Friday, 6 November 2020

Busy Meeting

 Hi Everyone,

We had a busy day this week despite the sudden cold weather and heavy rain. The hall was a good place to be.

Our last day to meet this year will be Thursday 10 December. We will then resume on January 14 2021 to allow the appropriate time for announcement of our AGM to be held in February.

Sylvanvale Christmas quilts: We have filled the required number of 7 quilts for Women and 6 quilts for men. More quilts are underway and these will be for general Community.

Quilt NSW has announced their Special Themed category for their 2021 show - Blue and White, no cream, any blue, if patterned fabric it must read as blue, and no minimum size.

Their Sydney office is still closed. They are hoping to open again at the end of January.

I will send an email to everyone with details for our Christmas party next month. We are permitted a maximum of 34 people in the hall at the moment, with appropriate social distancing. I will be happier if we can manage to do this. We can open the side doors into the playground area if it is fine to give us more space.

If you do not intend to come to the Christmas party I would be grateful if you would let me know.

It was a treat to have a visit from Kathy this week. She and Helena had been hosting an online workshop earlier in the day. Kathy said that the whole world has opened up to us with virtual/zoom workshops. Anyone can join in and learn new techniques, find inspiration from others etc. Kathy urged us to try a virtual workshop.

Akiko is away now until next year. She is visiting her Mum in Japan. Ros has kindly agreed to step in to open the hall each week. Please see me if payment for any expenses is required.

Show and Tell:

Pretty baby quilt from Beryl R.

June's long time friend, Bronwyn, has made and donated 4 quilts. Some have been finished off by June and Iris. Apparently there are many more to come. Bronwyn's work is exquisite. She just loves making them. We are very lucky to receive so many.

Sue D. made this lovely pink quilt for Community.

Until next week ....

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