Happily by the end of the day, all positions on the new committee for 2017 were filled, and the continuing business of the group can seamlessly carry on.
A reminder that yearly membership fees are due, with the closing date 31/3/17.
We were very happy to announce that there are now 6 new members, and look forward to more possibly this year. It's always great to have new blood in the group, new ideas and strengths to share.
Robyn J has pieced all the blocks of the Traditional Show Quilt together, by hand and all by herself!
It looks amazing, and discussion continued regarding how to quilt it.
Thanks so much for your efforts Robyn, and those of all the girls who contributed a block.
The Contemporary Show Quilt is also coming along nicely, looking spectacular on the design wall.
Thanks to Grace for the initial workshop teaching us about the "borro" technique, and how to apply it to this design. Looking very promising. Please let us know if you need more blocks or bits Grace.
The only other Show and Tell this week was a small quilt which was originally started by Joan Gai (a previous member I believe). She tired of it and so Gil took it on to finish. Well done Gil!
I will see you all when I return in early March. Iris will take over blog duties while I'm away. Thanks Iris.
Until then, stay well and safe, and enjoy your stitching!
Cheers, Elva