Well, it was a busy hall this week, even though quite a few girls were clearly gone for Easter breaks already. Feverish action was going on at the cupboards as Iris lead a team of willing helpers to sort, cull and organise all our stocks. It will make a huge difference to our storage capacity I believe.
Many thanks to Iris and all the people who stepped up to lend a hand. The payoff was a table groaning with remnants for the taking, and plenty made the most of that! Good job all.
Fees are now overdue for this year, and Grace reports that we currently have close to 60 paid-up members. A good size for the group I think. Well done to Grace for getting her head around the treasurer position so quickly and efficiently. What a find!
Joy reports that there are a few gaps in the kitchen duty roster, most urgently at the end of April and start of June. If you haven't put your name down yet, or are able to do an extra week, please take a glance at the roster and see if you can help out. Thanks Joy for keeping a keen eye on things in the kitchen.
Deb L has sent out an email regarding the Retreat in August. Hard copies have been given to non-email people. Time to decide and sign up so that numbers can be assessed. It's always a fabulous few days away, and this year will be a different time weather-wise. Should be lovely! Thanks Deb.
Plenty of accolades for quite a few of our membership this week. They are as follows:
Heather won a 3rd prize at the Easter Show's Bed Quilt Category with her quilt from our last show. It was "Butterflies, Bugs and All Things Nice". Well done Heather!
Jess has an article about her and instructions for one of her quilts in the current edition of Homespun.
Well done Jess!
Kathy D has a very nice article about he doings in the April edition of the Northern District Times. Well done Kathy!
And the entire group has an article about their last show (2014) in the current edition of Australian Patchwork and Quilting (Vol 24 No 9). Well done everyone!
What a famous lot we are!
Susan H was kind enough to pick up a small brochure with details about an exhibition in Gymea from August to October. It's at the Hazelhurst Gallery & Arts Centre. The exhibition is titled "Labours of Love" , and will feature over 30 items from mid 1800's to the present day. Our Jess has a couple of entries in I believe. It sounds well worth the trip! For more details you could google it or just ask next group to see the brochure. Thanks Susan.
Robyn S now has over 50 baby quilts packed up ready to deliver to The Grace Centre! Well done girls, and thank you so much Robyn for coordinating this initiative and doing the deliveries. We really appreciate it.
Well, as I said, a very busy week. Finally we come to Show and Tell:
First another three baby quilts to add to the pile. One from Jenny, then Judy and lastly Karen (in that order).
The next quilt was made up from donated squares given by a friend of Val's. Grace added some borders, put it together and quilted it. A wonderful result which will now be donated to the community collection.
During the cupboard clean out, Iris found the following gem. It was part of a challenge from the very early days of the group, probably around 1988'ish. June tells us that each member had to make a square representing themselves. I think I've got that part of the story right! It was a hoot of a find, and caused much mirth and enjoyment. Iris plans to erect it somewhere amongst our hall collection I think. Take a look.....
The next shot shows how the colours are working so well together for our traditional raffle quilt design. Looking good.......
And last but not least a shot of Robyn packing up the 50 baby quilts for the Grace Centre. Fantastic work all!
Easter greetings all. Sorry the blog is so late. Sometimes my camera and computer refuse to talk to one another, so I have to wait till they sort out their differences to get the photos across!!###@! Don't you love technology? Cheers!