Friday, 22 August 2014

A Very Busy Day

Well, some of us had a very busy time yesterday. Back to back meetings to de-brief and finalise feedback from the show, then a committee meeting to plan events for the rest of the year.

At last we were able to get over to the hall and enjoy sewing, chatting and catching up. The usual delicious morning tea and plenty of work of a quilting nature to do. No wonder we all look forward to Thursdays so much!

Coming shows for those who have the opportunity to get to them:
Canberra Craft and Quilt Fair 21st to 24th August 10am - 4.30pm daily
Berry Quilting Ehibition 30th and 31st August
Novocastrian Quilters 30th Anniversary Show 11th and 12th October

For more details call Elva.

Grace handed out the photos people sent in with their show quilts. If you didn't pick yours up, Grace has them safely stored for you.

Kathy D talked about some great workshops coming up. If you weren't at group and are interested, give her a call.

Very soon, the last newsletter will be published. We would all like to acknowledge and thank Ailsa for her wonderful efforts in keeping this communication stream going. After this final blockbuster one, the website, blog and group emails will take over the communication role. Thanks Ailsa. We're looking forward to this one indeed. 

Finally some Show & Tell time. Considering we are just surfacing from the show, it's amazing what work is being revealed!

These two cute baby quilts were made for The Grace Centre by Beryl Brooks (blue one) and Marie Kennedy ( whitish one)


This hexagon beauty was done by Jenny Stitt. When did she get the time? A question on everyone's lips! Much admired as girls gathered around to examine and photograph it.

This striking quilt was done by our newest member Hayley. Welcome to Hunters Hill Quilters Hayley! Judging by this work, you're going to fit right in. Gorgeous.

This last quilt was made by Grace and will be donated to Hunters Hill Community Centre.

So there you have it. Hope I've covered everything. Don't forget, any urgent news updates will come by the group email. Look forward to seeing you next Thursday. Enjoy the weekend. Try and stay dry!

Friday, 15 August 2014

Sewing day at Fairland Hall

After a weekend of show activity,  it was good to be able to relax, chat and just sew. 

Elva welcomed a visitor,  Hayley.   Hayley is new to the area and possibly a new member.  As always, new members have an opportunity to 'try us out'  before joining us on a regular bases. 

The August birthday girls were recognised, Audrey, June and Betty next week:  happy birthday all.

Jenny gave an excellent report on the show - thanking everyone for their contribution towards making it another successful show,  and congratulating all the winners.    Jenny's full report will be published in Ailsa's final newsletter in a couple of weeks.        Jenny received a huge applause from everyone for her superior coordination and leadership.

Next week,  the ladies from the Grace Centre for Newborns will be visiting us to collect the latest 'pile' of baby quilts:   

There are 39 in this 'pile' ready for them to collect

Show and Tell:

Helen shared the new pattern that she had bought: The Rajah Quilt Revisited by Lessa Siegele.  It is supported by a book called Patchwork Prisoners which tells of the story of the Rajah Quiltmakers.  Helen suggested that it would be a good addition to our library.

And still on old quilts:  this treasure is a donation.  It is probably dated around the 30s and does need some restoration.

Susan H.,  showed this quilt which is going to the Inala School for their fund raising event.

Forrest Floor made by Robyn S. and her 'team'

Jenny and June made these two cot quilts: 

Blue by June and pink by Jenny

Narelle showed us her quilt  ...
Colourful and Fun

And Elva was delighted to show her granddaughter's finished quilt - made to a  strict criteria !

Fairies and 'Puffy'

Happy sewing,  Iris

Monday, 11 August 2014

The final day for 2014 HHQ Quilt Show

I suspect that this post will be a long one:  the final day had so much to celebrate.   First - all our winners:

Viewer's choice

Friday's Viewers' choice was Grace for her quilt - Molecules Adrift

Saturday's Viewers' choice was Marie G.: I promised a picture - here it is.  As always, the quilting is amazing.

Fly Away Butterflies

Sunday's Viewers' Choice was Margaret D.  

Henri's Harem had no Shutters

Margaret also won the Members' Choice

And the overall Viewers' Choice :   the 'big votes' went to Grace:

Modecules Adrift 

The Full Deck of Playing Cards attracted lots of votes:   

The winning 'card' was Heather's Queen of Spades - a three dimensional 'queen'.   Sorry - I was too late for a picture:  the deck was shuffled and packed away.

The Raffle Quilt draw ...

Barrel Girl Val with our vibrant President, Elva

and the winners are:

Julia Birmingham from Berry and Louise Binney from Lindfield.    Julia choose Bush Bouquet and Louise has won Metropolis.    The quilts are on the way to our winners.   Congratulations to both.

The 'Business' end of a quilt show is always of interest - the more business, the more we can support our favorite charity, Giant Steps,   so a 'red dot' is exciting.

I understand that Robyn's Award winning, hand pieced and hand quilted quilt is now on its way to new owners in the Northern Territory

It has been said many times over the last few days - our quilt show is successful because of all our enthusiastic members  who work hard during the preparation and planning stages as well as over the three days of our show.   My camera found some of them.   

The 'Wagga' Girls

'On Stage' Girls 

Robyn J - where were you ?

The 'Queens of the Kitchen'

Notice how the 'Head' Queen tried to hide

Our 'in house' shop  -  Material Obsession

And our other  'in house' treasures:  Jenny Burton's Antique Quilts

There is no more to say  ...  an excellent show, a successful show and now we wait for another two years before another one !   Three cheers to our (almost) unflappable, organised and wonderful show coordinator - Jenny.

See everyone on Thursday for lots of stories   ....   Cheers Iris

Saturday, 9 August 2014

Day 2 ...Perfect sunny Saturday

The secret 'Friday's Viewers Choice'  from yesterday was 'published' first thing this morning:  Grace's fabulous quilt:    Grace knows how to take a great fabric and make it an even 'super special' fabric with her embellishments.   

Congratulations,  Grace

I've also had the word from today  :  'Saturday's Viewers' Choice'  goes to Marie G.   Traditional and beautifully quilted.    Picture tomorrow !

The 'heart' of a quilt show can always be found in the Quilters Cafe:

Check out some of the goodies!

and the activity!

A huge part of the preparation for the Quilt Show was the design and execution of the two raffle quilts, so selling raffle tickets is an important job:  remember, the show supports Giant Steps.

June puts her heart and soul into the job and  just grabs those customers ....

 and then  'name and number, please' and takes the money!    

Just one more day to enjoy  ...  there are special little details to be found in all of the quilts on show. Come and see for yourself.

A border detail  ...

A little  'fussy cut' rabbit  ......

Last opportunity  ... visit on Sunday,  10am to 4.30.
Raffle ticket winners drawn at 4pm.

See you then 

Cheers Iris

Friday, 8 August 2014

Friday - Day 1

A great first day for our 2014 show.    It was so good to see so many visitors - lots of old friends getting together to enjoy the quilts.  Some agreeing and some disagreeing with the judges choices, but many having difficulty deciding on their 'viewers' choice.    

A 'viewers' choice will be announced for each day - but I wasn't able to get to that secret information at close of this first day.    Hopefully I can make that announcement tomorrow with a picture.   The 'voting counters' are very secretive.

The 'wagga'  room was a hive of activity today:    I took my camera: 

Entrance ...

the waggas on display:  all  for sale, supporting Giant Steps  ...

and  the DIY kits to make your own wagga were selling like hot cakes  ...

Looking forward to chatting to more visitors tomorrow: still time to visit:

Saturday and Sunday:  10am to 4,30pm:    See you there.     Cheers Iris

Opening Celebrations

Thursday night and we were all ready to welcome our visitors:

Audrey and Ros waiting at the door

Barmen 'supremo' ...

An atmosphere of fun filled the Hunters Hill Town Hall...



Then the announcement we were all waiting for  ...

A well deserved and surprised Carolyn receives the Alysoun Ryves Best of Show award

The Best of Show:  Cranes by Carolyn Davis

When announcing the winner, our judge, Professor Mary O'Kane  spoke of the strong Japanese ascetics with nature and patterning - the fans and shapes.  It's like looking though a window.

Other prize winners   ....

The Hangers Prize:   Helen Kahwati

The Judge's Choice awards went to:
Robyn Johnson
Robyn James
Lindy Messenger
Jess Wheelahan
Iris Grayson
June Pryor
Suzie Lord
Sheila Smith
Deborah Laurie

We congratulate all our winners !

My final say  .....     it was very much a Royal Flush evening !  (Sorry,  couldn't resist that)

Looking forward to seeing lots of visitors all weekend:

Friday, Saturday and Sunday, 8th to 10th August: 10am to 4.30pm.

Highlights from today will be posted tonight   ...   Enjoy  !    Iris

Thursday, 7 August 2014

Almost Show Time !

Thursday morning and it was 'all hands on deck' as the Hunters Hill Town Hall was taken over by quilts and quilters and hangers and organisers. 

The welcoming flags are hanging ...


A starting point in the preparations  ...

almost ready  .....

On stage more preparation ....

and tonight we find out which quilt hangs in this spot  ...

Have a wonderful time guests and quilters   ....   update tomorrow.  Cheers Iris