Friday, 5 April 2019

A Rewarding Day

Hullo Everyone,

As it was Community Day this week, we held a workshop for the wonderful charity, Days for Girls.
Janelle and her colleague arrived with two overlocking machines and two sewing machines.
Some members had brought their own sewing machines as well as the two in our cupboard.
We set to work and made 60 bags for the Days for Girls kits, cut up 6 metres of fabric which was sewn and holders for the pads were turned ready for use.
It was a very busy and satisfying day.
Janelle also showed a video of girls receiving their kits in Africa. The girls cheered when they were told the kits contained two pairs of underpants. They also understood that during their periods, they could still attend school.
The work that Days for Girls does is amazing.


We now have 25 members going to our retreat in September. if you want to come, please call Kurri Kurri to book your spot. Narelle has the details. Please let Narelle know once you have booked.

Kangaroo Quilts:

Members brought in  35 kangaroo quilts for the Grace Centre. They all look wonderful. These will be displayed at next meeting for us all to see.
Members from the Centre will visit us next week to collect them as well as the normal baby quilts we have.

The Achieve Sewing Basket:

They are having a 40% off sale for the next couple of weeks. Also a note that they no longer collect books.

Eastwood Quilt Show:

I have listed upcoming shows in recent blogs.
The Eastwood Show at Brush Farm House will be held in early May from 3 to 5th, 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Anzac Day:

April 25 is Anzac Day. As the day falls on a Thursday this year, there will not be a meeting on that day.

Next Community Day Workshop:

Helena has asked me to advise you that she will be holding a Wagga Workshop on 2nd May.
Winter is approaching and we need to start making Waggas to sell at our show next year.
What better time to learn how to make one and give it a go.

Show and Tell:

Helena made the cot quilt below from some fabric she purchased in Scotland. Robyn will take it to the Mothers and Babies Refuge together with the other cot quilts we have made.

This quilt was made by the Blue Group from scraps from the cupboard. 

Helena made the four cute baby hats for Robyn to take to one of the many charities that she supports.

This quilt, made by the Red Group, has been chosen to go to the Sydney Community Centre to be raffled to raise valuable funds.

Below is the front of the educational folder that Days for Girls has produced to explain the human reproduction system.
Also I have included a photo of two of the bags that contain the undies, waterproof liner, plastic bag, and holder for each kit.

Until next week .....

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