Friday, 24 May 2019

An inspiring Show and Tell

This week's "Show and Tell" was so inspiring that many of us went home and thought about some new projects.
Suzie has made a lovely fluffy rag rug for a friend's grandchild:
Rag rug by Suzie
Marie G. likes to keep busy and has hand pieced and quilted all these hexagons checks into a delightful quilt:
Quilt by Marie G.
Helena stole the show this week with three quilts:
This is her version of Liberty Fields designed by Kathy Doughty from Material Obsession
Quilt by Helena
Helena had some fabric left over so made this lovely baby quilt for the Grace Centre for Newborn Intensive Care
Baby quilt by Helena
Helena has almost finished a quilt designed by Wendy Williams. Here are some close-ups:

Saturday, 18 May 2019

A Casual Remark

Hi Everyone,

I went into the kitchen on Thursday to make a cup of tea. Felicity's carer was heating something in the microwave. She looked at me and said 'a nice group'. She used to belong to a group who crochet when she lived in Canberra and she misses it.

I was reflecting on my way home and thought how lucky we are to have such 'a nice group'. We are pretty terrific when you think about it!

It was so good to see Beryl this week. She looks good after all her trauma. She even managed to finish the Traditional quilt block by using stab stitch. Amazing! All done with her thumb with wire through it.

Thank you to everyone who made one of the Traditional blocks. They are all ready now to be put together. It is going to be a most beautiful quilt.

Felicity's husband works at Westmead hospital. He was present when Carolyn and the girls were displaying the kangaroo quilts we had given them. He was most impressed. The quilts were very well received.

Grace spoke about the NSW Guild's Friday Showcase. They always have an interesting speaker and many girls attend. Friday Showcase is held on the first Friday of each month except in June because of the Guild Show which is on from 19 - 23 June. Grace suggested that we get a group together one Friday and then have lunch in town. Sounds good.

I had a peek at some of the embroidered items that Elva, Joy and Helen are making to sell at our show next year. I spotted a number of things that I would like to buy. Elva is bursting with ideas. There seems no end to her imagination. Such clever ladies.

A number of us will be away now over the June/July period. Jenny will be in charge.  Don't get up to too much mischief!

Show and Tell:

Alison had a lot of Patons 5 ply Bluebell crepe wool. She crocheted a lovely rug/throw. Apparently the Bluebell is not made any more. I remember it well. Mum knitted a number of cardigans and jumpers for me with it.

Sue St. has been doing quilling. She showed us this using two strips of ribbon. I apologise for over exposing it. The colours are red and blue.

Until next time .....

Friday, 10 May 2019

Kangaroo Quilts

Hi Everyone.

Carolyn from Westmead Childrens Hospital came on Thursday to collect 42 Kangaroo Quilts for the Mothers and Babies skin to skin contact sessions.

She was overwhelmed by all your lovely work and couldn't stop smiling and thanking us.
A job well done. Thank you everybody.

Carolyn also took 40 of the normal baby quilts which were to be handed out as gifts on Mothers Day.

Member News:

* We are sorry to hear that Beryl R. had an accident whilst walking her daughter's dog. The dog took off while she was holding it and pushed Beryl into a builder's brick construction wall.
Unfortunately she has sustained a broken nose, two black eyes, a broken thumb and a sprained index finger.
I have sent her a card and hope that she will be able to join us again soon.
We all send our love and best wishes for a speedy recovery.

* Helen K. had some sad news for us too. Her mother passed away at Easter. We are very sorry especially as Helen and her mother were very close.

General News:

* Elva sent on an email about a group who organises Textile tours to Morocco, India and France.
The group is called Authentic Global Travel P/L.
I can forward the email to anyone who is interested.

* Achieve Sewing Basket still has its pop-up shop at 427 Darling St, Balmain. If you do go, Jenny needs 25  x  14" zips (35 cms) for her bags to sell at the show.

Due Dates:

* Iris has received a number of blocks for the Traditional Quilt. Any remaining blocks are due next week.

* Modern Quilt Show - if you intend to enter the Modern Quilt Show this year, entries are due by 17 June 2019.

* Hunters Hill Art Exhibition starts on 11 May at the HH Town Hall.

Show and Tell:

Jenny made this cot quilt for a new grandson. It has been machine quilted, even the circles, without any templates. How good is that!

Jenny made this quilt from a design in  Kathy Doughty's new book, Organic Applique.
The raw edge applique has been stitched down using the Japanese Boro technique. As Jenny found, it is quite addictive. The result is well worth it as it looks great.

Until next week .......

Friday, 3 May 2019

Wagga Workshop

Hullo Everyone,

Grace and Helena held a Wagga Workshop this week for us all. Grace talked briefly about the history of the Wagga and showed some that have been made.
Gill brought in one that was made many years ago and has been dry cleaned three times. It looked brand new and so very elegant.

The Waggas always attract a lot of attention at our Quilt Show.

Nothing is nicer than cuddling under a Wagga during the Winter while watching TV or on a bed. They are so cosy, warm and luxurious.

I hope many of you will give one a try. There is plenty of fabric available in the cupboards. The dimensions required are 60 x 72 inches. There are hundreds of possibilities for designs. Remember though to use half inch seams as the wool fabric sits flatter with the larger seam.

Hunters Hill Art Show will be held at the Town Hall from May 11 to 19. The paintings on display are well worth a look.

Akiko is on holidays, so Grace is looking after Treasury for any requirements.

Lots of Show and Tell this week:

Lindy has made the first 4 cot quilts below for the Women's Refuge that Robyn Jnst visits.
Lindy actually made 5 quilts. I apologise for missing one of them.
Lindy also brought in a box of 'goodies' from her farm for us all to share.
The box contained avocados, lemons, limes, bananas and mandarins. A feast! Thank you Lindy.

Grace has also made one.

Sandy has too.

Ros has been busy knitting more Teddies for children who have suffered Trauma. The toys have no faces. We understand that this enables the child to identify more closely with the toy. I admit my heart stopped when I was first told about this.

Lindy made this quilt for Community. I think we are calling it  'Spot the Bird'.

Jenny calls this her 'Aspirational Dummy'. It is really wonderful and hand quilted as well. Ten out of ten Jenny!

Heather entered this lovely quilt in the Sydney Royal Easter Show. She was delighted and thrilled not only to win first prize, but also to receive a Standard of Excellence award. It is a very pretty quilt and beautifully made. Well done Heather.

Until next week ....

Sunday, 21 April 2019


Hello Everyone,
Alison on the blog this week and now that I have your attention, I need to explain that Shweshwe "is a printed dyed cotton fabric widely used for traditional South African clothing.Originally dyed indigo, the fabric is manufactured in a variety of colours and printing designs characterised by intricate geometric patterns. Due to its popularity, shweshwe has been described as the denim, or tartan, of South Africa." (Wikipedia)
We were visited by Theresa Loots from South Africa who is visiting her daughter, Vicki Du Plooy.
Theresa told us about her remarkable recent journey in quilting. Having no patchwork experience at all, she decided to make her first quilt ever from a Dresden Plate pattern designed by Alyssoun Ryves which she found on the internet. She was so inspired by the experience that she was determined to find out more about the designer of her quilt and tracked us down.
Theresa donated some Shweshwe fabric and has challenged us to make it into a quilt.
She was then treated to a visit to Carl Ryves' house to view the original quilt.
Shweshwe fabric

Grace, Carl, Theresa, June and Vicki
Things to remember:
This Thursday is ANZAC Day so we won't be meeting.
There will be a Wagga workshop on the following Thursday.
The raffle quilt blocks which were meticulously prepared by Christie have been handed out.
Please follow the markings very carefully and make stitches as small as possible.

Show and Tell:
Baby quilt made by Beryl R. for the Grace Centre

Cot quilt made by June for a women's refuge

Cot quilt by Jenny for a family member who is having a baby

Friday, 12 April 2019

Another Enjoyable Day

Hullo Everyone,

I do like my Thursdays. It is a very pleasant way to spend a day.

I cannot join you next week and the following Thursday is Anzac Day. We will back as usual on May 2nd.


* We received a very nice letter from the Womens' refuge that Robyn has introduced us too. They are very appreciative of the cot quilts and little teddies and bunnies that we have given them.
Making these larger cot quilts - 40" x 40" - is an ongoing commitment.
If you have a spare moment, think about whipping one up.

* Carolyn from the Grace Centre could not come this week. She will now come to collect the Kangaroo quilts and the baby quilts on 9 May.

* Christie has been busy preparing the pieces for the Traditional quilt for our show next year.
Next week Iris will have paper bags of the pieces to be sewn together including instructions.
The pieces can be sewn by hand or machine.
The pieces are quite small so hand sewing may be more accurate.

Quilt Shows:

* Springwood  Community Quilt Sow is on from Friday to Sunday 26-28 April  from 10 am to 4 pm.

* Eastwood Patchwork quilters show is on from 3-5 May from 10 am to 4:30 pm.

Pop-up Shop for Achieve Basket:

Achieve (formerly Crowley House) is having a pop up shop at 427 Darling Street, Balmain next
week from 9 am to 2 pm Monday to Friday.

Jenny needs some 7" zips for the bags she makes for the show. If you see any at Achieve please pick them up for her.

Next Community Day Workshop:

Grace and Helena will be conducting a Wagga Workshop on May 2nd. Grace has lots of tips and will guide us through the process. The waggas are the biggest seller for us at our show so making one is very well worthwhile.

Show and Tell:

Cot quilt for the Womens' refuge from Grace.

And two from Robyn S.

 A baby quilt for the Grace Centre from Bev.

 And four from Carolyn. Carolyn's stash is never-ending.

 This pretty quilt is from Iris. It will be a quilt for Community.

Until next time ....

Friday, 5 April 2019

A Rewarding Day

Hullo Everyone,

As it was Community Day this week, we held a workshop for the wonderful charity, Days for Girls.
Janelle and her colleague arrived with two overlocking machines and two sewing machines.
Some members had brought their own sewing machines as well as the two in our cupboard.
We set to work and made 60 bags for the Days for Girls kits, cut up 6 metres of fabric which was sewn and holders for the pads were turned ready for use.
It was a very busy and satisfying day.
Janelle also showed a video of girls receiving their kits in Africa. The girls cheered when they were told the kits contained two pairs of underpants. They also understood that during their periods, they could still attend school.
The work that Days for Girls does is amazing.


We now have 25 members going to our retreat in September. if you want to come, please call Kurri Kurri to book your spot. Narelle has the details. Please let Narelle know once you have booked.

Kangaroo Quilts:

Members brought in  35 kangaroo quilts for the Grace Centre. They all look wonderful. These will be displayed at next meeting for us all to see.
Members from the Centre will visit us next week to collect them as well as the normal baby quilts we have.

The Achieve Sewing Basket:

They are having a 40% off sale for the next couple of weeks. Also a note that they no longer collect books.

Eastwood Quilt Show:

I have listed upcoming shows in recent blogs.
The Eastwood Show at Brush Farm House will be held in early May from 3 to 5th, 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Anzac Day:

April 25 is Anzac Day. As the day falls on a Thursday this year, there will not be a meeting on that day.

Next Community Day Workshop:

Helena has asked me to advise you that she will be holding a Wagga Workshop on 2nd May.
Winter is approaching and we need to start making Waggas to sell at our show next year.
What better time to learn how to make one and give it a go.

Show and Tell:

Helena made the cot quilt below from some fabric she purchased in Scotland. Robyn will take it to the Mothers and Babies Refuge together with the other cot quilts we have made.

This quilt was made by the Blue Group from scraps from the cupboard. 

Helena made the four cute baby hats for Robyn to take to one of the many charities that she supports.

This quilt, made by the Red Group, has been chosen to go to the Sydney Community Centre to be raffled to raise valuable funds.

Below is the front of the educational folder that Days for Girls has produced to explain the human reproduction system.
Also I have included a photo of two of the bags that contain the undies, waterproof liner, plastic bag, and holder for each kit.

Until next week .....