Thursday, 11 August 2016

Quilt Show Opening Night

Hot of the press  ...  Alysoun Ryves Best of Show Award went to Karen Malone.    Karen also won the Hangers Prize.  Well done, Karen.

Welcome to the Labyrinth.

Karen with our Judges, Dr. Karen Walker and Ms Caroline Karsens and Carl Ryves

 All the Winners

Three more days of Quilt Show fun.       See you there.

Sunday, 7 August 2016


Yes, we're there! All is in readiness for our 17th Biennial Show, and we can't wait.
During these last few days, keep talking to friends and neighbours, keep distributing flyers and if you have Facebook or Instagram, keep passing on and sharing our promotional material. I'm sure it will all make a difference in the success of numbers. Thanks everyone for all the effort in preparing the show.

Obviously the Fairland Hall will be deserted next Wednesday, 11th August, because we'll all be at the Town Hall setting up and preparing for Opening Night. If by any chance something we need has been left at Fairland, just see myself or Meg and we will arrange for someone to go down and open it for you. I'm confident that most people took whatever will be needed last Thursday before we locked up.


Not a great deal to share this week as we are slightly preoccupied! But here are a few pieces which were on display.

Val has made a gorgeous baby quilt for The Grace Centre, which is reversible. It's really charming Val. Well done.



Susan D showed us a quilt she used as therapy while she went through her cancer treatments. It gave her something else to focus on. An excellent approach, and a lovely result.


Fran C showed us a quilt top made from  Kaffe Fassett fabrics which came from America. Very nice subtle effects Fran. It will look lovely on a bed, and is a good size for that as well!


Thanks all for the massive effort over the last few months. There will be plenty to see and share on the blog during the show, so watch this space! Have fun!

Saturday, 30 July 2016

28/7/16 TWO WEEKS TO GO!

Great excitement as we count down to the 17th Biennial Hunters Hill Quilters Show!
The second last meeting went very well. Lots of loose ends tied neatly off.
Well done to the whole committee and Meg for her leadership.
Opening Night tickets will still be on sale this week, so don't miss out. Tickets will be on sale at the door, but the more pre-sales the better.
Bring your raffle tickets and money and any unsold ones to Judy G this week please.

Suzie L was asking if anyone has a baby cot, nice wooden one, for the stage display. Give her a call if you can help out there.
See the 'show reminders' email for a full list of things to organise, think about and bring.

We had a visitor from America who sat in with the group this week. We had been recommended to her, so she thought she'd take a look. You were very welcome indeed Glenda!

Thanks to all those who assisted with making morning tea time happen in one way or another, and thanks everyone for washing up your cups. A special mention to Akiko who did a complete wash-up before she left! With a bit of cooperation we muddled through somehow.


Robyn J showed this lovely quilt which she has made for her daughter. It's called "Castle Wall". She will use the design as our next traditional quilt pattern for 2018. I think it will be stunning, just like this one!


Maree K showed this delightful little quilt destined  for the Grace Centre. It's a beauty.


Our American visitor Glenda showed a quilt top she has made. Not her usual colours she said, but it's very nice indeed. Well done!


Heather gave us a preview of her show quilt which she is still quilting. There are a few girls still working away on theirs. I'm sure you'll all make it. No worries!*?!#*! Seriously though, this one is looking amazing as always Heather. Well done!


And I just snapped Deb I working on something fabulous. Not a show one I don't think. Looking good however. So colourful!


So there you have it. Another week of fun, pleasure and beauty! What more could one want?
See you next week for the final wrap up before we launch!
Enjoy the gorgeous sunshine.........

Sunday, 24 July 2016


Yes, it's rushing towards us, but the busy and energetic show committee girls are on the job! 
Another meeting this morning to fine-tune arrangements, and sort out details.
Keep filling in those rosters everyone. Plenty of jobs to do once the show is on, and it will be "all hands on deck!"

Welcome to a new member Sarah from Hunters Hill. Sarah came and met with a few of us, and will return next week with something to work on. Lovely to see new members arriving!


Just a couple of things to show this week. Most people are busy with show stuff rather than finishing other projects!

Yours truely showed the finished quilt top I've been working on for a while now. Great hand project, and genuine scrappy one. I can recommend it as a project, very satisfying. I chose blues and browns, but the original pattern 'Candied Hexagons' by Kerry Dear, was in reds and bright colours. 

The next one was shown by Hayley (welcome back) with this fascinating pattern. Hayley explained what she plans to do with the 'holes' between the blocks, as you can see in the second shot. This is to add a little zing of colour to the muted quilt. Should look great!



Well, must rush. So many things to do and SO LITTLE TIME!
Cheers, Elva

Sunday, 17 July 2016


Yes, we're getting very close to the show.
Rosters were out again today, with plenty of gaps waiting to be filled. So many little tasks to be done to get the show ready and run it smoothly once it starts. Thanks to those who have already signed up.

If you find yourself free during your time at the show, just approach myself, Meg or Narelle and we can assign you to help out wherever there's a gap. Thanks.

Sheets were also available at Suzie, Robyn and Merlyn's table to record details of quilts you wish to sell on the stage. Also on the sheet you can record other goods you have been working on for stage sales.
This information will help the girls organise and price everything in advance.

Judy announced that opening night tickets are now available. Members and their partners of course do not pay, but you or they need to pay for any guests you bring. 

We welcomed a new member this week. Her name is Sue and she is a friend of Meg and Lyn. Lovely to see a new face Sue. Enjoy!

There will be a show meeting for all committee people this coming Thursday, 21st July at 9.30am.


Robyn J showed two quilts which will be for sale on the stage at the show.
The first was made from prize fabric won at the show a few years ago, and very nice it is too.


The second has very interesting fabric behind the dinosaurs. It will definitely be snapped up!


Here's a few close-ups of foxes on Gil's latest Wagga (also for the show of course). They are looking spectacular. The waggas are going to be even more popular than ever this year. You girls have outdone yourselves!




Maree K has also gone a bit foxy, (as well as other creatures) in her latest baby size quilt. Very cute indeed.


I managed to snap this quickly. It is a close-up of yet another gorgeous Wagga - this one by Grace. Beautiful range of colours in the fabric, and look at that spectacular wool stitching! Love it.


And lastly, another quickly snapped gem by Carolyn D. This is a piece of Boro work. Some of you might have seen the display at the Guild Show of Boro fabric. Often used in clothing and of course quilts. Carolyn says this will probably be a wall hanging. Akiko explained to us that Boro in Japanese means 'worn out', but I'd always thought it was a version of the word borrow, as in handing on scraps of unwanted fabric. Very interesting. Can't wait to have a go at it. Might need some advice Carolyn. Maybe a workshop idea?!


Well, nice to see a bit of sun at last. Enjoy the weekend all.
See you next week.

Sunday, 10 July 2016


A very detailed meeting was held to iron out the finer points of show preparation. It's now time for everyone to step up and put their names down for volunteer work during the show weekend. 
Narelle had the kitchen and other rosters spread out on the tables, and thanks to all those who signed up for the many jobs that need doing. That's what we need!

Plenty of our beautiful flyers are still in the cupboard waiting to be distributed. If you have given a bunch to shops, just check if they need a top-up. There are also some laminated A4 posters ready for display wherever appropriate. See Iris for those. 

Please keep selling raffle tickets right up till the show. See Judy for more tickets. Every little bit helps in boosting our profits. 

Suzie L would like information at this point about the stage sales. A sheet will be going around next week asking for sizes of quilts for sale (eg cot, single bed, double etc). Also numbers and types of other products which people have made for sale on the stage. This will assist the stage sales girls to organise and price everything. Many thanks for all your efforts in making these bits and pieces for the stage. We always make a good sum there to contribute to the overall tally. If you won't be at group next week, just email the details of your products to either Suzie or me and it will be added to the list.
Much appreciated!

There will be another Show meeting on Thursday, 21st July at 9.30am. A very hard-working committee are flat chat getting all preparatory jobs done so that the event can run smoothly and be a great success once again. Thank you committee people. Your efforts are much appreciated. 


Just a couple of quilts on show this week.

Grace showed this Wagga being prepared for the show. There really are going to be some beauties this show! Thanks also to the girls who assisted in making up Wagga packs ready for the show. Well done!


Jess showed this quilt in the process of being hand-quilted. The fabric on this side is from Prince Charming. The fabric on the other side is a beautiful collection of blues! Looking spectacular.



Enjoy the improving weather! 
Brace yourselves for the final push towards our fabulous Show!

Saturday, 2 July 2016

June is now gone ..

Elva was participating in a special grandparents day at school,  so Grace was responsible for  midday news, and it is Iris here on 'blog' duty.

As previously discussed,  the Group Display Space at the Guild NSW quilt show was an excellent success.  It was an excellent opportunity  to 'show off' the work that we do for Community and to spread the word about our Quilt Show.   One of the most photographed quilts was Silk Fans by the Orange Community Group.   It will be featured on our  Quilt Show Face Book page this weekend - look out for it, like it and share it !

Meg and I spent some time with Dr. Elizabeth Scott on Thursday morning.  We couldn't help but be totally inspired by her passion for promoting and maintaining mental wellness in young people. She acknowledged that community support like ours is vital to drive treatment for our young people in this long neglected area of health care.

Memo to the Show Coordinators - meeting next week - 9,30 am.    6 weeks to go !

Lots of Show and Tell ...

Jenny and Alison have both participated in a Block of the month with a Sue Daley design through Busy Fingers.   Both quilt tops were examined in detail  .. they looked fabulous!   Both expressed their love of the designs and papers etc. from Sue Daley,  but were not so complimentary on the value/cost of the Block of the Month.

Each block is the same  ..  but the variance in the colours and patterns of the fabrics made them look quite different.

It must be almost show time,  because the production line for Waggas is working overtime:

'Foxes' from Gil  ...  who now has the 'Foxy lady' reputation
Check out the fox with the glasses.

Perfect quilting by Robyn S.

Love the Turquoise from Grace: with perfect matching turquoise backing

And finally a new show and tell from Marie K.:  I don't think this was a 'whipped up in a weekend' job.    

And advice from Dr. Scott  ... keep stitching and quilting - it is excellent for your mental health    ...  have a good sewing week.    Iris