The two Raffle quilts for 2016 are well underway. Just a few more squares needed for the traditional one, and further construction can begin. The contemporary one has most of the blocks needed, so further construction can start soon as well.
Possible judges for the show will be contacted in the next couple of weeks, and we have quite a list to choose from. Don't forget if you have any suggestions, please let me know ASAP.
Kerry has finalised the new contact lists and will send them out soon, possibly this week. We will also print some off for those who don't have access to emails, and some to be kept on file and in the cupboard. In this way, everyone can have immediate access to a copy of the list for keeping in touch. Thanks Kerry.
Robyn J is sending 9 of her quilts to Nepal after a request for them. Wonderful Robyn. Joy also mentioned that space blankets are urgently needed for those sleeping in wet conditions out in the open. Plenty of drop off points near us all. Great that we can help even in a small way.
To start the show and tell this week we have another few products from the "Jess" challenge. (Sorry Jess, but that name has stuck I'm afraid!) I hope Jess is enjoying seeing such enthusiasm, and the bag of lucky dip parcels is now empty! You'll just have to hunt through your own stashes or rummage through the scrap boxes on Thursdays. We'll have a big 'showing' later in the year. Here they are. I'm sorry I didn't get the names of those who made them, but you may be able to tell from who's holding them!
Reversible bag above!
Great work girls! Can't wait to see what turns up next week!
Susan SJ showed her finished and lovely quilt. It was machine quilted by her. Outstanding job Susan.
Orange group created this following quilt for the community collection. Well done girls!
Val and Iris collaborated on this quilt top which has a favourite theme for Val! It's going to make a very cute finished quilt!
Folłwing are some more baby quilts from Maree G, Maree K and Jenny. Many thanks girls.
The following is a quilt by Jenny and Iris previously shown but now completed. A beauty!
Henney and Iris collaborated on this next one, and Iris did the back. Very colourful indeed!
Finally, Ros showed a completed beauty. I'm sorry I must have moved taking the shot. It's a bit blurry I'm afraid. Hope you can see the lovely work. Well done Ros!
What a splendid amount of work! It's an amazingly productive group! I hope a few people were able to make it to the Eastwood Show. Some lovely quilts. And it looked like good crowds in spite of the downpour! Our Deb had a very striking and interesting quilt in which won a first in its division. Well done Deb.
See you all next week. Keep dry if you can!
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