Friday, 1 July 2022

A different day

Iris on blog again this week: should be back to normal with Judy next week.

Because the floors of our normal location in Fairland Hall were being worked on,  we were relocated to the Town Hall.  Although we missed having access to our storage cupboards,  it was an excellent opportunity to check out the spaces for the show set-up.  The renovations in the Town Hall are very impressive.

The small attendance looked even smaller in the large space.

There was no show and tell,  but I did find this work in progress by Ellen:  going green ? 

There was lots of chat and discussion about the show preparation, reinforcing the jobs in progress: 
Selling raffle tickets
Inviting friends for Opening night
Add your name to the rosters, including food for the Quilt cafe.
Spread the word:  distribute flyers

Change of subject:    Today, Friday, I went to the Quilt Show in the Dome at Sydney Olympic Park.    Some amazing quilts on display, but in case you haven't been or not going, one quilt has to be shared.

Grace's quilt

Fabulous Grace.

Until next week  ... keep sewing

Saturday, 25 June 2022

Life has got in the way of Judy's Thursdays,  so she has needed to take a couple of weeks off;  so Iris on blog this week.

Key activities and news on Thursday revolved around the latest show preparations:

  • Rosters for support during the show are now available:  add your name
  • Flyers are available for distribution: spread them around
  • Raffle tickets distributed: start selling
Susie M organised a fun distraction on Thursday with a speedy 'all hands on deck' game: competition between tables, but Sue D outplayed all.     Thank you Susie for making it happen and providing very super prizes. 

Show and tell:
A delicate baby quilt from Sue S.

Another lovely hand made item for the Stage Shop:   a knitting bag by Susan H.

Grace shared the now quilted 'Ruby' quilt: just the binding and it is now ready for display at the Show.

Looking fabulous

And an observation ...  how many Sues, Susies, and Susans can we have in one blog !!

Until next week,  keep sewing  ... 

Saturday, 18 June 2022

16 June, 2022

 Hi Everyone,

A busy meeting getting ready for our show. It's not long now! We have missed having our normal round of Quilt Shows to attend. 

Eastwood is next from 15-17 July. Then Hunters Hill with opening night on Thursday 4th August until Sunday 7th August.

Narelle will have the rosters ready next week. Please help by participating. We will need everyone to help.

Show and Tell:

 10 baby quilts from Carolyn. She has now made 425 baby quilts altogether. Pretty amazing.

Baby quilt from Sheila.

Sandy has put together all the blocks from our 2020 Christmas Challenge.

Sandy's "Skull" quilt for a teenage boy. This will be for sale at our show.

Until next time ......

Sunday, 12 June 2022

9 June 2022

 Hi Everyone,

Sad news to start the meeting this week. Robyn Jnst. called me before our meeting to let you all know that her husband had passed away suddenly at the weekend. Many of you will be sending your own condolences and I have sent a card on behalf of the group.

Marie K found in a Quilters Companion No. 58 magazine a pattern and photo of a quilt Carolyn had designed and made. Carolyn was delighted to see it.

Ann set out the blocks for the Ukraine quilt for those who had made a block.

New bunting flowed in. We need about 100 so keep up the good work. Bright colours required and a chance to show off your quilting skills.

We had a show meeting this week. There are now only a few weeks before it all starts.  We covered a great many things. Narelle will have the jobs list for us all to look at this week or next.

I urge everyone to put their names down for as many jobs as they can. With many older members unavailable we will need everyone to pull their weight to help so we will have another successful show.

Also a  reminder to wear your Name Badges at the show.

Show and Tell:

Jenny has put together the blocks made during lockdown. We received so many we can make two quilts and a wall hanging.

Elva is busy knitting these little cover-alls and hats for a South African charity. Apparently many women have nothing to wrap their newborns in when they go home. A clever design with bright happy colours.

A baby quilt from Jane.

It was good to see Lindy this week. Lindy has made this wall hanging for her new home. It will attract much attention from guests I am sure.

We have some very clever sewers in our group. Sue D has made this cute outfit for her granddaughter who lives in the UK. The granddaughter loves owls. Maybe she will become a Harry Potter fan when she is older.

Until next week ....

Sunday, 5 June 2022

June 2, 2022

 Hi Everyone,

We had an enjoyable meeting again this week. The weather has turned colder but the rain has thankfully stopped for a while now.

Grace was busy preparing wagga kits ready for the show. Her whole table helped. A busy group.

We are sending 6 quilts made by Grace and Pamela and a wall hanging from Marie G. to the St George Dementia Unit. We also have 44 fiddle mats ready to go to other aged care facilities.

We are busy working towards our show in August and looking forward to meeting lots of fellow quilters there. Show dates 5-7 August 2022.

Show and Tell:

Some of the 10 baby quilts from Carolyn. Carolyn has a new little puppy now that wants to sit on her lap all the time. She may have to go a little slower making her baby quilts for a while.

Baby quilt from Grace.

Baby quilt from Jane.

Baby quilt from Sheila.

A red quilt from scrap pieces from Grace. So colourful. Grace really loved the way it turned out.

Narelle has finished her 'Truck' wagga. This will be sold at the show. It will make a little boy very happy and warm in this cold weather.

One of Carolyn's baby quilts featuring cicadas. Such fun.

Until next week .....

Sunday, 29 May 2022

May 26, 2022

 Hi Everyone,

Lovely to see the sun after all the rain. Enjoy it while it lasts!

Grace demonstrated how to sew on a binding and matching facing on the back of a quilt. If you can't decide what binding to use on a quilt, this is a great way to solve the dilemma. Thank you Grace.

Iris handed out instructions and a triangle template for the new bunting we are making for our show. Remember to grab one from Iris if you did not get one this week. We need everyone to make at last two. Use bright fabrics and any pattern, applique etc that your imagination can inspire.

Helena called in to see us after her surgery. It was great to see her almost fully recovered. We won't be seeing her for many months as she is travelling to see family and friends. Like many others it is her first opportunity to travel overseas after our lockdowns. We wish her a very happy trip and look forward to her return.

Ellen heard on the radio recently that a group in Scone in the Hunter Valley is making a giant sunflower quilt to be sent to the Ukraine to cover some of the bombed out structures. Based on the artist Christo who wrapped some of the world's iconic landmarks in silk, an Australian artist wants to wrap the bombed buildings and muddy graveyards of Ukraine in fabric. Its like a giant hug to Ukraine.The Ukraine's national flower is the the sun flower. 

The artist has received hundreds of squares from all corners of the world. She envisages that the quilt will be a huge 100m by 100m at least in bright yellows and blues.

If you want to take part send your 30cm by 30cm patches to:

Janno McLaughlin
PO Box 746
Scone NSW 2337.

Show an Tell:

Two Drunkards Path quilts from Pamela and quilted by Grace.

A patchwork quilt from Pamela and another Drunkards Path design quilted by Grace.

Baby quilt from Sheila.

Baby quilt from Sue D.

Until next week ....

Sunday, 22 May 2022

May 19, 2022

 Hi Everyone,

Another enjoyable meeting this week even though the weather had turned quite cold. Summer has gone missing this year. 

Kerry has emailed an updated member list to everyone. A few home numbers have been included even though they are now obsolete. Please let Kerry know of any changes to your phone numbers, address or email address.

The show committee had another look at the Town Hall in preparation for our show. There are a number of changes which need to be resolved but we are working on them.

Unfortunately three pins were found on the floor this week. I cannot emphasize enough to please check before you leave for any pins or needles. We do vacuum the floor but I am disappointed that we are not diligent enough. Please check.

Show and Tell:

A pretty blue and white quilt from Sue St. 

Baby quilt from Sheila

Marie K with another  lovely quilt top using lots of scraps.

Until next week ....