Sunday, 27 March 2022

Quilt Shows are Back

 Hi Everyone,

A very busy meeting this week. It was great to see so many of you there - 29.  The old 'buzz' was back!

Margaret and Carolyn shared photos and stories of the making of our Bicentennial Quilt that was displayed in the HH Town Hall from 1988 to 2021.  Council has suggested that they hold a quilt display in their museum along with the Kellys Bush quilt and the Council Coat of Arms quilt. The display would be for 3 - 4 months.

Also Alysoun Ryves daughter arrived with two large boxes of fabric as well as a quilt that will be offered to RPAH to raffle to raise funds.

We have quilt show to look forward to again. I can't wait.

First off is Blue Mountains from Friday 22 to 24 April from 10 - 4 pm. They have a new venue at Warrimoo.

Eastwood Show is from 15 - 17 July at Roselea Community Centre.

Our very own Hunters Hill Quilt Show from Friday 4 - Sunday 7 at the Hunters Hill Town Hall.

QuiltNSW has a new venue for their show this year. It is at the Grand Pavilion, Rosehill Racecourse from Friday 21  to Sunday 23 October from 10 - 4 pm. They will also have a Vendor Marketplace so you can pick up any of your sewing needs.

Everyone should have an entry form for our show. There are spare copies if you need one.

Show and Tell:

Baby quilt from Grace

Two from Jane

Ten baby quilts from Carolyn. The top quilt used Sheila's orphan blocks from the cupboard. If you need inspiration have a look in the cupboard for an orphan block or two. Make them into something fun and useful. Let your imagination run wild!

A lovely scrap quilt from Marie K. for the refuge

Until next time ......

Friday, 18 March 2022

Lots of show and tell

 This is Iris on 'blog' this week as Judy spends time in Melbourne with family.

We had 23 members today,  looking more like pre-covid days and as always lots of chatter, things to share and some stitching, as well.

The Quilt Show Entry forms for our August show are now ready.  Judy has sent them out by email and if you don't have a printer, hard copies are available.   All financial and life members can enter two quilts - 2nd choice will be hung based on availability of space.

Show and tell:

Marie K made this dazzler for community: it really sparkles

Marie G. used her stash to make this fun scrappy quilt, which will be given to a friend.

...   and all quilted on her domestic machine !   Marie admitted that all the twisting 
and turning left her with a very sore shoulder  for a few days.

Then we saw this beauty by Robyn Ja.  - all hand pieced and quilted

My photography does not do it justice:   it glowed and the work involved left many of us speechless

Alison was asked to 'dress' another puppet.  The brief was to create a replica of an entertainer, Brad, as suppled in a photo.   Alison said it took her three attempts to get the jeans the perfect fit, as per the photo.

For members who are not  Facebook users,  this is a photo that I posted on Facebook today which I received from Dragonfly Midwifes:  adorable twins wrapped in one of our blankets.

That's all,   have a good weekend and Judy will be back next week.    Cheers, Iris

Sunday, 13 March 2022

Preparing for our Show

 Hi Everyone,

Dragonfly Midwives:

We had a visit from a member of the Western Sydney Dragonfly Mjdwives Group this week. It was a most inspiring visit.

 The organisation of midwives are a part of Westmead Hospital. Their representative, Carolyn, explained how they have set up a separate facility to look after pregnant and birthing Aboriginal mothers. The mothers are given help and care and are taught how to look after their babies as well as advice on health care both for the mother and baby. An amazing group of dedicated ladies.

We are delighted to be able to donate baby quilts for the newborns. A small contribution from us that brings joy to the recipients. 

Ronald McDonald House:

We received a thank you letter from Ronald McDonald House in Orange. Robyn Jnst. had given them cot quilts and teddies that we have made. Ros actually makes the teddies. We have a collection of 100 at the moment. Some don't have faces on them as these are for kids with trauma. Robyn has asked for help to add faces on some of the others.

The house in Orange is the only dedicated child and adolescent mental health unit in NSW outside of Sydney. We are very happy to be able to contribute in a small way to this facility.

Our Show - 4-7 August:

We had a show committee meeting last week. We will soon be emailing the entry forms for your quilts. These need to be sent back promptly accompanied by a photograph and details of size etc.

There is a lot of work ahead of us. Members are expected to help at the show. Narelle will prepare the rosters close to the date. When you are rostered on you must stay the full time. Sometimes friends call in to see you but ask them to wait until you have finished your shift.

The Ruby Challenge is due by the end of the month and Membership Fees are due. Grace is looking after this while Akiko is away.

It was good to see so many of you back this week. The fine weather helped.

Show and Tell:

Baby Quilt from Grace

Items that will be for sale at our show in August:

3 Baby quilts from Jane

A quilt from the Orange Group made on Community Days, the first meeting of each month.

Robyn Jnst.'s friend painted/made the dragons and Robyn out it all together into a fascinating quilt.

A stack of baby quilts -0 10 from Carolyn, 1 from Grace and 3 from Jane.

Until next week .....


Sunday, 6 March 2022

Where is the Sun

 Hi Everyone,

The very wet weather kept many members away again this week. Our hearts go out to all those who have lost homes in the floods. It has been so much worse than ever before. Disasters often bring out the best in us and there are many stories of volunteers helping in every way they can.

Being the first meeting for the month it was Community Day. Grace has prepared and demonstrated the  pattern for our 40th Ruby Anniversary Quilt. 

This is due by 31 March to be ready in time for our show in August. An email with the instructions has been sent out to everyone.

Talking of Community Day, we have a box full of UFO's in the cupboard for anyone to choose from and make into a baby quilt like the ones below.

Next week we will have a representative from Western Sydney Health - the Dragonfly Organisation - come to speak to us. They are keen to take some of our baby quilts for the young mothers they take care of.

Akiko reminds you that fees are now due. I can give you our bank details if you don't have them.

Show and Tell:

Lots of baby quilts this week.We need to build our supply for the groups that we donate to.

One from Sheila

A group from Sue Stev, Grace and a friend of Alison.

Alison's friend. I like this pattern.

This quilt was made by Grace. It was from UFO's in the cupboard. The unusual stars were originally made by Sheila in a class with Wendy Williams.
The red UFO's were cleverly put together to make a beetle.
A wonderful outcome for blocks that were lingering unloved.

Grace again working her magic with UFO's.

Another UFO block made into a very pretty quilt by Grace.

Sue Stv.'s baby quilt in details The little teddies are always popular.

Until next week .....