Sunday, 22 November 2020

Surprise Visit

 Hi Everyone,

Robyn J and Jonquil popped in for a visit this week. It was very good to see them. Both are looking the picture of health. They will join us from now on. We haven't seen them since the lockdown in March.

Sandy has assured me that we have the required number of quilts for Sylvanvale. Thank you to all who contributed.

As some members will not be coming to the end of year Christmas party, Sandy will bring in some of the Christmas Challenge instructions next week . Please take one for anyone you know who won't be at the Christmas lunch on December 10.

I received a copy of the Guild Template this week. You may not know that Grace is contributing the "Block of the Quarter" for this year. Any member who wants to make a block does so, and sends it in. Another group puts them together for a Charity Quilt.

There is also a listing of Proposed Shows for 2021. These include Avalon Quilters (March), Snowy Mountains Group (April), Eastwood Quilters (April), and Caroline Bay Quilters (May).

The Sydney Craft and Quilt Fair is scheduled for June 23-27, 2021. 

Show and Tell:

Sue D made a rabbit without stuffing. Her husband immediately called it Road Kill. Sue also made a couple of Road Kill throws for her grandchildren. Such fun! 

A baby quilt from Marie G.

A pretty blue and white quilt from Sheila. It is a gift for her friend.

Marie G. made this quilt for charity from bits and pieces. Unfortunately the photo is a bit wonky.
Everyone loved it.

Until next week ......

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