Friday, 27 September 2013

Thursday, 26/9/2013 Update

New Member:  On Thursday we welcomed Sheila who is now an official HHQ member.   Sheila,  we hope you enjoy our group.

Birthday updates:  as I mentioned before, September is a busy birthday month, this week Helena, Ros, Susan D and Deb L all celebrated.

Events coming up ...
This weekend, 28th and 29th September, Cherrybrook Quilters Inc.,  2013 Exhibition at Cherrybrook Uniting Church, New Line Road Cherrybook (opposite Cherrybrook Public School).  10am to 4pm both days.

Campbelltown Quilt Show on 9th and 10 November:  mark the date and I will give a reminder and details closer to the time.

2013 Playing Card Challenge:  all cards have been drawn.  Great response,  though it was mentioned that there wasn't much option !    If you didn't get a card - Jenny has some other special challenges available!

2014 Quilt Show Contemporary raffle quilt is all finished.    It looks fabulous.  Congratulations to Grace and Jessica for the design and to everyone who contributed.

The traditional quilt is now being hand quilted:   Robyn will be happy to hear from the hand quilters in the group.   There is a lot of quilting to be done.

Thanks to Deb L, we had a donation of fabrics and tools:  one of these was a special ruler.  Kathy D. gave us a demo on how best to use the ruler for 1/2 triangles an 1/4 triangles to make sure the bias edges are suitable enclosed and not causing 'wobbly edge' problems.

Show and tell:   lots of interesting work.

Jessica entered her 'Jewels in the Pond' quilt in the Berry competition, One Red Thread, and won second prize.  The detail needs to be seen !

A community donation by Alison and Jessica:   this quilt was put together by Jessica from fabric won by Alison at a previous show - 2008, show I think.

 And Margaret D. had fun putting this together at a retreat, using fabrics from her friend in Fremantle's stash.

I had to add the detail - isn't it a cute block.

Silk from Beryl J.   Mostly from old kimonos.   I've included detail here, as well.

And finally,  but certainly not least,  Kathy D's latest quilt featuring a new range of fabrics by Marcia Derse.

Remember that next week is Community Day.  Meanwhile, have a good week and see you then.   Cheers Iris

Sunday, 22 September 2013

Happy 31st Birthday

Thursday was birthday celebration day with champagne and chocolate cake, so thank you to Betty and Narelle for making it happen.     The lucky door prize went to 'Little' Beryl,  who very generously donated it to Doreen and Gil for wagga inspiration.

And I would like to say thank you to everyone who 'took care of things' while I was away, including Ailsa and Alison for updating the blog.   I was able to 'check in' from far afield.

We received a fun message from Robyn J,  who is having a great trip across the country.    But we also heard that Adrienne is having a tough time health wise.

2013 Birthday Challenge - preparation for a 'Deck of Cards' display at our 2014 Quilt Show. On Thursday there was lots of laughs and moans as card selections were drawn: remember, if you haven't yet drawn your card, do so soon.   There are only a few rules, just have fun.  Any questions just ask Jenny and have a look at Jenny's book for inspiration.

Birthday quilt show and tell:   Our 30th Birthday quilt is now finished.    Haven't fabrics and styles changed since the 20th birthday quilt and this quilt ?

Bargain time at Material Obsession:  Kathy has lots of $10 fabrics from now to the end of the month - so check them out. And on Saturday MO had their Spring Fair with the shop expanding into the spring sunshine. I wasn't able to get there, but I hope lots of HHQ people were able to take advantage of the 20% off that Kathy was offering us.

Show and Tell:      Janet was our only 'show and tell' contributor this week .. its bright and it is pink - just what every 3-year old granddaughter wants!

 Have a good week everyone,  Thanks Iris

Saturday, 14 September 2013

News from Thursday 12/9/2013

News from Ailsa:
Some spectacular `show and tell’ this week.  Caroline produced her `Sunflowers’, inspired by a course she did during her travels to the United States, but much modified through her own artistry.

Beryl’s hexagons are nearly complete

and Grace showed a very different way of using felted wool in her contemporary Wagga.

Don’t forget it's our birthday next Thursday!
Our regular correspondent also returns next week.

Saturday, 7 September 2013

News from Thursday 5/8/2013

Community Day today and, although there is nothing yet completed, several lovely quilts are in preparation.  
Some of the Star blocks for the Lord Mayor's Picnic in December.
 Duck blocks by Helena and her team.

Beryl J. also showed a kimono, probably from the 1970s, which she acquired in Japan. The fabric includes beautiful brocade inserts in black and silver which are, Beryl understands, made from thread woven from thistle. We look forward to her creations from this material.

Saturday, 31 August 2013

News from Thursday 29/8/2013

Our regular correspondent has gone travelling so this is a combined effort. 
At today’s meeting, there was much workmanship to admire. 
Betty has finished her handpieced double wedding band quilt, 
Moina has finished her doggy cot quilt for the new family member 
and Sheila impressed us all with her bright and complex piece featuring `spots’.   

Don’t forget we need the stars returned by next week’s meeting.
Cheers to all,
Ailsa and Alison

Thursday, 22 August 2013

News from Thursday 22/8/2013

Our visitor today was Rhonda T,  who came to collect 12 quilts that we made for the young people in a school in Nepal.   Rhonda told us about the work that is being achieved there by a small group of Australians who care, especially her friend Nola who works tirelessly for the children and the school.   Rhonda was delighted with our quilts and it felt good to make our contribution.

This is  Kathy D's artistic display of the 12 quilts:

and this is my rather boring display !

We've been 'published' again !    Blue on Blue'  our 2012 Raffle Quilt has a fabulous 'double page' spread in the 2014 Quilter's diary.  Get one at Material Obsession.

Coming Events:  a reminder about the Northbridge Quilt Show this weekend and the Epping Quilt Show over the Weekend of 6 and 7 September.   The location details etc. are in last week's blog.

The birthday celebrations for the last two weeks in August belong to Betty and Ellen.  Betty is obviously enjoying her birthday during her holiday and Ellen will be celebrating next week.

Show and Tell:    Judy and Kathy D had great quilts for us to admire. 

Judy's 'squares'

And Kathy's two latest creations:  octagons and a new template for wedding rings,  which Kathy tells us is s simple and easy to use.
Floating octagons

Wedding Ring in subtle grey shades

And look at the finished 2014 Contemporary Raffle Quilt ....  Grace and Jessica - well done !   It is fabulous !      

And last but not least,  this is the perfect camellia that was on our morning tea table  ......

I will be away for the next 3 weeks,  but Judy and the committee will take care of thing on Thursdays and Ailsa and Alison will be looking after the blog.

Have a great three weeks and enjoy,     Cheers Iris    

Saturday, 17 August 2013

News from Thursday 15/8/2013

Too many sad things made up the news for Thursday:  our dear quilting friend Adrienne has added breast cancer to her 'see-saw of wellness' - they were Adrienne's words. Our thoughts are with Adrienne.

Robyn Jo's mum quietly passed away last Friday and one of our newer members, Marie B, passed away very suddenly on Tuesday.

2014 Quilt Show:  Jenny gave us an update on the plans.  Professor Mary O'Kane, NSW Chief Scientist and Engineer has agreed to be our Quilt Judge.   Mary's engineering  background and her interest in embroidery will make for an interesting choice of winning quilts.  

Jenny also made a point of making telling us, that everyone is expected to exhibit a quilt at the show - her comments were - no exceptions and no excuses.   And she will be checking !

Events coming up:
  • Northbridge Quilters Quilt Exhibition, Thursday - Sunday 22 - 25 August, 10am to 4pm, Gallery 307, 307 Sailor's Bay Road, Northbridge.
  • Epping Quilters 2013 Show,  Friday 6/9/2013 11am to 7pm and Friday 7/9/2013 9am to 5pm, Don Moore Community Centre, North Rocks Road, Carlingford.
Quilts for Nepal:  two more finished quilts.   Rhonda is picking them up next week.

 'Football Mates'  (because of the print in the centre fabric). 
Pieced and quilted by  Lindy from the 'cupboard stash' :  bits and pieces from the 'yellow' box.

Ocean Blue:  simple and effective with great quilting, by Gil and Doreen.

And Show and Tell from Jenny ...  another super idea for using those 2 inch squares - good for 'hiding'  the 'not so good' or 'old lady' fabric scraps.

Enjoy your week and I hope it is a good one  ...   Cheers Iris