Sunday, 29 May 2022

May 26, 2022

 Hi Everyone,

Lovely to see the sun after all the rain. Enjoy it while it lasts!

Grace demonstrated how to sew on a binding and matching facing on the back of a quilt. If you can't decide what binding to use on a quilt, this is a great way to solve the dilemma. Thank you Grace.

Iris handed out instructions and a triangle template for the new bunting we are making for our show. Remember to grab one from Iris if you did not get one this week. We need everyone to make at last two. Use bright fabrics and any pattern, applique etc that your imagination can inspire.

Helena called in to see us after her surgery. It was great to see her almost fully recovered. We won't be seeing her for many months as she is travelling to see family and friends. Like many others it is her first opportunity to travel overseas after our lockdowns. We wish her a very happy trip and look forward to her return.

Ellen heard on the radio recently that a group in Scone in the Hunter Valley is making a giant sunflower quilt to be sent to the Ukraine to cover some of the bombed out structures. Based on the artist Christo who wrapped some of the world's iconic landmarks in silk, an Australian artist wants to wrap the bombed buildings and muddy graveyards of Ukraine in fabric. Its like a giant hug to Ukraine.The Ukraine's national flower is the the sun flower. 

The artist has received hundreds of squares from all corners of the world. She envisages that the quilt will be a huge 100m by 100m at least in bright yellows and blues.

If you want to take part send your 30cm by 30cm patches to:

Janno McLaughlin
PO Box 746
Scone NSW 2337.

Show an Tell:

Two Drunkards Path quilts from Pamela and quilted by Grace.

A patchwork quilt from Pamela and another Drunkards Path design quilted by Grace.

Baby quilt from Sheila.

Baby quilt from Sue D.

Until next week ....

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