Saturday, 5 October 2013

Community Day Thursday

It was noted that Fairland Hall seemed to be quieter than normal, not sure why,  but I can only assume it was because there was lots of community activity going on.   These are some of the pictures that I captured:

Robyn S, June and Jenny working on this 'leafy' design

Hexagons in progress: Meg, Josie and Lin

Kerry, Grace and team working out how many ways to play with half-square triangles

and a snap-shot of some secret community work, by the community team  ...

It was a birthday bonanza with Alison, Janet, Marie G and me all celebrating birthdays  this long weekend.

We had an email from Betty to tell us about a 'thank you' parcel that she received  from Sunshine homes. They had a very successful raffle of the 'Blue Quilt' made by Marie K. which we donated earlier in the year.

After enjoying the 'good shopping' from Material Obsession during September,  we can now benefit from good shopping at Quiltsmith:  25% of fabric from Tuesday 8th October through to the end of October.

Show and Tell:    two new quilts have been donated to our community stash ...

Another donation from Pamela R:  this one is velvet 

And from Ros  ...  brights !

(sorry - you need to turn on your side to see it !)

but the detail is OK ....

 Have a great weekend - enjoy the ships and see you Thursday.   Cheers Iris

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