coming up with the design and and driving the whole project. Great to have both raffle quilts completed and ready.
(And hey - anyone who can't see those circles and other patterns coming through now just can't be looking right!)


Well done everyone for yet another collection of great work. How do we do it each week? I guess we're just over-achievers, obsessed, workaholics, pleasure seekers............. You name it!

Cheers, enjoy you're weekend.

Monday, 19 October 2015

15th OCTOBER 2015

Hi all. Nice to see the fine weather returned, and a beautiful day to be gathered together and stitching! What a pity we aren't able to do it out under the trees!

We are thinking of our dear friend Doreen who is still in hospital. All hoping for the best.

Thanks to Robyn S for a fruitful approach to our next Quilt Show judges. So good to have that solved and an excellent choice as well.

Our Movie ticket winners had an exciting and interesting time on Wednesday evening. The movie was excellent we're told, and the HH girls were asked to stand in recognition of our group's generous donations to Giant Steps over the past few years. Wow!

Below are a few pieces of show and tell from this week's meeting

Jenny's counter-change quilt for her 80 year old aunt, with a rather lovely backing!



The silk fan quilt (done by Grace and the girls at the second table from the kitchen) and currently being hand-quilted by Grace. Looking beautiful. It will be hung and offered for sale at the next show most likely.



Maree K showed this sweet quilt, which is the girlie version of a boy and girl pair for a set of twins of a friend. Lucky kids! 


And so, that's all folks! See you soon.

Saturday, 10 October 2015


Yes, one week into October, and I can't see where the rest of the year went! 
No time to lose, as they say, so we quilters were busy 'at it' once again. 
There was plenty of interest as Iris pinned the new Zoo quilt up on the design wall.


 It's looking fabulous! See for yourselves .....


All that hard work has been worth it as always. Well done girls!

We had the grand unwrapping of our brand new Accuquilt Go Cutter, which came during the week. Very efficient transaction, and now it's open for business for anyone who wants to use it. We might ask those who have used them before to be on-hand to do small demonstrations and guide newbies through the process. If you have any strips to cut (1 1/2, 2 and 2 1/2 inch wide) bring your fabric along and it will be done in a trice and very accurately. There's also a square and half-square triangle die cutter as well. We can acquire more when and if we see the need. Have a look at the full range if you're  interested.



     Iris and Grace talked us through the amazing gift of fabrics, equipment and 3 partly finished quilts which have been offered to HHQ by Adrienne. The stunning work on the part-finished quilts took our breath away, and I'm sure there will be volunteers eager to continue the construction. 
We are so grateful to Adrienne for this extremely generous gift, and can guarantee her that we will not only give it all a good home, but will treat it all with the same care she obviously did. 
Here is just one of the quilt tops included.....



This week's baby quilt is a cutie made by Karen. Very sweet, and beautiful quilting into the bargain!


Kerry showed a gorgeous quilt constructed from still more of the lovely silk fabric donated by Akiko's mum. That silk donation seems endless! It's a beautiful quilt Kerry, and nicely quilted by Grace to finish of the delight! Well done!


Kathy is off to Houston and will be showcasing her new fabric range designs. She will be taking 5 quilts made from the range, and she showed us some of the bits and pieces. Best of luck Kathy, and we will be thinking of you. I'm sure it will go well. The range - "Flock Together" - is absolutely gorgeous, and very versatile to use.




So, another productive week, and plenty of exciting activities ahead. 

We send best wishes to our good friend Doreen who is in hospital at the moment. I will deliver a card to the hospital on behalf of us all, and we hope to see her well again soon. It has been requested that she have no visits at this stage, and flowers are deemed as a possible problem with breathing etc. I know everyone will be sending their thoughts to her. 

Enjoy this lovely weekend and nice weather next week till we meet again.
Cheers all!

Saturday, 3 October 2015

October Community Day

This is Iris in 'blog' land today.   Grace and I took over 'news' time on Thursday as Elva spent time with her budding quilter apprentice, granddaughter Lucy.

It was good to see all those 'holiday' people back on deck, looking rested and  with lots of great stories.

First big news, is that our Aquaquilt cutter with several cutting mats has been ordered and paid for and expected to be delivered to Elva next week.  

Adrienne W., who is making some changes to her life and doing some de-cluttering, has offered us some quilt tops, fabric from her stash and some books.   Knowing  Adrienne's work,  this is a very generous donation and will be very gratefully received.

Robyn J was one of the returning holiday makers:  Robyn and Graham were caravanning in central Australia and as planned they visited Alice Springs and the Western Desert Dialysis Centre (known locally as the Purple House) and delivered eight quilts.    The centre has two dialysis beds in Alice Springs,  but also a huge truck with three beds that does a 1000km round trip to the outback remote areas providing care.

A picture of the truck which was bought from fund raising activities

Robyn handing over a Marie K. quilt 

So much more  information about the work of  'Purple House' can be found on

Community activity was in full swing on Thursday:

The quilting on the traditional raffle quilt is finished: 
it has been well checked for missing circles.

All hands on deck for the job of sandwiching this quilt top in Japanese silk:  

And a table of  busy 'hand quilters'

A new donation to the Community quilts stash:  
the top was pieced by Marie K and the quilted by Iris

To end September a community quilt was given to the Guide Dogs Association and  another one to Macquarie Hospital.     Two quilts have been promised for Hunters Hill Ryde Community Services for November and some for Stepping Stone House in December,  but we still have more to give.  If you know of any worthy need, for fundraising or for care,  let me know.

Check out our Community page for monthly updates on our donations.

Have a good week, in the sunshine  ...   Cheers Iris.