Sunday, 27 March 2016


We were quite a small group this week, probably because a few were away for Easter long weekends. 

As is becoming common in this show year, much work is being done on preparations. Narelle and her team are working on bright new table-toppers for the coffee shop area. They're looking great!


Show quilts and baby show quilts are in full production. Lindy is beginning to do a general count, and next week is the closing date for entries. 
Baby show quilts are due back on Thursday the 5th May for a challenge viewing and members voting. These will then be kept safe until show time.

Grace is planning another in-house workshop using  thirteen 2 & 1/2" strips, preferably cut the width of the fabric. These can then be stitched together, and then the long sides stitched together forming a tube. From these tubes we will make quick baby quilts to add to the stock for The Grace Centre. If you weren't at group last week, wait until you can chat to Grace for further explanation. You can prepare the strips ahead of time if you like. Please feel free to use the cutter for easy preparation of your strips.

Gil brought along a friend, Libby. She has visited us before, and this time she showed us something she and Gil have been working on during Libby's stay. The dress is designed to be 'one size fits all' and it certainly looks that way. Very stylish, and we loved the fabrics. 




Just two items to show this week. The first is a very sweet baby quilt from Val. Lovely fabric and again on the back. Thanks Val.



And also the result of the previous Grace workshop, which also used the cutter. It was an easy one, and fun to put together. Good result. Thanks once again Grace!


Looking forward to seeing everyone back next Thursday. Don't forget those quilt entries!
Enjoy the rest of the East break.
Cheers, Elva

Sunday, 20 March 2016

RAIN AT LAST! 17/3/16

How wonderful to arrive at the hall in the rain! Never thought I'd be saying that, but the inconvenience of getting all the quilting stuff in and keeping it dry was ok with me! 

We were a small but dedicated group. Most people are starting to get really serious about completing their show quilts. The baby ones are due in on the 5th May, but we have until August to finish the large show quilts. Some very organised people have already completed theirs. Can't say I'm one of them.

Plans for the show are developing week by week, and the excitement is growing. The new little special features will add a fresh sparkle to this event as always seems to happen. Nice that we can keep it fresh and exciting.

It was a wonderful send off for Ailsa last Monday. She would have loved it, and I know she would have appreciated all her friends gathering to farewell her with such love and affection. Her family were very moved by the attendance as well.

Thank you to those who rose to the call for more baby quilts. These were presented today from Grace (using Vi's fabrics), and then Lindy. Both very cute indeed.


Beryl presented this gorgeous quilt which was made by herself and her daughter. It's for Beryl's great grandson. Outstanding work! Interest for the eye wherever you look! Lucky boy.....


And finally Jenny showed this quilt made by her for community. It's made using many 2" squares (hint hint - Go Cutter!) and is called "Glow". Very nicely done Jenny.


And so another week goes by. Enjoy this lovely cool weather all, and see you one more time before Easter. 
Cheers, Elva

Sunday, 13 March 2016


Yes, thank goodness for our air-conditioned Fairland Hall! 

Across the road, we held another productive Show meeting with Meg ably leading the team! All is on-track, with publicity material decided and ready to be published very soon. Keep the Show Quilt entry forms coming in please (due 31st March) so that Lindy is able to begin planning layout and lighting issues. The blurb about your quilt can be emailed directly to Penny who will be organising the signs to go on each quilt. 

Work on the Baby Quilts Challenge for the Show is happening all around the ogroup. These need to be handed in on Thursday 5th May for a showing at the group, and then storing till Show time. We will also have a little members choice judging just for fun on May 5th! Make sure you just pin a small piece of cloth on the back with your name, and stitch on a HH Quilters label, bottom left of back. Robyn S has these.

Congratulations yet again to Jess! Her 'Errant Geese' quilt has been requested for entry in a temporary exhibition called 'Australia Uncovered' in the Rocky Mountains Quilt Museum in Colorado USA! What an honour Jess! You've done it again!

A reminder to ring the Releaf Resort asap to book your room for the retreat. Rooms are filling up fast! Can't wait.

Grace reports that fees are coming in well. Just remember if you haven't done it yet to contact Grace.

We have two new library books which were shown to the group by Jenny. A few old ones will be culled and shown before departing. Please remember our library is there. Plenty of fascinating reading and ideas!

The Grace Centre has let us know that they are desperate for more baby quilts. They tell us they could easily use 600 a year! So if you've finished your Show one, maybe it's time to run up a classic 'quicky' so we can build the pile back up. I think we're down to our last 9! Thanks so much.


Just a few small things this week. Everyone is so busy at present.
Helen showed a lovely quilt she has made for a raffle, and many members supported the cause buying tickets. Helen and Susie thank you so much.


And here's a picture of Susie 'doing it' for the good cause of the Leukemia Foundation. The outstanding results of the 'World's Greatest Shave'! Looking great Susie!


Gil took up the challenge set from the original Christmas Challenge - the inevitable left over pieces! 
There certainly were plenty for another quilt as Iris had said. I'm not sure how much more Gil needed to add, but I think it was just borders. Well done Gil!


And finally a small beauty completed by Grace. It's the result of the first workshop in a series with Bob James, and sounds fascinating and 'deep'. Gorgeous colours Grace, and a lovely design.


Well, I'll see you next Thursday girls. Take care. Cheers, Elva

Saturday, 5 March 2016


Well, if a stranger had walked into quilters last Thursday, they would have mistaken it for a busy factory production line! Grace worked her particular magic and set up a whole area with work stations for each skill and process required. Thank you so much Grace for presenting another in-house workshop for us all. We certainly learned some new skills and techniques, and a fabulous quilt was seen to emerge as a result! (See pics below)



Great to our cutting machine in use at last!



It begins.....


Congratulations to "our Jess" for her presentation of the Friday Showcase at the Guild yesterday. I heard it was very well received and successful -  of course! Well done Jess.

Just a reminder to all Show Committee people that there will be a Show Meeting this coming Thursday, 10th March at the Baby Health Centre, 9.30am

Please make sure if you are planning to attend the Retreat in May that you contact the resort yourself and book your room in the same way we have always done it. 

Please also make sure you fill in your Quilt Show entry form ASAP and get them to Lindy.

Just two gems to show today. The first is a close up of the centre of a baby quilt made by Robyn J for Akiko's new baby nephew in Japan. The gorgeous embroidery makes for a spectacular and delightful design. Outstanding Robyn!


And finally, a quilt made by Doreen and a former member Diana Drake back in 1998. It belongs to Maree K who says it has been all over Australia on her travels, into the outback, through the red dust, on the floor of their camper van, then twice through the washing machine (gentle mode) and looking practically band new! Amazing work! Aren't waggas really something special? And the colours still look perfect!


Enjoy the rest of the weekend all. See you next week.
Cheers, Elva