Saturday, 25 August 2018

Waggas and Quilts to Charity

Hi Everyone,

Thursday was a very busy day. Show items were returned and stacked in the cupboards ready for 2020.

Eleven waggas and ten quilts were shown to members, then packed into their individual bags ready for the Hornsby Kur-ring-gai Womens' Shelter. Iris kindly dropped them off.
They were very warmly received as 10 women had just arrived at the centre. Each woman chooses her quilt to use whilst at the shelter. She then takes her quilt with her when she leaves. The quilts therefore mean a great deal to the women.

We also had a demonstration of the star blocks that we are preparing for the Lord Mayor's Picnic. Every year we make a quilt to be raffled at the picnic. Iris and Jenny have taken charge and have set out the guidelines for us to follow.

Our copy of the NSW Guild Template was distributed. Inside is a listing of the award winners from the Guild show as well photos of the winning quilts.
There is a photo of Helena receiving her prize, also Kathy Doughty and many quilters from Material Obsession.
Grace's quilt study group report is also included.

Alison has completed the photos for our Show Book to be printed. Approximately 10 members would like to have a copy. Alison will have one printed for our library, then orders will be taken.

Elva had news of Norma. Norma is very well and enjoying her higher care accommodation. Elva told her about our show and she was delighted to hear all about it.

Show and Tell:

Below are a selection of the waggas and quilts donated to the Womens' Shelter.

 Moina showed us this cute quilt top she has made. It hasn't been completed but it looked so good I had to include it.

 Alison had a fascinating story about the origin of this quilt below. She was at her daughter's wedding when a friend of her daughter asked if she would make her a quilt. In the excitement of the wedding and all the guests, Alison agreed. The quilt is very pretty and I think the friend is a very lucky lady.

Helen showed this cute little felt and embroidered piece she had whipped up. I believe other blocks are to be made. I look forward to the end result. So cute. The elephants look particularly happy.

Last but not least, four baby quilts from Carolyn. Carolyn is gradually using up her stash and tells me she has many more baby quilts to come. Great work Carolyn. Thank you.

Until next week .....

Sunday, 19 August 2018

Show Wrap up

Hi Everyone,

After all our planning and hard work for our show, we are getting back to normal and onto other challenges. Many of us have shared little anecdotes and stories from talking to the lovely people who visited our show. The lady who had won our raffle from the 2016 show told me that she just loved the quilt she had won and it is on her bed.

It is always very nice to have feedback about our quilts.

The show weekend is very special where we catch up with former members, members of other quilting groups, and friends and families who visit. It is so pleasant to sit with family members over a cup of tea or coffee amongst the beautiful quilts.

One lady brought in a Wagga that she had purchased at auction. It had been made about 1905 and was beautifully embroidered. There were a few small holes to be mended but it was amazing.

The raffle quilts were won by June Forbes and Iris. June lives nearby and came to the hall as soon as I rang her. She was thrilled to be a winner. June loved both the quilts but chose the bright and colourful "Circles" quilt for her children and grandchildren.

Show and Tell:

 White gloves washed and drying ready for the next show day.

 Best in Show "Nara" by Robyn Jm. Wonderful log cabin design and a stunning quilt. Congratulations Robyn!

Viewers' Choice " Shadow Daisy" by Hayley. So pretty.

Members' Choice and Judge's Choice award - "Galaxy 2" by Robyn Sanford. So much work in the Millefiori style. A labour of love and beautiful.

Now for more Judge's Choice Quilts above and below.

This one above is "Colour Circus" by Helena. A different shape, colourful and eye catching.

" Dancing in the Moonlight" by Karen. A lot of very exacting hand sewing and a lovely result.

 "Megan's Cups" by Jenny. This was designed by Megan Manwaring. Jenny chose just the right colours.

"All around my fabric stash" by Beryl R. Beryl started this quilt on our retreat and finished it off with hundreds of hexagons. Truly a labour of love and such a happy quilt.

 "Visiting Birdsville" by Elva. Elva loves embroidery and together with felt material and pearl thread the quilt evolved into this beautiful picture.

" Wedding by the Sea" by Laurel. Hexagon flowers and wonderful quilting and design make a very special quilt.

"Kyushu" by Kerry. This quilt is very popular and looks stunning. Great work Kerry.

"My Hexagon Baltimore" by Moina. Moina is one of our older members. She does the most exquisite tiny hand work and uses the prettiest of fabrics. 

Hangers' Choice prize went to Grace for her quilt "To Infinity and Beyond". A popular choice.

Well done and congratulations to all our winners!

Wednesday, 15 August 2018

Here are some photos from the show
Click Here or scroll through the album below
Hunters Hill Quilt Show, 2018

Monday, 13 August 2018

Photos from the Show

Hi Everyone,

Our show this year was fantastic! All our hard work paid off , the hall looked spectacular with the quilts hanging in a slightly different way this year and we met so many lovely, lovely quilters.
What a treat for us all.

I am only doing a short blog today as I am also organising a school reunion lunch for tomorrow.

Some photos for you all below. Alison will be posting all the show quilts on Flickr on Thursday and the winners on Instagram, Kathy Doughty will have a short video speaking at the show about us and our two charities that we are supporting.

The stitching lounge at the show. This is always popular.

Grace and a visitor in the Wagga room. Many visitors came to the Wagga room and learnt about the origin of the Wagga and saw many examples. Gil and Grace held the fort and did a great job.

The winning quilt. Robyn Jm. used the log cabin block in a different orientation to the usual log cabin design. It has many, many small pieces and the colours really catch your eye. A beautiful quilt. Congratulations Robyn.

Opening night.

 The stage sales area. We sold almost all the lovely items we had made and many of the quilts.

Meg giving our show judge a Wagga as a thank you. Robyn was a wonderful judge. Her comments about each of the winning quilts were well thought out and well received. Thank you Robyn.

More photos next week .....

Saturday, 4 August 2018

More Show Quilts

Hi Everyone,

The remaining half of our show quilts were photographed this week, It was another stunning display. Make sure you visit the show to see these beautiful and varied quilts. I know you will be enthralled!

Housekeeping and Reminders:

* Members' Quilts must be dropped off at the Hall by 9 a.m. Thursday 9 August.

* Bring your quilts in a cotton bag or pillowslip so your number can be attached.

* Your Hunters Hill name badges - please wear them at all times during the show.

* Stitching Lounge: Iris will have many items to sew, applique and finish available in the Stitching Lounge during the show. So if you have some free time between your shifts, have a rest and do some stitching.

* Raffle Tickets: Please bring along your raffle tickets and hand them to me before the draw on Sunday afternoon.
This includes any unsold tickets as I have to account for each and every one of them.


I have booked our retreat for next year at Kurri Kurri again. It will be over the weekend of the 6,7 and 8 of September 2019.

Show and Tell:

 A couple of Waggas for sale at the show. The one above has been made by Gil. The one below was made by Lindy.

This bright and eye-catching quilt was made by Kerry. Iris is donating it to an 85 year old lady who will raffle it for funds to help those with Parkinsons.

See you at the show .....