Sunday, 4 October 2020

A Little Quieter

 Hi Everyone,

As it is school holidays our group was smaller this week. Birthday wishes for all the October members.

A reminder about the 7 quilts for Women and 6 for Men for Sylvanvale.  Refer to last week's blog for details.

Grace has completed the top for the 'Street and Houses' quilt that we contributed to during our lockdown. We are going to hang it in the Hall as a reminder of this year. It looks so good. Those who were there on Thursday had fun looking for their block. I am forever amazed how random blocks fit together so well. I will post a photo when it is finally finished.

Sandy and Grace used the design wall to arrange the wonky star and nine patch blocks from lockdown. Lots of help from everyone but not finalised.

We had a lovely visit from Val Nelson this week. Her daughter has been helping to clear out Val's quilting fabrics and bits and pieces.

Val is looking great but was disappointed that some of her quilting friends were not there this week to talk to.

Sandy did a great job sorting through everything and storing some of the fabric in our cupboards. Some backing fabric too which is always useful. Also some new cutters etc that will be put to good use.

Val had started a Japanese quilt which Ros has taken to finish. There was a large bag of stretched hexagons that had been sewn together in strips. Most of us were able to find some fabric to use.

Slim pickings this week for the Blog but here goes!

Show and Tell:

A baby quilt from Deb T.

One of Rhonda Taylor's tops ready for quilting.

A play mat/tummy time quilt I made  for a friend's baby.

Some flower photos from my garden - Rhododendron.

Dendrobium Orchids 


Until next week .....

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