Sunday, 26 July 2020

Noise Level Rises

Hi Everyone,

21 Members arrived this week. Then Gill called in and stayed for a while which made 22! As you can imagine the noise level rose to a crescendo as there was so much to talk about. Wonderful!

I have friends who belong to Eastwood and Northbridge quilters. Neither group has gone back yet.
Our roster system works well, with 4 members from each group attending.
If we continue to stay vigilant, stay away if not feeling well and hand sanitising, we will be safe.

A number of mask patterns have been shared. I made one this weekend and will make a couple more.
Ask around if you need a pattern. I think they will be required more and more.

It seems everyone is knitting. Bev arrived in the most amazing top this week. Unfortunately I didn't get a photo to show you. Perhaps Bev can send me one so I can post it next time.
My daughters and two granddaughters have been knitting rugs and blankets, slippers, and hand warmers.
Even my grandson has learned how to knit and is sticking with it.

Show and Tell:

Heather told us that Val Duncan had passed away. She used to sit with Norma and Doreen. I remember that she always had to have a cup of coffee first thing when she arrived.
Heather has put together a quilt that Val had made. Every block is different and it is a magnificent quilt. Heather organised for it to be professionally quilted. Her husband is going to mount it on a wall at their home.

Red Group made this Churndash quilt from a photo on a calendar. It will go to Community.

Six Baby Quilts from Sheila

The cutest little dog we saw on a walk this week. It is Cavalier/Pomeranian mix called Lily. She looks like a toy.

Until next week ....

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