Friday, 4 October 2019

A Summery Day

Hi Everyone,

It was very warm when we arrived at our meeting this week. Summer is well and truly on its way.
Daylight saving starts this Sunday.

Alison received notification that Craft Depot at Pennant Hills has closed after 23 years. It is always sad when fabric and quilting stores close.
There is a Hobbysew at Westfield Hornsby.

The Bulli Corner Quilters are having their show from 18-19 October  -  9am to 4pm.
It is held at Northern Illawarra Uniting Church, Cnr. Princes Hwy and Point St., Bulli.

Show and Tell:

Carolyn had made 3 more baby quilts. She has now made a total of 163 baby quilts for Westmead.
Sheila also had finished one this week.
I will have to post the photo next week as I totally forgot to photograph them.
I had my 12 year old granddaughter at home on her own so I couldn't spend a lot of time at the meeting this week.

Sue S. made this Wagga top ready to be quilted for our show. 

Marie K. made the cat cot quilt below for Robyn Jst. charity that she supports.

Ros has her mother's doll from 1924. The clothes had started to disintegrate. Ros gave it to Robyn who has made new clothes - petticoat, lace stockings, dress and shoes. Robyn enjoyed doing it.
It looks absolutely amazing.

Margaret D. made this lovely quilt for Community. We are calling it "Nine Patch Stars".

Until next week ....

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