What a day! We had lots of members, champagne, special visitors and CAKE!
Yes, it was our birthday, and we celebrated well.
This year's show judges, Karen and Carolyn from the Grace Centre brought us a gorgeous cake surrounded by little baby cakes! The cake itself had a quilting theme (very cute) and it was all made by Karen's niece. What a lovely surprise!
Around the cake you can see part of the pile of 61 baby quilts which we handed over to the girls. 31 of these were our display baby quilts from the show, and the others are ones which have continued to come in from members. Thanks everyone, the Grace Centre is so delighted!
Here's Karen and Carolyn thanking HHQ.
We were visitored also by Dr Elizabeth Scott, who accepted our cheque from the show. Her research into better treatments for youth mental health was the focus of our fundraising efforts this year. Elizabeth spoke briefly about what they do and expressed her delight at our gift in supporting their work. Genie, who spoke for Elizabeth on opening night, was also present and quite overcome by the generosity of the gift. As well as the cheque, Meg presented the Silk Fans quilt which will be hung in the foyer of their workplace. Below are a few shots which give you a sense of the occasion.
.....and the inevitable 'group shot' minus the photographers of course.
A fantastic roll-up and a wonderfully happy event.
After our guests had departed, we had a brief meeting to update news of next year's retreat, and to set dates for it and the Christmas break.
The dates are as follows:
Christmas Party - 8th December
Quilters resumes - 12th January 2017
Retreat dates - 15th - 17th September 2017
Redleaf Resort Blackheath
Single rooms - $199.50 per night (includes breakfast and dinner)
Twin rooms - $ 290.00 per night ( includes breakfast and dinner)
These rates haven't changed from this year.
We congratulated three new Life Members this week - Robyn S, Cheryl and Doreen. Only Robyn received her badge on the day as Doreen and Cheryl were not there, but their badges will be passed on to them.
Congratulations girls on 25 continuous years of membership of HHQ! Quite an achievement!
Yes, we even had time for some show and tell!
This gorgeous quilt is by Helen for her little 3 year old grandson Michael, who is about to move to his first 'big boy' bed! A very exciting time for him and a very devoted grandma to make it extra special for him! Well done Helen, and we love the back as well.
Carolyn D showed her version of the hexi quilt we all seem to be doing. Just as well we have all had a different take on it. They are all so varied! This one Carolyn tells me was done with just a basic hexi template which she drew lines on to vary each hexi. The fabric variety speaks for itself I think. It will be a stunner when finished
Finally Iris showed this finished quilt which has been worked on by many members. It will be a community quilt, and was one of the 'stitching lounge' efforts during the show. It has now been quilted and bound beautifully by Iris.
Susan H showed us a beautifully made Wagga cushion, one of two, which she made as a commission for a gentleman who had bought one of our waggas at the last show in think. He wanted some cushions to match it, and Susan has obliged! Unfortunately I didn't get a shot of the cushion, but it was very nicely done. Thanks Susan, and a little extra income from the show as well. Excellent!
Well, it was a big day, and a wonderful celebration for our birthday.
See you next week all. Enjoy the gorgeous weather!
Cheers, Elva