Sunday, 28 January 2018

Numbers Growing! 25/1/18

Yes, quite a few more members coming back from extended holidays and grandma duties. By next week we should be back to normal strength!
Susan D was on the job chasing members to finalise the kitchen duty roster for the year. Not too many gaps, but make sure to check if you’ve filled it in. Remember to fill in the dates and the second quick-check column for having done so. Thanks Susan.

Kerry has sent out the email regarding the AGM, which will be Thursday, 15th February at 12pm.
Thanks Kerry.

The next Show Meeting will be held on Thursday, 22nd February at 9.30am in the Baby Health Centre room as always. Thanks Meg.

Only one quilt top for display at Show and Tell time this week, but I’ve included a few ‘around the room’ shots as well.

Moina showed us a completed quilt top which she has called her ‘Hexigon Baltimore’. A very appropriate name and a gorgeous design Moina. Very tiny pieces indicate the delicacy of the work, and the overall effect is wonderful. Moina intends to have it quilted and ready in time for the show.

Around The Room

Here is work being done on one of the many community quilts being completed each week.

Here’s a very cute block of a triple-decker ice-ream cone, designed by Susie, and destined for a position in a quilt for the show I believe! Cant wait to see the rest of the quilt. Go Susie!

This is the makings of a Wagga Sensory Mat being designed by Doreen and Gil (of course). It will be a very different look in the show display indeed! Looking amazing.

Well, believe it or not that’s all for January! See you next week in February everyone.
Enjoy your weekend and the cooler weather soon to come.
Cheers, Elva

Saturday, 20 January 2018

School Holiday Numbers

The only explanation for our comparatively small turn-out today was the fact that grandkids are still on school holidays! In any case we worked on, and in fact welcomed a new member. Actually Jonquil is an ‘old’ member from some 10 or 12 years ago who now finds herself ready to get back to serious quilting again after recent retirement! Welcome back Jonquil. We’re very glad to have you aboard!

Speaking of grandkids - Meg has just become a great-grandma for the first time! Congrats Meg.

Not a lot of news so early in the year, but a few bits and pieces of Show and Tell.

Jenny showed these two lovely little baby quilts for the Grace Centre. Very cute designs and nice backs as well. Thanks Jenny.

Jenny has the dye cutter for this Holly hobbie design if anyone’s interested. Makes it a lot easier.
And the back.......

Second baby one......

And the back........

Sheila showed us a lovely quilt which isn’t destined for anyone in particular. Just a design Sheila liked and wanted to have a go at.

And the backing is very interesting also. Apparently it came from Quiltsmith, but was purchased quite a while ago so it may not be available there any longer. There was quite a bit of interest in it from the group.

So there you have it for another week folks. Stay cool in this nasty heat!
See you next Thursday.
Cheers, Elva

Friday, 12 January 2018

Welcome Back! 11/1/18

On a sectacular January day members returned to Fairland Hall to start another year of stitching fun and friendship. It was wonderful to see so many faces fresh from holiday breaks and travel stories.

This is going to be a Show year, so there’s no time to lose in starting preparations. Both raffle quilts for the August Show are well and truly ready, with many hours of work during last year from all members.
The Show has now been listed on the official Hunters Hill Council 2018 Activities Calendar, and thankfully there are no date clashes for the period of the exhibition. This means it’s more likely we will attract plenty of local visitors and those from nearby suburbs as well.
The next Show Meeting for committee members will be Thursday, 22nd February at 9.30am in the Baby Health room across the road.

Our AGM for this year will be on Thursday, 15th February at 12pm in the Fairland Hall for all members.
Kerry will send out an email regarding this very soon.


Iris showed us a gorgeous quilt which she has made from fabric donated by Hayley and with some of her own as well. Perfect Iris colours! She also did the quilting herself. Very beautiful Iris, and this will be donated to the community quilts collection. Iris has called it “Bluebirds”

Jenny S showed a quilt she has made from a Bonnie Hunter Mystery Quilt project. It’s fabulous! Jenny says they are not ‘her colours’ but they certainly made a wonderful quilt! Well done.

Judy S showed us a gorgeous and huge (king size bed) quilt she has made. The colours are wonderful, and Judy says it will be for their king-size bed which has never had a quilt big enough to go over the sides!
Well, by the look of this that problem will certainly now be solved, and in spectacular fashion! Well done Judy, and beautifully quilted by Grace.

The back is also well worth a look. A reversable quilt perhaps!

Grace showed two little baby quilts for the Grace Centre, one of which is made still from Vi’s stash!
Very sweet quilts Grace.

Carolyn D has made 44 bags for the Days For Girls organsiation! Well done Carolyn! They need all the help they can get. Great to see so much enthusiasm among our members for this charity, and as always Carolyn’s fabrics are outstanding!

Last of all, Robyn J showed us a very interesting and usable box within a box, full of handy sewing equipment. This was brought back for her from London by her daughter. I believe Robyn is now searching for a pattern of how to make these. Stay tuned! (We all want one!)

Well, it was a fun-filled day with lots of catching up to do. It looks like a busy and interesting year ahead.
fasten your seat belts everyone!
See you next week.
Cheers, Elva