Sunday, 20 May 2018

Royal Wedding and Retreat

Hello Everyone,

There is not a great deal to report this week.

Perhaps like me, you spent most of Saturday evening watching the Royal Wedding. It was a beautiful day in London. It would have been an experience to have been in London at the time.

This week we spoke about Grace and Gil's Wagga presentation for the NSW Guild study group. It was a huge success. We sold some raffle tickets for our show and handed out fliers.

During our retreat next weekend, Grace and Gil will be working on Waggas to sell at the show. I am sure offers of help will not go astray.

I have emailed directions and details for the retreat to those who are going. Upon arrival at the TAFE, park in the car park and go into the main building to Reception. From there you will be guided to your accommodation. It should be a fun weekend.

Show and Tell:

Grace has put the top together from the pink triangles that we all supplied. I am always amazed how these blocks go together so well. The quilt now needs finishing and will sent to the Dragon Boat people to be raffled.

This is one of the Waggas displayed at Grace's talk. Marie K. made it a while ago. It has been washed in the washing machine and thrown in the car boot and still looks brand new. Waggas are so versatile, warm and useful.

News of the retreat for next week's post.

Until then .....

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