Friday, 21 November 2014

A very packed hall!

Hi everyone.
There was an amazing roll up today. So many ladies quilting and chatting away happily. Great to see!

Maybe it was because they all knew that Coleen was coming along to set up her little 'shop'. I know I gave in to temptation and I suspect plenty of others did also. Thanks so much Coleen. We have all stocked up for Christmas presents, either for ourselves or for lucky friends.

Akiko is back, all tanned and relaxed. She actually did some shopping for us on her honeymoon, which impressed many of the girls. Thank you so much for the two lovely books you bought for us Akiko. For peoples' info they are "The Hawaiian Quilt" and "Sashiko Design". They have been passed into the very capable hands of our librarian Janet, who will process them for borrowing.

Thanks to Helena for holding the fort for me last week while I was away. Always reliable and accommodating. Good on you Helena!

Don't forget that donations are still being received for Stepping Stones House. These can be given to Grace next week and Helena after that. Goods for the hamper can be brought along at the Christmas Party where the hamper will be put together and wrapped for presentation. Thanks for all your generosity girls. A reminder that the hamper goods needs to be non-perishable and well within use by date. Thanks.


11th December - Christmas Party (starts at 11am)

15th January - HH Quilters resumes weekly meetings

19th February - HHQ Annual General Meeting
                          a reminder that at the AGM we will be looking to fill 4 positions on the committee
                           these are - Treasurer, Show Convenor, Community Quilts Co-ordinatior, and
                            on the sub-committee Communications Person.

Please keep in mind that we are a suburban quilting group, so these and all other positions are performed as best as our skills enable us to do. In addition, there are many people in the group who have done these positions before and are always ready to lend a hand with advice and experience during the transition. I can certainly attest to that. Also I have found that taking on a position in the committee has opened the whole group up to me. I now know so many more people better, and have made many new friends. It's well worth jumping in. Plenty of help and support available!

And now for some "SHOW AND TELL"

A lovely lady called Sharon came to collect the finished quilt we did for the Lord Mayor's Picnic. Well done everyone. It looks fantastic! Sharon was thrilled and fascinated with its design and textures. 
Thanks to Susan for driving the whole thing and to Helena who I think did the quilting. Here is the result:

The next quilt was made by The Black Group with Joy, Helen et al. It is an eye-catching design, and they have made it for the community quilts collection. The name will be decided by the time it's handed over. Well done girls!

Sheila made this beautiful bag, which was gorgeous. Unfortunately the camera must have moved a bit, but soft or not, I'm including the shots to give you an idea of her wonderful skills. Hope you can make out the Sashiko style pattern on the base. Well done Sheila!

And last of all. And only because I had to find out by accident and bully her into letting me show it, here is a cute and very usable iPad cover design by Hayley. You really come up with some fabulous work Hayley. We're so glad you've joined us! And wouldn't these make a great item for the stage sales at our next quilt show? Perfect!

So there you have it. A full and fantastic day. Enjoy the weekend everyone. Try to keep cool, especially today and Sunday. See you all next week.

Cheers, Elva

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