Thursday, 28 September 2023

28th September

Hi Everyone,

Our group today was smaller in number owing to school holidays and the up coming long weekend. Although we had fewer attending there was still plenty to do and to show. The hand quilting on our Traditional raffle quilt has been completed and Grace has kindly taken the quilt to choose a binding fabric.

Elva showed us a completed knitted outfit consisting of a beanie hat and jumper for the Fish & Chip babies. The outfits are sent to any crisis area in the world. New born babies are being called “Fish & Chip” babies because they are sent home from hospital wrapped in newspaper for warmth.

The other week when I was at the QuiltNSW Exhibition there was a small quilt that caught my eye and sense of humour. The title of the quilt was “What’s for dinner Mum?” It made my day. If only the family would be satisfied with a fabric meal on those days when you are on a roll with your stitching!

3rd - 5th November at St Joseph’s Kincumber. Payment for the Retreat must be made no later than 20th October.

Community News
Jane met with our contact at RizeUp this week to hand over some Teddy Bears which were knitted by Ros and Robyn Jo hand sewed their faces. RizeUp was thrilled to receive them and one will be placed in a new home tomorrow. 
40 Baby quilts were selected and will be delivered to Olivia for Little Wonders RPA for World Prematurity Day in November.

Show & Tell
Carolyn made 10 Baby quilts

Hunters Hill Quilt Show 2024      
2nd - 4th August 
@ Hunters Hill Town Hall - 22 Alexandra Street, Hunters Hill

Don’t forget to volunteer to be on a sub committee we need your assistance to make our show a success.

5th October Community Day
20th October last day to make payment for the Retreat
26th October Show Committee Meeting at 1pm
3-5th November Retreat at St Joseph’s Kincumber 

Until next week.
Happy quilting, Sandy

Thursday, 21 September 2023

21st September

Hi Everyone,

Today at quilting we celebrated our 41st Birthday and thanks to all our members who made it a memorable day. Thank you Kerry for organising the cupcakes and the flowers they made a colourful display on the table for our celebration.

Happy Birthday
Hunters Hill Quilters

3rd - 5th November at St Joseph’s Kincumber.
Narelle emailed the details to those members who are attending on Monday. Please check that you received the email. Payment for the Retreat must be made no later than 20th October.

My Sewing Supplies has taken on the Bernina dealership that was in Chatswood. The Lindfield premises are now open for business.

Show & Tell
Baby Quilt made by Grace
Sheila made a Baby Quilt

5th October Community Day
20th October last day to make payment for the Retreat
26th October Show Commitment Meeting at 1pm
3 - 5th November Retreat at St Joseph’s Kincumber 

Until next week.
Happy quilting, Sandy

Thursday, 14 September 2023

14th September

Hi Everyone,

We had a smaller group today but it was amazing to see the variety of sewing our members were stitching.
Next week we are celebrating our birthday at quilting. Kerry is organising the cupcakes and I am in charge of the bubbles, so please bring a glass to enjoy our special day.

QuiltNSW Exhibition 2023
The Exhibition starts tomorrow Friday 15th till Sunday 17th at Rosehill Gardens Racecourse. 10am - 4pm

Hunters Hill Quilt Show 2024            2nd - 4th August
Thank you to Iris for her contribution in hand quilting the middle section of the raffle quilt.
How to help in preparation for the show? A list is ready for our members to volunteer on a sub committee to assist a co-ordinator. Consider how you can help to make our show a success, if you are unsure about a position or what it involves please see Alison or myself.

Alison completed our first 26”x 26”quilt using the same fabrics found in our Raffle quilts. This quilt with others will be displayed in local businesses for the purpose of advertising our Quilt Show. If you would like to made a quilt there is plenty of fabric to be used stored in our cupboard.

3rd - 5th November at St Joseph’s Kincumber. Payment of Retreat must be made no later than 20th October.

Show & Tell
Sheila made 2 Baby quilts
Marie K completed a Baby Quilt
Carolyn made 10 Baby Quilts 
21st September Next week we are celebrating our Birthday - please bring a glass to quilting
5th October Community Day
20th October last day to make payment for the Retreat
3 - 5th November Retreat at St Joseph’s Kincumber

Until next week.
Happy quilting, Sandy

Thursday, 7 September 2023

Community Day - September 7

Hi Everyone,

Today we welcomed Spring and the month of September. Our members came out of hibernation to join us for Community Day and the hall was busy with community and raffle quilts being stitched with lots of chattering and laughter to be heard. September is the month we celebrate our birthday at Hunters Hill Quilters, so please join on Thursday 21st for our party. Cake and bubbles will be served - please bring your own glass.

To our members who celebrate their birthday in September “Happy Birthday” πŸŽ‚ and enjoy your special day.

This week’s TWT newspaper Mayor Zac Miles mentioned our Quilt Show 2024 in the Hunter’s Hill Happenings.

Hunters Hill Quilt Show 2024       2nd - 4th August
11 months to go until our Show so the countdown is on. The Show Committee is working hard to make sure our show is a success. The showcasing of our members work to the community has always been one of excellence. To encourage more people to attend we are thinking of new ideas and details will be announced later, but what can you do to help now? Volunteer to be on a sub committee to assist a fellow member who is in charge of a position at the show. A list will be placed on a table at quilting where you can volunteer your time, so join in the fun and commit to helping out.

QuiltNSW Exhibition 2023
One week to go….

A reminder that our retreat weekend in November is only a couple of months away. Please remember that your money must be paid by 20th October into HHQs bank account. Narelle has sent an email on the 13/8 to those members who are attending the Retreat. Refresh your memory by rereading the details for our Kincumber weekend.

Show& Tell
Dawn made this amazing quilt
Waggas made by Sue S & Grace
Marie K made this Baby quilt for Little Wonders RPA
2 more Baby quilts from Marie K

15 - 17th September QuiltNSW Exhibition 2023
21st September HHQs Birthday - please bring a glass for some bubbles πŸΎπŸŽ‚
5th October Community Day
20th October last day to make payment for Retreat
3 - 5th November Retreat at St Joseph’s Kincumber

Until next week.
Happy quilting, Sandy