Sunday, 30 October 2016


A good roll up to HHQ this week, and a new member joined us. Welcome Sandra. We hope you will have a long and happy relationship with the group.

Iris reminded everyone that all fiddle blankets and knitted muffs should be in by next week for handing to the charity. However, some people are going to continue making them for local facilities who have expressed an interest. Well done everyone for participating in yet another HHQ community effort!

Thank you to Brenda from Hobbysew Top Ryde for donating the beautiful book " The Fabric of Society" to our group. Very much appreciated.

A correction from the last blog is required. I mentioned Helena's part in the Dutch Royal visit coming soon. I said it was to celebrate 300 years since the first visit to The Great South Land by Dutch ships. In fact it's 400 years since this event! Amazing. Apologies Helena. Thanks for the correction. We need to keep the details of our county's history as exact as we can. I think it's wonderful that the Dutch continue to celebrate it after all this time. 

Believe it or not, Joy is already compiling next year's kitchen duty roster! Choose you dates and sign up if you can. Joy says January, February and March are already taken. Wow!


Iris presented this outstanding quilt which was begun by Adrienne before she became too ill to complete it. She had done the centre appliqué work and some of the edges. Grace completed the appliqué around the centre, and also basted the finished quilt ready for quilting. Iris hand quilted the inside and June did the outside areas. A combined effort, and a wonderful result ladies. Well done! I'm sure Adrienne will be delighted. It only remains what we will do with this gem. No hurry.

And a close-up.....

Iris showed us her completed hexi quilt, which is gorgeous. There are quite a few of us working on hexi designs such as this, and bit by bit we're finishing them. It's a delightful design which we took a fancy to. Well done on this one Iris. 

Judy G showed us her completed quilt which she was working on at the last retreat. It looks amazing! An optical masterpiece indeed! The colours are outstanding Judy, and the piecing is remarkable, which can be seen in the close-up below. Well done! Spectacular!




As you can see, some outstanding work being produced as always. 
See you all next week as we head into November!
Cheers, Elva

Sunday, 23 October 2016


Sometimes I'm asked the question, "Well how many quilts do you need anyway?", and of course the answer is we don't make them out of need, we make them for the pleasure and creative joy of it! And we don't put numbers to it at all. The world can never have enough quilts!

And so we carry on week after week enjoying our hobby and figuring out what to do with it later. There's always a home for them somewhere, right?

The group decided we will nominate this year's Quilt Show again for the 2017 Australia Day Awards - Event of the Year. Worth a try, especially since so many of our regular visitors declared it the "Best HHQ Show ever!" Let's hope for a good result.

Helena shared some exciting information with us about the up-coming Royal Visit of the Dutch King and Queen. It's the 300th Anniversary of the Dutch exploring and bumping into The Great South Land we call home. Many of the Dutch community living in Australia will be involved in the celebrations, including our own Helena! Ahhhhh, our little brush with royalty....! I'm sure Helena will tell us all about it when it's done.

I noticed Iris and Jenny tucked away in a corner pinning together that project we do each year, but will remain nameless - shhhhhhh! It's looking great. Won't be long now I suspect.


First we have a huge quilt done by Narelle. Very nice colour range, and pleasingly quilted. Well done Narelle!

Next was this stunning colour contrast quilt, done by Robyn S. Apparently it was using found scraps from the cupboard. The blues may well have been from Alysoun I believe. Very lovely work Robyn. A delight, and beautifully quilted as well.


This little baby quilt for the Grace Centre is by Joy. Very sweet and happy!


Here is a quilt made by Lindy for a friend's baby (yet to arrive). Very nice use of fabrics there.

And lastly, something a little bigger from Joy. That's an understatement! Matching twin quilts for Joy's twin grandkids! Spot the differences in the individual shots. One is for the girl and one for the boy. Can you guess which is which? What a HUGE achievement Joy. They aren't spoilt at all by granny are they Joy? Or maybe just a little....... WOW!



We were knocked out by that epic piece of work. What lucky kids!
See you all again next Thursday.
Cheers, Elva

Sunday, 16 October 2016


We were a happy crew this week. It must have been the lovely weather that has touched us all with a sense of fun and laughter.
Welcome back Laurel who has returned from her travels. Looking good and fit to go!
Grace handed out brochures for the 'Modern Quilt Show Australia', which is coming up on Saturday and Sunday, 26th and 27th November. It will be on at the Glebe Town Hall, 160 St Johns Road Glebe.
Entires close 23rd October, so if you're thinking of putting a quilt in, better hurry!
(See their website for more details)

Beryl wanted me to list for you all some old volume numbers of "Quilters Newsletter" magazine. Her daughter is after various things in these issues if you happen to have them and are thinking of culling - (aren't we all.)
She is interested in the following:
Antique Rose Sampler  
       Vol 338 Dec 2001
       Vol 341 April 2002
       Vol 344 July 2002
Posy Primer
       Vol 375 Sept 2005
       Vol 379 Jan 2006
       Vol 380 March 2006
       Vol 382 May 2006
Prairie Compass
       Vol 374 August 2005
       Vol 375 Sept 2005

Have a look through your pile if you have them and have time. Beryl would be grateful.


Lindy showed us this quilt with a delightful collection of fabrics. It will go into the community stash when finished. Looking very nice indeed.


And now two gorgeous baby quilts destined for the Grace Centre. These are by Maree K.

And two 'Fiddle Blankets' by Christie. Wonderful!

A 'Fiddle Blanket' from Carolyn D. Amazing collection of fabrics!

Three baby quilts from Lindy. Spectacular!

And finally two cot quilts by Maree G. Very nice. Sweet, soft colours. Maree's daughter-in-law and a friend who are expecting babies around the same time will have to choose who gets which one!
Hard to choose indeed!

Lovely work as always girls. After all, there are never enough quilts in the world are there?!
See you next week.

Saturday, 8 October 2016


A very short blog this week. Most of the work being done in the room was contributing to our community projects, as is traditional on the first meeting each month.

We farewelled Hayley who will be away from the group for a couple of months or more for work. Safe travelling Hayley. We will miss you.


Just a few baby quilts to show for this week. Great that these keep coming in.
This first one is by Beryl R. Very sweet pattern......


The next three are by the prolific Maree K. Gorgeous fabrics and very lovely designs. Thanks ladies....




So, that's all we had this week folks. 
See you next Thursday.

Monday, 3 October 2016


Yes, next week will be the first week of October, and so Thursday will be devoted to community work for those who wish to participate. There are now plenty of examples of 'fiddle blankets' and other tactile objects to copy from for those interested in the current effort. Also the baby quilts are constantly in demand. Iris and Jenny started to put the Lord Mayors Quilt up on the design wall, and it's looking fantastic. Thanks ladies and all those who have contributed so far. 


As well as these activities, other quilts for community can be worked on. Please see Iris if you need some guidance on what available or what to do.

All the new HHQ badges have arrived, so if you are a new member, or you ordered a new one because of loss, just see Grace who has them ready to go.

Thanks to all those who helped chase up keys for us, and particular thanks to Joy who has gotten everything under control. Joy reports that there is still an outstanding bunch of keys which hasn't been returned, so it might be one of our travellers or someone who is away for other reasons. Joy has had new copies made of the all-important cupboard keys, so all the sets in the kitchen cupboard are now complete. It may be a good idea when you are handed a set for the following week to give them a try out, just to make sure they all work and you know which is which. Please remember that all sets should be handed in when your kitchen duty has finished. Cheers, and thanks again Joy!


Kathy D showed us this lovely quilt which she was binding. It's top is a mixture of her fabrics, and the back is from the "Folk Art Revolution" range. 



Helena showed these squares which are part of a 'block of the month' quilt as you go project. It's a Sue Cody design "Gelato Rose". Looking very nice. Can't wait to see the full effect.

That's all for this week. Enjoy the long weekend, and the various football events for those who follow the sport! Cheers, Elva

Friday, 23 September 2016

A gentle fun stitching day

Elva was on emergency 'grandma' duties, so Grace reported the news, and Iris on blog.

Business first:  Joy and Elva are sorting out keys - so if you have keys for any of our cupboards, can you please give them to Joy.

Jenny has added a new book to the library - 'Scrap Basket - Stripes and Squares'.  Colorful and simple, yet ideas with impact.

Lots of interest for 'Fidgety blankets' and 'Twiddle muffs' project :  any questions or if you need supplies, chat to Robyn Jo or Iris.   Pam R. visited with bags of  fabulous 'textured' fabrics.

And,  special thanks to Lindy, our own  'avocado queen' : a box of a avocados disappears as fast a box of fabric.

Show and Tell:

Robyn S shows us her quilt for her newest great grandson, Zane.  

Dancing penguins !

Marie K showed the 'Star Wars' quilt she made for her 9 year old grandson.  

Heather's granddaughter has to have fun with this  ...  a fabric book of  dress up dolls, complete with pocket 'wardrobes' filled with lots of changes of clothes.

The front of the book - dolls in their undies !

With a selection of dresses to choose from ..

and deciding which dress to wear for Christmas

 All fabulous fun projects   ...   happy sewing for another week.     Cheers Iris

Sunday, 18 September 2016


It was a quiet day with lots of girls away on various journeys or other family commitments.
Nevertheless, plenty of quilting work continued as always. 

Jenny presented the new book acquisition for our extensive library. It's called "Mixing Quilt Elements -  Modern Look at Colour, Style & Design" by Kathy Doherty. Have a look at it when you can. Some great ideas.

Iris and Robyn J presented a possible new community project for the group to work on, which involves making of items for use by dementia patients. Sounds very interesting and worthwhile. Stay tuned for more details. 

I'm sending out a group email tomorrow asking for all those who have hall keys to bring them in. We need to check all keys and get rid of obsolete ones. Thanks.


Quite a few bits and pieces to show this week.
This first one was presented by Felicity. It's been quite a long time since we've seen her, but clearly she's been busy stitching as always! Thank you Felicity. The Grace Centre will be delighted at the start of the next pile.


I managed to get a quick snap of this gorgeous pink from Jess, who was doing one of her flying visits. Before she left she showed me this. It's going to be stunning, and may end up in Quiltmania magazine!
We'll keep an eye out.....


Sheila showed us this next one which she's made for a friend's grandson I think. It's very nice and has cute backing fabric as well. Thanks Sheila.



Gil declared that she has promised herself never to do another fox quilt! But she was persuaded to do just this one more for a friend's baby. Cute and quirky as ever! 


Iris showed us a batch of community quilts destined for the Macquarie Hospital.
This first one is by Pam Reeves and is called "Sydney Dry"


This next one is "Spring is Sprung" and is by June.


This little gem is one we showed recently and is by Kerry. It's called "Kerry's Rose Garden".


Next come "Challenge in Blue" by Gil


This next one is "Lightning Strikes" by Ros.


And finally the workshop quilt produced during a Grace workshop recently.


Quite a collection which I'm sure Macquarie Hospital will be delighted with. Thanks girls for all the community work you do. It's much appreciated.

That's all we have this week. 
See you Thursday.
Cheers, Elva