Friday, 30 August 2019

Lovely Rain

Hi Everyone,

It has been so good to have some rainfall this week. I only wish the inland areas and farms were also receiving it.

Many of us battled the wet roads to get here this week. The hall was warm and cosy and busy as usual.

Sandy and Debbie decorated the morning tea table so beautifully. It was a joy. Thank you for the special effort you both made.

We have received a letter from Roseanna Gallo accepting our invitation to be judge for our show next year.

Marie K. brought in more of Moina's fabric for us to use for Community quilts as well as our own.
Sue S. and I raided the Wagga cupboard ready to make a Wagga each. The woollen fabrics are lovely to work with.

Don't forget Helena's free motion quilting workshop next week. Bev is going to help her. Those members who are going to our retreat next weekend bring your machine along on Thursday as you will be packing it up to take to the retreat anyway.

Show and Tell:

Stringalong quilt from Jenny. A great way to use up scraps and so colourful

Red and White (always stunning together) quilt from Sheila. 
Sheila made some of the blocks in classes with Wendy Williams. She also used blocks of her own. 
A beautiful quilt.

Baby quilt from Bev. Pattern from the FreeSpirit Block Party Book from 20 Modern Designers

Jenny had fun using the various stitches on her machine to complete the blue heart quilt that I posted a week or so ago.
I, for one, never seem to use all the amazing stitches available on my machine. Jenny is inspiring me to be more adventurous. 

Until next week ....

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